It's a Team's Life

Tiny Home
Our tiny home (sleeper) allows us to have a comfortable lifestyle while on the road from two to four months at a time. Many people ask us how we can stay away from home for months and still stay married. In our over twenty years on the road, we have enjoyed ourselves and each truck and sleeper was our home away from home.
It does not take a custom sleeper to be comfortable away from home, what it takes is the determination to make the sleeper a safe and comfortable haven. Each of us has different requirements of what makes us comfortable and what lowers our stress level. Personally, clutter keeps my nerves on end so I want a place for everything.
We have grown from an OEM Freightliner sleeper with a twin bed and a dorm-sized refrigerator to what we have now a 120” ARI Custom Sleeper. What we carry in the sleeper is constantly evolving from cooking in a crockpot with a liner to an Instant Pot, a microwave to now a microwave-convection oven - an air fryer that is awesome. Recently we added a portable Traeger Pellet grill with a cast iron griddle.
During this time of the Covid scare, we have come to appreciate our custom sleeper more. We have no need to worry about meals inside the truck stop and very seldom eat inside even if there is a restaurant available. Each weekend we prepare ourselves for the next week by preparing meals, washing clothes, and cleaning the truck inside and out.
As we plan our next truck and sleeper we have been asked numerous times if we will go with a bigger sleeper and the answer is no we will not. The 120” sleeper fits us perfectly. The next question is will we have a shower in our next sleeper? No, we are not as the shower was not used as we had planned and we have no problems using the truck stop showers. In place of a shower will be easier to use storage for our clothing as well as the pantry. We spend more time away from home and we have always been able to find the comfort inside our sleeper to make our time away from home comfortable.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.