It's a Team's Life

Shhh Someone is Sleeping
When we are sitting, we stay close to our sleep schedule, and that can get interesting. I am usually up several hours before Bob, and in this small area, we need to stay quiet to allow our partner to sleep.
In the evening, Bob sits upfront and often watches movies on his iPad or computer and plays games. He also listens to books while playing a game. Sometimes Bob will take Texas for a walk while it is still daylight. When we are on the west coast, he will often polish on the truck in the evening.
Early in the morning, it is always dark, and my options are limited. When I get up, I make two cups of coffee that I put into my Keurig mugs to stay warm. I work on my computer first, and if I get caught up, I put on my headlamp and work on my cross-stitch picture while I wait for the sun to come up.
In the middle of summer and winter, it can get pretty cold or sweltering in the cab of the truck. In the summer, we use our sunshades, and we also have a small fan. The fan will sit on the threshold to the sleeper. The sleeper curtains are wrapped around the fan to keep the sun out and yet pull the cold air from the sleeper. Wintertime can be challenging as the cab gets extremely cold, and we are usually found sitting upfront with our coats on. When sitting in the cab, we use a small electric heater that works very well. Bob added an electrical outlet behind the driver’s seat that also has a USB outlet.
I enjoy my time in the front of the truck, either driving or with the front seat swiveled working on the computer or my cross-stitch when laying over. This quiet time starts my day off right, and I enjoy watching the sun come up.
In a small space, we need to figure out how to respect each other’s sleep schedules so that we get the rest we need for our next load. We need to be able to say, “I cannot hear you now.”
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.