It's a Team's Life

It’s that time of year
We were just home in August and it was HOT but we put our chains back on the truck and I loaded our light jackets as well as our heavy jackets. Clothing ranges from short sleeves to long sleeves, warm socks as well as sandals and shorts. We should be home again before it gets really cold and stays cold for most of the country and I have not added our hats, scarves, and mittens. In the past, few years I have also added shoe chains that are used to walk on ice and they work really good, easy to put on and easy to take off.
Right now, I have the jackets, coats, and long sleeve shirts put away in a back basket and have kept my summer clothing in our front baskets. Baskets help to keep everything organized and easy to reach. Our shelving is deep enough that I cannot reach into the back corners and I know that I would lose stuff back in the dark recesses without the ease of the baskets.
As it gets cooler I cook a little different and I cannot wait to make the first batch of Chili as that is one of my favorite comfort meals in the winter. My Chili is usually on the spicy side, with a lot of Chili seasoning. I use hamburger in my Chili and from there it is often a case of using what I have on hand. Never will it taste the same.
Speaking of cooking something else that is really enjoyable to eat in the truck is squash. If you have a microwave you can make squash easily. My two favorites are Acorn Squash and Spaghetti Squash and I like to cook them a variety of ways. In October I like to buy pumpkins and cook a stew in the pumpkin and serve. The best part of a squash is that it is a ready-made bowl and it is better than a bread bowl any day of the week.
Fall is a great time of the year as we watch the leaves change all over the country and hear the sounds of fall. When possible we leave our windows open to get the cool to sometimes cold breeze and listen to the leaves as they rustle about. As we are driving on lonely country roads we also are able to watch as leaves blow across the road and leaves drop from the trees.
Yep Fall is a great time of the year! Before we know it, Halloween will be here with the spooky houses, laughing jack-o-lanterns, and the awesome witches. I have already been thinking of ways to decorate the truck for this year’s Halloween.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.