It's a Team's Life

The Cooper Institute

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Sep 4th 2010 1:53PM


Left to Right: Rick Ash, Bob Caffee, Lily Williams,Dr. Cooper, Linda Caffee,Scott Kinley, Jeff Clark Members of our TSG Driver Health Council with Dr. Cooper

We were first introduced to Todd as a guest speaker on one of our conference calls.   He spent an hour discussing vitamins and nutrition and was a fascinating speaker.   He also discussed at length Dr. Cooper and the institute.   Todd met us all in Las Vegas at the truck show and walked with our group.   Todd also attended the Dallas Truck show and walked with us once again.   Todd took on a tour through the research facilities, the doctors' facilities, the hotel, the pools, the outside track and then on to the gym.


I have been in a lot of gyms that I have never seen a gym like that one.   It had the most amazing equipment, an indoor walking track, a wood floor to exercise on, and equipment to help the mobility limited people.   We tried out one machine that shook us through our feet, that is good for people who physically limited in what exercises they can accomplish .   I locked my knees and thought my eyeballs were going to pop out once I unlocked my knees all was good!  

While on tour we were able to meet Dr. Cooper who was two weeks shy of his 80th birthday.    Dr. Cooper spent some time talking with us and sharing fun stories.   He had just two weeks prior been on a white water rafting trip.   Dr. Cooper showed us a picture of him addressing a crowd of over 250,000 people with an interpreter.   We were in awe of this man and all he has accomplished in his life.

“Dr. Cooper in called the “Father of Aerobics” and founded the institute in 1970.   Kenneth H. Cooper, MD., M.P.H., was an Air Force physician who became interested in the role of exercise in preserving health.   He published his first best seller, Aerobics, in 1968, he introduced a new word and was the spark for millions to become active" Source

We felt honored to be asked to tour this facility and also to be able to meet the founder of the institute.   Through our conversations with Todd, Bob and I had our vitamin D checked and found out we were very deficient.   We also learned how hard it is to get our nutrient needs from the foods we eat.   

Thanks to Todd and Dr. Cooper for a fantastic place and I hope we are able to have a return visit and use the spa facilities and that amazing gym. 


TSG, Todd, Gary McNamara and Eric Harley Midnight Radio Network Trucking Hosts

Bob & Linda Caffee
Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical
Saint Louis MO
Expediters 5 years been out here on the road ten years
[email protected]


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