It's a Team's Life

We have seen the Cloud!
Recently we picked up and delivered a load to what I have heard called data banks. Over our years of trucking, we have been to many data storage facilities all over the country, but they were not the “cloud”.
This particular load was as if entering something along the lines of Star Wars as we pulled up to the massive gates. There was a small speaker where I had to state my name and address of where I was picking up. All credentials had been verified before we arrived at the “Gate.” We have done many high secure loads, but I believe this was the strangest facility.
Once the voice had verified who I was, the humongous gates began to open, and my first thought was HOLY COW this is crazy. I drove into this parallel universe with wide eyes as I followed the guard’s directions to my next stop. There were no people in sight, just a massive building with no windows, and I do mean huge. I thought the building was painted to look as if it was from another world.
Once we backed into the dock, we noticed what looked like small houses, and I don’t mean tiny houses and realized the structures were housing generators. The small houses were much bigger than our truck, and at the first facility on one side of the building, Bob counted 24 generators. When we delivered, the security was a little tighter, and I had to go through two of these massive gates and meet a security guard standing in the middle of the driveway with more instructions. We were on a need to know basis. This facility though was expanding, and it looked like they were adding three more buildings as big as the first building.
A few questions were asked, and that is when we learned we were at the “cloud” of data storage. I do not know what I expected to see as I do save some information to the “cloud,” and I even have a “cloud” email address. In all of our years of trucking seeing the “cloud” and realizing how massive these facilities are will rate up in the top ten of the coolest places we have delivered.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
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