It's a Team's Life

It's all about the soap
First I like the idea of homemade versus store bought, as I know the ingredients that are used and that the soap is not mostly fillers and chemicals that are hard on my body or skin. A year or so ago I was able to spend some time at Stacie Willis's soap cabin and learn a little about the process of making soap. I was immediately overwhelmed and out of my depth as I listened to Stacie explain what all goes into making each bar of soap. Stacie started making homemade soaps about twelve years ago and this year she is upgrading from her soap cabin to her own soap shop!
First Stacie talked about her research and how some ingredients do not work well with others and might not set up correctly. Then she talked about how she purchases her ingredients and how she researches the company to make sure they are using the highest quality ingredients. No Amazon shopping for her when making soap. I think Stacie is part scientist.
Then Stacie took me on a tour of the "Soap Cabin" where she makes her Bare Bottom Soaps, and my mouth dropped at all of her supplies. This is not a whim of a hobby this is a serious business. Next she let me "help" her make soap, basically I watched as she mixed, measured, and weighed everything that would be mixed and heated. She explained all of her different molds and how she learned from her mistakes. A lot goes into making the perfect shape, color, smell, and texture depending on what type of soap she was making. Each of her soaps is beautiful and smells good down to the last sliver.
Her essential oil collection was fabulous and in no time I had several favorites that I liked and wanted soaps with that scent. Her essential oils were not of the same class of the essential oils I use in the truck. It was a lot of fun helping Stacie and learning about her business and what all goes into her creations. Since my education with her I have not used store bought soap since and have gave several of her Bare Bottom soaps as gifts.
Stacie keeps track of each persons order and their preferences and feedback. Now I call Stacie tell her how much I want to spend as I keep a large quantity of soaps stashed away in the truck. When Stacie gets my request she fills my order with what I like and sends it to the house. During the holidays when I am buying for a certain person I tell her a little about them and she fills the order and sends the perfectly wrapped gift for me. Stacie is very good at customer service.
The best part is Stacie is a truck driver when needed and also a fleet owner. She understands truck drivers and what the water in many truck stops can be like; sometimes-hard water or sometimes soft water.
A little about homemade soaps that I learned:
Handmade soap contains Glycerin, this is a natural skin softener and is usually taken out of the store bought soaps and used in lotions.
Handmade soap uses Essential Oils not Fragrance
I found this article interesting about store bought soap versus homemade soap.
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Bare Bottom Soap Company
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Bare Bottom Soap Company
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
[email protected]
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Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
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Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.