It's a Team's Life

Who likes to stand in line for Fuel Tickets?
We trade primarily with TA/Petro but I have heard that other truck stops have something similar in their apps.
If you have the TA/Petro Truck Smart App with a few touches of the screen you can see your fuel receipt within seconds after fueling. At that point, you can screenshot it, email it to yourself, or send it to a file.
To see the fuel ticket on the main screen look to the bottom and see the icon “Loyalty” and tap that. Next tap balances and scroll down past Points balances and past Ultra Extras to see Recent Transactions. Touch one of the transactions to see the fuel ticket. It is that simple.
One problem that is a possibility is getting out of a paid parking lot. I do not know if all gate guards will look at your phone and wave you on. Personally, I am not going to hand over my phone to a gate guard for them to look at the ticket. When at one of these places give it a try but have a paper fuel ticket with you just in case.
The Smart App is very good and it just keeps getting better!
Screen shot from my phone:
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
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