It's a Team's Life

Does your insurance have your back?

By Linda Caffee
Posted Jul 7th 2012 2:25AM


We had a truck back into us several years ago with a different insurance company and we were expecting the same treatment we received then…. I am pleased to say we were in for a pleasant surprise.

Our first call after the incident was to CIS and after CIS made sure we were all right they told us what the next step would be and how to proceed.   We placed the second call to Progressive and the ball started rolling at a high rate of speed.   We received a call back from the adjuster to make an appointment to see the truck.

We made the decision to drive our truck from California to Craftsmen Industry in the Saint Louis area to have the repairs done as they would be a one-stop shop and they do fantastic work. Richard, the insurance adjuster met us on a Saturday as we came through Kansas City and went over the truck with a fine toothcomb.   As he looked at the truck he found a lot of scratches that Bob and I had not seen. Richard kept thanking us for stopping in Kansas City on our way through on a Saturday for him to look at our truck.   I thought that pretty ironic as I thought Richard was doing us a huge favor, as it was a Saturday.

We dropped the truck off at Craftsmen Industries on Monday and the work began.   The local Progressive adjuster, Scott came back to work that week, he had been out on a medical issue called us as soon as he saw the truck.   Scott had reviewed Richards’s paperwork and was calling with an update.   Scott and Richard were of the same thought process, you had a new truck when it was hit and when it is finished being repaired you will have a new truck.   Neither wanted to patch the small hole in the box, nor did they was to cover up the scratched anywhere they wanted the scratched items replaced.

Within days of the work beginning we had our check from Progressive less our deductible.   Scott informed us that if anything else was found while Craftsman Industries was working on our truck a second check would be cut for that amount.   Scott continued to check on our truck on a weekly basis and even thought he knew Craftsmen were keeping us in the loop he still called to let us know that he was still on top of our claim.  When the truck was finished Scott called to verify that everything was all right and we were satisfied with the work.  

Through the years we have had a couple of small incidents with insurance and we have never had customer service like we have had with Progressive.   The night that this happened I started dreading what I “thought” was going to happen with the insurance as we were pretty sure the person that hit us would be uninsured and we knew it was going to be a substantial claim.  

None of my fears came true.   Progressive was on top of everything, I never had to call them to get moving.   Every person we dealt with was cheerful, helpful and stayed in touch with us.   Progressive will be pursuing the person that hit us and they will be going after them to get their money back and our deductible.  

Not only has Progressive saved us a lot of money in insurance premiums they made a horrible situation better by being in our corner.   They have a loyal customer here for not only our truck but our house and pickup as well.   Thanks to Shelly and John Benisch for attending the Expedite Expo and all they do for Expediters!


Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years

[email protected]


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