It's a Team's Life

Veterans Day
We know many veterans with our favorite being our daughter who is currently serving in the Air Force. She was in school when 911 happened and all of her class was asked this question “The military has changed overnight do you still want to be in military service?” I am happy to say that no one chose to drop out of school.
During her time in the service she has been stationed at North Little Rock, Nellis, Randolph, and now at Lackland. During the past thirteen years, she has been to Panama, Iraq twice, England, and Kuwait. In most places, she has had great internet and has been able to stay in touch with us using her phone or facetime.
Being an Expediter gives us the opportunity that as long as Brandy is stationed in the United States we will get to spend much more time with her then we would have if we had our previous jobs. Several times a year in all of the places she has been stationed in the United States we have been able to visit and spend quality time with her learning more about the area. The most surprising was Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas as within an hour we could be in the mountains where there is snow or back down in the desert and over 100-degree weather.
As Brandy has risen through the ranks of the military we have been able to attend the ceremonies. With her last promotion, we listened in as the colonel talked about her achievements, the money she handles, and her leadership roles and we marveled at how our daughter has matured into a responsible young woman.
Brandy is due any day with her first child. Once again, our jobs have allowed us to be with her here in San Antonio and we will stay as long as we are needed. When Brandy told us many months ago I started planning our time off around the time when our granddaughter is supposed to make her entry in the world.
We are very proud of our veteran!
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.