It's a Team's Life
Quitting OOIDA
I was appalled by this declaration and asked him why in the world he had done this. His explanation saddened me as OOIDA lost a good member and by his silence OOIDA has no clue this happened.
The driver explained to me he has been an O/O for the past twenty-two years hauling heavy loads. He has run a good clean successful business that is compliant with the laws. He has had enough of listening to drivers call into radio shows and whine about being picked on and the radio show host sympathizing with them.
He felt OOIDA has gone over board trying to protect drivers who are not taking care of their business and blaming others or the government for all of their problems. I asked him if he had called in or done anything to get his voice heard and he said he had not. He spoke with his feet and moved on.
I gave my standard response I wish you had called OOIDA before you quit and gave them your opinion. I started thinking of other drivers I have spoken to who talk with their feet and not their mouth. I was able to talk with board member Bill Rode about my concerns and he asked me how many drivers call into the hot line and say what is happening to them that is good? A good story about a scale or a positive shipper experience or even a 4-wheeler doing the right thing. Who they hear from is the guy that is upset not the guy who has a warm fuzzy feeling.
I then called into the office and talked with Norita Taylor, Public Affairs, about my concerns and the people that are talking with their feet. We discussed getting drivers to call in and discuss what they are unhappy about. If all of us would call in about our thoughts good or bad we could bring about change. The number to call into the recorded hot line dial 800 324 6856. There are a lot of members who do not think EOBR’s are the end of the world, who do not think we need mandatory detention pay, and who does not think CSA is the end of the world, as we know it.
To call in to OOIDA have your membership number ready and dial 816 229 5791 and ask to talk with one of the people below. If near OOIDA take a tour of the offices and meet many of these people. They are a great bunch
E-mail Address
Office of the President
Jim Johnston
Executive Assistant
Angel Burnell
Executive Vice President
Todd Spencer
Human Resources
Lesa Godwin
Business Assistance
Karen Johnston
Information Technology
Debbie Hines
Sylvia Dodson
Land Line Magazine
Sandi Soendker
Land Line Now
Mark Reddig
Regulatory Affairs
Joe Rajkovacz
Truck Insurance Agents
Alnita Hansen
Truck Underwriting
Todd Folscroft
Member Info
Donna Ryun
Truck Insurance Claims
Chuck Johnston