It's a Team's Life

Expediters Online University - Knoxville, TN

By Linda Caffee
Posted Feb 2nd 2014 6:02AM


Knoxville, TN February 27th, 2014 5pm - 9pm

Registration is free information gained is invaluable...

We just received word that we will be one of the guest presenters at the Knoxville, TN workshop.   Our topic will be how Freightliners Team Run Smart web site will help you to succeed and also our personal perspective of life as expediters.  

Last year at one of the workshops we were able to talk about Team Run Smart and this year in addition we will add a short talk on our experiences as expediters.    We attended our first Expedite Expo ten years ago and we credit part of our success to attending the workshops.

We made the life changing decision to leave our "secure" jobs with benefits to running up and down the road like gypsies.   Most of our family and colleagues thought we were making a rash decision, what they did not realize was the extent of our research and knowledge.   

One such step is to learn as much as possible about the industry by reading or researching the Expediters Online Open Forums - Forums -, attending workshops, talking to recruiters, and talking to current expediters.   Research and networking is what will help you to succeed and also give you a glimpse into the reality of commercial drivers and not the rose-colored glass imagination of becoming over the road drivers.    

Freightliners Team Run Smart web site is helpful about how to help all over the road drivers to learn more about the trucking industry.  

While attending the workshop please stop by our Team Run Smart table and ask questions!   We will also stay after the workshop to talk with anyone that has more questions after listening to the speakers.  

Tips for attending the workshop:

Bring an open mind and ask questions

Plan enough time to take advantage of everyone there who is willing to share information.

Bring notebook and pen to take notes

Research the forums before attending

Get business cards of presenters

Registration is free to the workshop:

Knoxville Workshop

Freightliner Team Run Smart Web site

Team Run Smart


Bob & Linda Caffee


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 9 years been out here on the road 14 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.