It's a Team's Life

Taxes YUCK

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Feb 12th 2010 5:39AM

We pay our estimated taxes all year, keep our financial information in Quicken so it seems as if getting all of our paperwork together and sent to the accountant would not be a big deal.  We have so many other things we have to think about.  I have to go through our log books and count the days we were away from home and count how many days we were in Canada.  This year we had an added chore as the per deim rate changed October 1st so we have before October 1st days and after October 1st days.  We also have use of our pickup for business and have to add up those miles.  We keep a log in our pickup and record the miles and why the pickup was used.  I then run my reports and copy everything before it is stuffed in an envelope and mailed off.  I always have to hope that I have included all necessary documents as we do not plan on being for a few more months.  Our goal is to not owe the government much as we have made our estimated payments correctly.  Sometimes this works out well and other times..... Lets just say is it best to have money put back for taxes.

Bob & Linda Caffee
Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical
Saint Louis MO
Expediters 5 years been out here on the road ten years
[email protected]


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