It's a Team's Life
Test from 58 mph to 65 mph
Do to the overwhelming response to Henry Alberts last blog and him slowing down from 65 mph to 60 mph we decided to join in on the test. Henry will drop his top speed to 60 mph. We will pickup our top speed to 65 mph.
We are somewhat renowned for our phenomenal fuel mileage in our 2012 Cascadia powered by a Detroit Diesel DD 13. We are often asked what our fuel mileage would be if we were to speed up from our customary 58 mph to 65 mph.
While Henry and us both get great fuel mileage and use many similar strategies there are also some major differences. Up to this point Henry has achieved his stellar fuel mileage running 65 mph while we have achieved our phenomenal fuel mileage running 58 mph.
Henry runs 65 mph (the speed most trucks travel) to be of interest to people who read his blog. Our decision to run 58 mph is purely a business decision to run as efficiently as possible.
Both of us attend many truck shows and we are constantly asked how much it would affect our fuel mileage if Henry slowed down and we are often asked what would happen if they were to speed up.
Well this is finally going to happen we are going to increase our speed to 65 mph and Henry is going to drop his speed down to 60 mph. It is going to be interesting to see how these changes will affect both of our operations.
We are both planning on starting our tests on February 27 th with me updating my blog and the Henry will post an update on his blog.
Depending on what initial impacts we see will determine how long we will continue the exercise. If the immediate impact is detrimental to our fuel mileage the test will be short because the bottom line is to see how we can improve our fuel mileage.
The following is our spec's for our 2012 Cascadia DD13
HP 370
Torque 1250 @ 1100 RPM
Rear End Ratio 3.21
Ten Speed Ultra Shift
To date our lifetime fuel mileage is: 11.1467
Henry has his spec's on his Blog
Please see Henry's blog for updates and to leave comments:
Henry Albert's Slice of Trucker Life Blog
Bob & Linda Caffee
Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO
Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.