It's a Team's Life

GATS 2011 just memories

By Linda Caffee
Posted Sep 1st 2011 3:06AM


Truck inside Expediters Online Booth

First we had our truck in the Expediters Online booth and our assigned time to enter the building was one o’clock on Tuesday.   This turned into a hurry up and wait situation and a little frustration.   The marshaling yard in not near the convention center and is located in a dirt lot.   We had spent two days working on the truck to be told we had to get our gate passes in another location.   Needless to say the truck was covered in dust.   We finally received our entrance certificate and then had to wait for the phone call to let us know when we could start up the ramp to enter the building.   We knew ahead of time we had to have less then a quarter tank of fuel but many did not and fuel was selling cheap.   I saw one guy get 200 gallons of fuel for $200.00.

Once we entered the building we had to decide how to position the truck in the booth.   We did not have an inch to spare on either end…   We dusted the truck off in the coolness of the building as the show started to come to life.   It is always fun watching an empty cavernous building slowly fill up and become exciting.  

Our first event was a workshop on Driver-to-Driver health tips on Thursday and we learned that on Thursday it is not a good idea to have workshops!   Not much participation in either the Driver-to-Driver or Expediter workshops.   We were able to talk with a few contractors about health issues as well as expediting.


Rick Ash, Trucking Solutions Group Chairman, Buddy, Linda

Friday things started getting crazy, as it was time to set up the American Red Cross first blood drive held during GATS!    It took a bit to get all the blood drive people in the booth and set up.   They were amazed when they saw how many trucks and vendors were inside the building.   The blood drive was a HUGE success and plans are being laid on how to make it even better for GATS 2012. Truck drivers are a giving lot and many took time out of their schedule to give a pint of blood.  

During Friday I worked in the Women in Trucking booth and I was able to talk with some amazing women truck drivers.   Ellen and I also talked with Maya Sieber the newest Ice Road Trucker.   For never seeing the show I find it funny I have now met two of the drivers.   We are hoping Maya will speak during the Salute to Women Drivers held during MATS 2012.


Driver Health Awareness Walk Bob Perry leading

On Saturday we had our Driver Health Awareness walk and while not as big as last year we had fun and we were able to meet some new drivers.   We really appreciate all that got out of bed early to come walk with us!   Saturday was a very busy day and we found it to be our busiest day and one where we talked with many potential new expediters.   It was different then different truck shows where on Saturday is usually a day out with the family and no one has much interest in anything but the free stuff.  

We found that our workshops did not work well and we had more impact talking to people one on one or to small groups.   Each show we learn something new and this one was no exception.   Our truck was highly visible and we gave many tours and it was nice to set in and take a break.   If the doors were unlocked or open there was a steady stream of people getting in and out.   We had several of the Freightliner people up in our truck who were responsible for different parts of the Cascadia and I think they enjoyed seeing the truck and work and hearing how well we were enjoying the truck.    



Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.