It's a Team's Life

Daredevil or Calculated Risk Taker
Each day we face risks, and yet we get into our trucks, turn the key to on, and drive on a public motorway. Driving is a calculated risk, and each of us knows the dangers and the consequences of having an incident. Some owner-operators, including us, spend the extra money to purchase safety equipment to go on our truck such as:
- · Land Departure Warning Systems (LDWS)
- · Freightliner Assurance Package
- · Orange Seat Belts
- · Dash Cams as well as recording cameras on all sides of the truck
- · Online driver training courses
- · Talking to other drivers about how they handle situations
- · Participating in Safety Courses
All of these items are another way of lowering the risk of an incident while driving the truck.
What is the definition of a daredevil? A reckless daring person and that I am not.
Over the years, we have taken many calculated risks that might appear to others as being a daredevil, but none of these were rash decisions:
- · Racing – We tried our skill at racing. We used the best roll cages as well as seat belts
- · Hang gliding – We took many tandem flights with a known excellent instructor before going solo – I figured out quicker than Bob that I was not a good pilot
- · Career Switch – Deciding to quit our 9 – 5 jobs required years of research and networking before becoming truck drivers, and there was a back-up plan
- · Expediting – Months of reading were involved as well as attending our first Expedite Expo in 2004 before we became expediters.
- · Owner-Operators – We studying cost sheets where the income was low, and the costs were high.
- Money was saved for emergencies before we purchased our first truck.
- · Ace Combat – Taking a ride in an acrobatic airplane was a lifelong dream which was accomplished when the right company was found. The flight was even better than I thought it could be.
- · Nascar Experience – Once again climbing into a car with a roll cage, a safe seat belt, an instructor, driving on a closed course with everyone going the same way.
- · Writing Blogs – Reading is one of my passions, but the sentence structure is not. While my sentences are still an English teachers nightmare. I have good friends who have helped me to learn over the years.
- · Public Speaking – This was a hard one, and much time was spent reading about other speakers.
- While it is not as frightening as it once was the art of public speaking is still a learning experience.
- · Team Run Smart – Applying to be a member of Freightliner Team Run Smart was more frightening than by our first truck. Part of being a Team Run Smart Pro is often stepping out of our comfort zone to get a goal accomplished.
- · Switching Carriers – Changing carriers was another calculated risk that involved a lot of studying and talking to other drivers as well as recruiters. This also took a lot of time before switching carriers.
- · Motorized Scooters – This is my new-found FUN! A few years ago, we had bicycles, and in no time, I realized that I was a horrible bike rider.
- The scooter though is motorized so what could go wrong? After getting used to maneuvering and stopping the scooter, in no time, I was trying a few more things… First, though I covered the basics.
- · IndyCar – Saying yes to driving a racecar transporter just about made my heart stop.
- Talk about a dream come true. In my scrapbooks, I have many pictures of race car transporters that we have seen parked at rest areas or going down the interstate. This is one calculated risk where I had to really had to step back and evaluate. I knew I could drive the truck, that the trailer would follow, and I had the correct credentials. The idea of hauling one of those EXPENSIVE cars in the trailer made my nerves stand on end till a good friend reminded me of how often race car drivers crash.
The list could go on about daredevil vs. calculated risk-taker, and I know I am firmly on the side of calculated risk-taker. When I am going down a long steep incline on a roller coaster, I am pretty sure the car will follow the track as I witnessed a lot of people getting off the coaster safe and sound before I got on.
We face risks every day of our lives, and yet we get up each morning to do it again. Before saying “NO” to a new idea or adventure, think about it and take a calculated risk.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.