It's a Team's Life

Trucking is a Lifestyle
We have to adjust our “lifestyle” from when we are at home to when we go back out in the truck. At home our bed does not move, we have a lot more room, we have unlimited running water, our neighbor stays put, and we have ten acres of space to roam around in.
The “lifestyle” gets into your blood, and while it is great to get home, it is just as great to get back out in the truck and head off into the sunset for parts unknown. We spend much more time in our truck then we do at home, and our truck has become our other home.
Over the years we have gone from an OEM sleeper where we spent months on the road, and we were comfortable with what we had. The Freightliner Century was our home away from home, and it felt safe and homey. Now almost twenty years later we are waiting on our new 2019 Freightliner Cascadia with a custom 120” ARI Legacy sleeper that will include a shower.
Our time now is not spent exclusively at truck stops or hoping the shipper or receiver will let us park at their property we have other choices. The new Cascadia will be set up to park at RV Campgrounds and will be able to use the water, sewer, and electrical hookups. Camping is a perfect way to spend a 34-hour restart and be ready to get back to business when the next load comes through.
As truck parking becomes tighter and tighter, we continue to think outside of the box and enjoy our chosen lifestyle.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.