It's a Team's Life

Expedite Expo 2012 Almost HERE

By Linda Caffee
Posted Jul 19th 2012 1:52AM


This will be our 9th year of attending the Expedite Expo and each one has been special.   We attended our first Expedite Expo in 2004 when we were considering becoming Expediters.   Our first Expo was held in Michigan and we flew from Kansas to attend the event. Now the Expedite Expo is held in Wilmington, OH and is indoors with many more vendors and people.

While the show is free to attend the amount of information received is PRICELESS.   This is the place for prospective expediters to talk with recruiters, truck salesmen, and drivers.   There is a plethora of all the above and they want to talk to you.   As experienced expediters we consider this a business workshop and a must for our business.

Our first year we were newbies and I took copious amounts of notes from everyone we talked to, from drivers to recruiters.   In the evening we would compare our notes and the next day if we had any questions we went back and got answers.   This was a life changing decision and we were going to do it right.   We also attended the workshops and I once again took notes, which came in very handy later on after we were back home and were in the process of finalizing our decision.

What a long way we have came from our first Expedite Expo.   We are now involved hosting workshops, helping in booths, giving tours of our truck, and we are the ones now answering questions from prospective expediters.    We still get back more then we give at the Expo, which is why we will once again at the show.

We still attend the workshops to gain more knowledge of our industry.   We always meet someone new that shares insights into how he or she perform a task or how they have improved upon an idea to make life easier on the road.   We also network network network with our fellow expediters, new people, vendors, and industry professionals.   This network is what makes the Expedite Expo invaluable to us.   When something new happens in our business or we want to try something different we reply on this network for information so we can make a sound decision.  

We are looking forward to meeting the new people who have contacted us saying they will be at the Expedite Expo and the people we only see once a year at the Expo. We hope to see you there!

Register for the Expedite Expo


Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.