It's a Team's Life

If you die whose fault is it? Does it really matter?
It is heartbreaking to hear or read stories of children and adults
As the person walking, fueling, or having children in a truck stop we need to take care of our safety so we do not end up on the checked off permanently list. Women I believe tend to be more conscious of where we walk, our surroundings, as well as the lighting.
Something that really scared me badly happened just a few weeks ago and I really wish I would have gone and grabbed this driver out of the truck and gave them a tongue lashing. As I was walking back to our truck I was about two feet in front of the trucks and one truck was nosed in and had no lights on. This driver decided to slide his trailer
 Some other Truck Stop Safety Tips
 Either don’t carry a purse or keep the purse tucked under your arm
Watch – Watch – Watch for everything and everyone
Watch for trailers shooting backward.
Truck speeds as they enter the truck stop or leave
Walk in front of trucks at least three feet out so the driver can see you
Eye Contact – If a driver looks like he is getting ready to move the truck make eye contact with  them before crossing in front of truck
Don’t walk between trucks and trailers
Walk with a purpose
Walk paying attention to all surroundings from the surface of the road to if someone is hiding
Wear good shoes – high heels have a place and it is not the truck stop parking lot
Use flashers to back – let people know your intentionsÂ
Park where lighted if possible
Lock doors immediately – if you get out to check something lock the doors
Watch when climbing out of truck for uneven surfaces
Keep a grip on the grab handles and get out of the truck correctly
An older friend of ours that has over five million miles safe driving just about lost his career over a fall when getting out of his truck. When he stepped down he thought he was stepping onto the curb but it had a steep drop off and that is what he stepped onto and fell to the ground with a broken hip. Not only was he in a lot of pain but it took a bit for him to be found and then several months to recover. Amazingly enough, he is back driving and working on his next million miles of safe driving.
It is up to us to keep ourselves safe and to do everything possible to keep others safe as we drive our commercial vehicles.  Don’t let the dangers that can be avoided in a truck stop prematurely check you out.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.