It's a Team's Life

  • Missing Molly

    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Jun 21st 2011 2:34PM
    As time has gone on the ache and pain in my heart is not as bad. I still find that I tear up rather quickly when someon
  • Window Seat

    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Jun 19th 2011 1:48PM
    I have always wanted a window seat where I could sit and read, work on my computer, watch it rain, or just observe the w
  • While on the road have fun!

    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Jun 17th 2011 4:18AM
    We were able to try out a new experience this past week called drifting… I had not heard of this activity and I am
  • Quitting OOIDA

    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Jun 15th 2011 11:19AM
    I was washing clothes the other day and chatting with another driver who was telling me he has quit listening to the Roa
  • Time Zones

    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Jun 13th 2011 3:42PM
    We can rapidly traverse the country and change from one time zone to another. What I find difficult is going to sleep w