It's a Team's Life

Missing Molly

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Jun 21st 2011 2:34PM


The watcher

Today I saw a sight that had me outright bawling like a baby it was so perfect.   A Ryder truck pulled into the truck stop we were sitting and in the passenger seat was a rather large white dog.   This dog reminded me of Molly who was by no means a large dog but this dog reminded me of how she watched the road or in her later years where she thought the road was.

As the truck was pulling around the big white dog was watching calmly out the window perfectly content to be riding around the country with his owner.   This dog’s look reminding me of Molly and how she could watch out the window never really caring where she was just happy to be enjoying a adventure with Bob and I.  


Molly liked to do goofy things as long as she was in our lap or our arms were around her.   She would see me out mowing and wonder out to get in front of me so I had no choice but to pick her up. If she had been a human she would have had her thumb out trying to hitch a ride. Molly never was much for running anywhere and always meandered to a point she had picked out.   Molly would ride in front of me on the mower for hours in the hot sun.   If we went sledding she liked to sit in our laps and be pulled around as long as she was wearing her coat, as she did not like to get cold.   At Christmas she liked to sit in my lap totally in my way while I opened Christmas gifts.   Molly liked to do anything as long as it involved a human, which even included being groomed.   One of the funniest was when she had a tumor removed from her chest, she was happy to lay on her back while they removed the tumor as long as someone was petting her.  

The white dogs owner did the same as we have done in the past; he parked near grass and got his dog out to stretch his legs.   The dog was nothing-special just one happy critter enjoying life and what life had to offer.   It looked like this man and his dog were very happy and comfortable with each other and I hope they have as many happy days as we did with Molly.

 We still miss Molly every day, as we will as long as we live.   I remember all of the happy times with her and not so much the times when she was struggling to keep up with our lifestyle.   Our truck is still not as warm and inviting as it was when we had Molly to welcome us back.  

As long as we are in a White Glove truck we will not have another pet, but I am counting down the days till I can once again have a dog to hug and to hang out with.  

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


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