It's a Team's Life
Defensive Driving - Professional Driver
Bob and I in our younger years raced "Odysseys" on dirt, road course tracks, we both honed our skills at being able to quickly look at a situation and figure out the best way through without wrecking. We also learned how to handle a vehicle in all manner of skids and to drive it till the very end never giving up that we would get it back under control. We also learned what to do when the vehicle decided to flip flop through the air before coming back to the ground.
Do YOU drive for five?
Looking at the diagram and playing the "what if game" helps to make reaction time to something unexpected happening second nature. When we think about our family members being in the vehicles around us I am sure we would drive a little different. If we let our mind wander and traffic comes to a stop which one of our family members would we take out if we could not stop?
Excellence is not only a part of what we do and how we do it, but it is also a matter of who we are as individuals. It speaks to our character, our competence, our personality, and our legacy. Personal and professional excellence is the never-ending quest to determine and actualize a monument of our existence that transcends roles, positions, jobs, titles, and life itself.
Living in excellence requires constantly asking yourself: Am I right, am I safe, and am I legal?
The Ethics of Excellence
1. Contribute to society and human well-being.
truck drivers must avoid causing any potential damage to the
local or global environment with their
2. Avoid causing harm to others
means injury or negative consequences, such as loss of life, loss of
property, property damage, or unwanted
3. Be honest and trustworthy
Honesty is
an essential component of trust. Without trust, an organization
cannot function effectively.
4. Be fair, and model cooperative driving behavior.
The company's reputation rides on each person's behavior, especially while he or she is out on the road. If you want goodwill with the public, you must earn it!
Information was taken from National Safety Council -
Defensive Driving Courses for Professional Truck Drivers.
Bob & Linda Caffee

Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.