It's a Team's Life

Coffee to start the day...

By Linda Caffee
Posted Oct 20th 2013 2:05AM


This was one comment I read on WebMD Health News:


"Drinking several cups a day is linked with a lower risk of depression, according to a new study that looked only at women. The benefit seems to start at two cups a day"


This comment really got my attention from Business Media Site:


"1. It can reduce the risk of death

A study from the 2012 showed that three or more cups of coffee, whether it is with or without caffeine, can significantly prolong life, especially for people with certain chronic conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes."


The health reasons are not why I enjoy my two cups of black coffee every morning.   The coffee habit started at a pretty young age as my family would sit around the table on Sunday mornings and chat.   Sitting around the table involved drinking coffee and smoking which also became a habit.   I enjoyed the exchange of what all happened throughout the week, what was going on in the world and the family togetherness.   My sister and I both became avid coffee drinkers. It took me years to break the smoking habit.


Life changed when I married a non-coffee drinker and had children.   Many years passed with me getting up earlier then the rest of the family to make a pot of coffee, grab my cross-stitch project I was working and start the days relaxed and mentally alert.  


Then along came trucking!   I struggled not being able to have that peaceful time in the morning sewing and thinking.   It was rush rush rush get into the drivers seat and get driving or when I was riding with Bob it was get up and get on down the road.   My mornings were disjointed and so was I.  


It took me awhile to work out solutions but I persevered and now enjoy my mornings even more then when I was home.   My driving shifts usually starts between two and three in the morning and that means very little traffic.   I have a Keurig in the truck and I can quickly make my great cup of coffee in the morning and be ready to roll.   What could be better?   I have a cup of coffee, a amazing Cascadia to drive, and a wonderful view outside of my windshield.   That has become my favorite morning ritual.  


When we are not under a load early mornings find me sitting in my swivel drivers seat with my laptop on my knees reading and enjoying a cup of coffee waiting for the rest of the world to get up.  Life is good with these morning rituals.

Bob & Linda Caffee


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 8 years been out here on the road 13 years

[email protected]


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