It's a Team's Life

Michelin Tires - Video

By Bob Caffee
Posted Oct 15th 2012 3:48AM


We have been using Michelin tires since the first day we became owner/operators. I knew we wanted Michelin tires from past experience with fleets I worked for. Our first truck was spec’d with Michelin's so when it came time for replacements Michelin was our first choice. After learning more about tire selection, I was still convinced Michelin was the right choice. We changed to X-one wide base singles when our first set of drive tires needed replaced. We got a good deal swapping wheels and the X-ones were less expensive than the duals would have been. As an added bonus we got better fuel mileage with the wide singles.


Our dual tires were down to 6/32nds after about 285,000 miles, the first X-ones were at 376,000 miles with 11/32nds left when they had to be replaced due to a bubble in sidewall caused by tire shop. I truly believe they would have made it past 500,000 miles with no problem.



On this truck we got the X-ones from the start, after 175,000 miles no problems with 13/32nds to go. We also put the wide singles on the lift axle. For two reasons, first when any tire is on the ground it causes drag so, while it's not on the ground often, when it is we wanted the lowest rolling resistance we could get in that position. Second, if there was a problem on the drive axle the lift axle tires could be moved to the drive position. This can also help keep tire wear even by rotating back and forth.


Running wide singles also has a maintenance advantage. On a normal three-axle tractor with duals, there are ten tires to maintain, with wide singles only six. There is also a timesaving’s while doing a Pre-trip inspection. We run a TPMS, tire pressure monitoring system, so tire pressures on all six tires can be checked at any time in seconds. This system will warn of a low tire at any time allowing you stop and make necessary corrections. 


We were recently featured in a Michelin You Tube video talking about our tires:

Michelin Web Site

You Tube Video

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years

[email protected]


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