It's a Team's Life

Getting the truck ready for winter

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Nov 14th 2011 6:16AM


Bob spends a lot of time getting the truck ready for winter as if something can go wrong it will go wrong when the temperature is below freezing.   Keep a heavy-duty flashlight on the truck as well as spare batteries.   A headlamp can become very handy if you are under the truck and using both hands.


Bob starts preparing the truck for winter by draining the air tanks of moisture as well as replacing the filter in the air dryer every other year.   Keep deicer windshield fluid in the tank and keep the reservoir full and an extra gallon in the toolboxes.   Be extra studios of checking for coolant leaks as when things get cold they expand and if a hose clamp is loose there will be a leak.


Carry fuel conditioner for anti gelling and the additive to clear a gelled fuel system.    We carry 911 and have had to use this once when our Rig Master started to gel a few years ago.


Bob installed slush busters on our truck and has for the past six years which helps to keep the ice from building up on the windshield.   We also keep an extra set of windshield wipers as we go through them often I the winter.  


Check the wiring often as ice buildup can tear-up the wiring harness.   Check the tire chains to make sure there has been no damage to the chains and if using automatic chains make sure they are in working order.   If you have not ever installed chains before now is the time to read the bags as make sure you understand this process.   If you have any questions lay the chains out and go ahead and install the chains.   When the dreaded chains required signs is seen in the distance there will be a lot less stress if we all ready know how to put chains on.  


Carry a set of coveralls, as these will come in very handy when installing chains, as this is a dirty job.   The coveralls can be taken off and stored in a toolbox until they can be washed.   Having a set of working gloves that will keep your hands warm as well as be able to feel the tools you are working with.  


All times of the year keep a spare headlamp and any other replaceable bulbs, spare fuses, and know how to change them.  



Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


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