It's a Team's Life


By Linda Caffee
Posted Oct 9th 2011 1:29AM


The word torpor seems to fit very well with what I see happening and here is the definition from

Sluggish – inactivity or inertia

Lethargic – indifference; apathy

I can back that statement up with the fact that when I read posts online that many people are upset over the hours of service that is changing and now a new rule that could lead to banning all cell phone use in a commercial motor vehicles (CMV), drivers still do not get involved.  People have the time to write on line that everyone is out to get us but do not have the time to write letters or get on phone calls to talk with legislatures.

The excuses vary from to busy to I forgot about the call or I just did not get it done.   My favorite is the government is out to get me and there is nothing I can do.   What a great cop out.   I am constantly amazed when I talk with other drivers their lack of knowledge of the rule changes.

Many drivers still do not know what CSA is and what this can do to them.  When this was in the discussion stage many drivers thought CSA stood for one of “those new motors and they did not want one”.   When the listening sessions were happening regarding the changes to the hours of service there was not many that listened and even fewer that attended the sessions.   There were radio shows as well as conference calls discussing the changes and how to submit a letter to FMCSA to get the most bang for their buck and few listened or participated.   Now the HOS changes are getting ready to be implemented and drivers are coming out of the woodwork saying they cannot do that to us.

When our livelihood is on the chopping block we need to be proactive and not reactive, as the deed has been done.   It takes very little time out of our schedule to read, listen and participate in calls and learn what we as drivers can do to influence our lawmakers who do not seem to have a clue what it is like to drive a truck and live our here on the road.

Join OOIDA, pick up the free magazines, listen to the trucking channel, get involved with the many conference calls and get your voice heard when something will affect your business.  


Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


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