It's a Team's Life
Why use an Expediter?
We are often asked this question and there are a plethora of reasons I can think of and there are many reasons that have not occurred to me.
One funny story that has always stuck with me was a lady at a bank. The load was only going a couple hundred miles but the freight bill was pretty high. The small light box was to be picked up inside the bank and delivered to a secure holding facility a few hundred miles away. The lady was appalled by the freight bill and talked to her manager about canceling the load.
The manager explained to her that the box would be picked up inside the bank by the driver, placed in a secure truck box, strapped in, padlocked and sealed inside the truck box, delivered directly to the secure hold, the same driver would then deliver the box to the secure hold. The documents would be safe the whole time with no contact of the box not under supervision. She decided the price was worth it.
One of our first loads in expediting were two bus engines to a bus manufacture and they had two complete motors sitting on their docks. Bob asked the receiver why he paid for expediting. The receiver replied simple "No freight damage". He went on to explain that they used to use companies where the motors were transferred from truck to truck and the motors always had damage that was costly. They started having the motors shipped by expediters and no more freight damage and less cost and hassle to them in the long run.
Another reason I have heard to use expediters is that we are somewhat of a moving company. We will go up to any floor to get the freight and take the freight to our truck or we will unload our truck with our lift gate and deliver the freight to where the customer needs it. There are times that it is worth the price to them to have this special treatment.
There are many more reasons that I have not covered with a big one being a plant shutdown. We have had manager’s cheer when we drive onto their property, as the assembly line will keep going. Their freight costs are minimal compared with shutting down a line and sending the employees home.
Expediters have a can do attitude and we carry equipment to handle just about any situation, from planking a floor to keep the freight from causing damage to the floor, to building ramps, to padding the funniest looking stuff so there is no damage. If a customer needs something out of the ordinary an expediter can save the day.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO
Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.