It's a Team's Life

Heavy Heart

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Mar 7th 2011 2:05AM


Molly need I say more...

Molly is struggling to keep up with us and it is tearing our hearts out.   Each day Molly wakes up to a new world with a new surface she has to walk on to find grass.   In the afternoon she can be in 80 degree weather and the next morning she is -16 degree weather.   The surfaces every time she gets out of the truck are tricky and she finds herself falling down often.


Molly dressed to go outside in the cold and mud

Molly has been very lucky as she does not have arthritis and does not have to fight that pain.   She does not see well and cannot hear most sounds.   She is not able to distinguish a slopping surface or a small step and this seems to confound her and she often trips.   Molly is funny, as this does not seem to faze her; she gets back up and continues on. Her nose seems to still work pretty fine and she enjoys following a trail.


One of Molly's jobs is watching

Molly is always on a leash and we are able to keep her safe and away from the many obstacles that she is not able to navigate.   Molly has never paid any attention to vehicles and I think does not see many of them that could easily run her over.


Molly visiting with Leo Bricker

One of my pet peeves and I know that bothers her is the people who do not keep their dog on a leash as they’re “friendly”.   While that may be true they are usually so friendly they would knock her over if we left her on the ground.   Molly has never really cared for other dogs and she ignores them as best as possible.   She is a people dog and has always enjoyed attention from strangers.


Molly's favorite activity is sleeping and she is good at it

Molly is struggling with kidney failure and is now on special dog food, special treats and medication.   Molly really misses her one chicken jerky stick she would receive before going to bed.   Molly is also fighting with tumors and fat lumps on her body.   She dodged one bullet as her patience and trust in humans enabled her to have a tumor cut off of her chest under a local instead of being put under while in the Portland area.  


  Molly is always involved with us and she takes her turn sledding

Molly arrived in our home January 1st of 1996 just in time to get our girls through high school.   She cheered on the girls at all outdoor events and visited with their friends.   After the girls left for college she went with us in our new adventure of living in a truck and has a couple million miles on her.   She has been a huge part of our family's lives and it is hard to watch her struggling to stay with us.


Visiting a gold mine in North Carolina

We continue to enjoy each and every day with her, as we know the days are numbered.