It's a Team's Life

If the trucks a rocking…

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Jan 28th 2011 4:45AM

We had to walk by the Exercise Store on the way to the vet’s office and each time I admired the Hula-Hoops in the window display.   They were adult versions and in various interesting color tones.  

We had a little time before Molly would be able to leave the vets office so we wandered over to the Exercise Store to look around.   One of the first things in the store that drew my eye was a wobble board.   This is a small wooden platform with a ball attached to the bottom.   The idea is to balance the board while standing on it.   Sounded simple…

I asked about the Hula-Hoops and found that not only were the hoops not the kids version they did not carry a kids version price!   I picked one up and realized immediately that this was not a toy and the hoop is very durable.

This winter has been brutal on getting out and exercising.   It seems as if when the truck has been parked we are in horrible weather.   We have been in rain, sleet, snow and bitter cold temperatures.   We took the TV out of our truck a year ago, which then necessitated taking out the Wii fitness.   It was summer and we thought nothing of this.   Now it is winter and both of us are wishing we had the Wii back.

After a little debate we purchased the Wobble Board, a Hula-Hoop and a purple resistance band.   We took our purchases back with us to the Jubitz Truck Stop where it was still raining.   We climbed into the back of the truck to try out our purchases.  


The Wobble Board is trickier then I first thought it would be.   My balance is sure not what it used to be and I was in for a rude surprise as the Wobble Board repeatedly tried to toss me off.   The Board has a mind of its own and I feel as if I am on a bucking bronco.   First the board spins me to the right and to the left and when that does not work it dips in all directions rapidly in succession until I grab a load bar for support. It is a riot and while trying to stay balanced I can feel every muscle in my body working. When Bob first saw my maneuvers on the board he cracked up laughing then he tried it.   Bob does have better balance then me and the board behaves better for him.   It still throws him off every chance it gets.

Next I put on my ear buds, crank up the alternative music, give the Hula-Hoop a twirl and go to town.   The Hula-Hoop is fun and with just a few tries I remembered how to twirl the hoop.   I noticed while hooping away that the straps in the truck were also swaying on the walls in tune to my hooping.   I had to laugh when I thought of what this must look like to a passerby! I am sure when someone walks by our truck and sees the swaying and manacle laughter coming from the back they might consider dialing 911.

Both of these pieces of equipment will be easy to stow away in the truck.   They are both excellent for core muscles, which is what seems to be deteriorating the fastest on us while sitting all of the time.   Both pieces of equipment are fun to use and something I plan to use often.   One of the sites I read said to hoop going both directions.   I am not sure that I am an ambidextrous hooper, but I am willing to give this a try.

So if you see our truck a rocking grab your hoop and your wobble board and come join in on the fun!

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


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