It's a Team's Life

GATS Pride & Polish Part 3 the Results
We spent all day Wednesday putting the final touches on our truck. On Thursday morning we went in early to wipe down the truck show one more time before the announcement is made to put all rags down.Â
- ·    Final wipe down of all surfaces
- ·       As I am backing out of the truck I do over the floor one more time
- ·       Every surface in the cab of the truck is polished
- ·       Minimizer seats are wiped down
- ·       The floor is wiped down as I back out
- ·       No one is allowed to go back into the truck till the judges arrive.
- ·       Bob wipes down the engine and all the hoses
- ·       Once he shuts the hood it will not be opened till judging
- ·       All of the truck and freight box is dusted
- ·       Wheels wiped down
- ·       Tires are wiped down again
Once all of this is done the Cascadia will not be touched until the judges are ready to score the truck. The first judges to approach the truck were the interior judges, and the judging starts from the outside of the truck. As the judges approach the truck they are looking at us and judging us as we speak and say hello. The judges ask us questions about the truck and the sleeper. Next, the judges and I get into the truck as I answer questions and they look around. They enjoyed looking in the shower and asking questions about our new sleeper. We have had the same judges for many years, and they had a lot of questions about the new sleeper and truck.
Next, the exterior judges arrived and started their interviews with Bob. Before the judges came, we looked at our competition and knew that the exterior of our truck was not ready for this show.  Bob had about one week after we got the truck home to do as much as possible and he prepared the truck to haul freight not only to show the truck. Next year the exterior will be much more up to snuff! The judges were very interested in how the truck was set up and future plans.
Overall it was a very good show, and we had a great time talking to attendees and showing them the sleeper and talking about Team Run Smart and Expediting. Several of our favorite subjects. Â
When the awards were announced, we got first in after-market sleeper and did not place in the exterior class for new trucks. The truck show closed at 4:00 PM and at 3:45 we were allowed to take the tape off of our fuel caps and reconnect the batteries or in many of the cases switch the battery switch to on. Promptly at 4:00, the trucks started to roll out of the convention center, and it felt like a parade with all of the people lining the route taking pictures of us. What a fantastic way to end a very successful Pride and Polish show at the 2019 Great America Trucking Show, Dallas TX
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.