It's a Team's Life

Making and breaking plans

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Nov 14th 2010 2:13AM

We had decided not to go home at Thanksgiving or if we did get by the house just pickup the mail and keep right on going.   We had some unforeseen family circumstances that changed our minds about being home for Thanksgiving.   I immediately began making plans on what all we could be done in about the 3 days we planned to be home.   That plans fell through and we are not going home…

I spend a great amount of time planning the holidays since we are not at home until the last minute and have to hit the ground at a run.   I enjoy sending out Christmas cards and usually start that process December 1.   I also have to get gifts sent out early or they will not arrive in time for Christmas.   If I order gifts, I have them sent directly or as in this year, I have a few gifts I have made that need to be shipped directly.  

Our youngest daughter who is a Captain in the Air Force will be at the house for ten days and we have lots and many plans. We are going to host a mystery dinner right after Christmas and we are all looking forward to that.   The girls and Bob enjoy having parts in the mystery dinners while I more enjoy being in the background keeping everything going.  

Thanksgiving on the road is not as harsh as it seems when we are looking forward to a fun filled Christmas holiday.   We also pre plan for our time at home and the holidays as our fixed expenses continue on when the truck is just sitting.   When we plan to take this much time off I watch our expenses and take into account what our bills are and will be while off and also to get caught back up when we go back on the road in January.  

Bob & Linda Caffee
Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical
Saint Louis MO
Expediters 5 years been out here on the road ten years
[email protected]


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