It's a Team's Life

Grapevine I-5 California
This mountain has caused many truck drivers to clench their toes in fear as they headed up the mountain. The Freightliner Cascadia works with you to go down steep mountain grades.
Tejon Pass 4100 ‘
70,000 vehicles daily and 1 in 4 commercial trucks
40-mile stretch
Why the name Grapevine?
In 1772 while looking for a shorter way to go from San Diego to Monterey California a canyon pass was discovered in the Santa Clarita Valley. The route was originally named “La Canada de Las Uvas” or “Canyon of the Grapes” because of the abundance of grapevines along the route.
A few mountain passes come to mind that has an easy or a hard side to go down. With Grapevine the easy side is going south on I-5 as the grade is gradual. When talking to a driver who has driven for very long they can tell you either their story or something they have witnessed going over this mountain that is hair raising. The two right lanes of the road are really rough where the trucks travel and the posted truck speeds are slow. Even with the slow speed limits when going north over the Grapevine there are several runaway ramps which are not used now nearly as much as they were in years gone by.
In our recent trip over the Grapevine heading south the engine brake did all of the work and the brakes were never used. It is a beautiful area of the country to drive through.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
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