It's a Team's Life

Can You Please EVERYONE?
We have a hard time getting home any time of the year on a specific date, but there is one time of the year we are home, and that is Christmas day through the New Year. If needed, we might take a short load between Christmas and the New Year, but overall that is our time.
Early on in our trucking career, we would go home or to family’s house for Thanksgiving, and one year we stayed out over Christmas. We learned for us staying out over Christmas does not work. We usually do not worry about going home or to a family's house for Thanksgiving, unless we happen to be in the area and they have room for us. I was very surprised the first year of our trucking career and having our Thanksgiving dinner at a truck stop. The restaurant was packed, and many of the people eating were locals, and many dressed as if going to an excellent restaurant. It was nice, and we had a delicious meal.
This year we will be in Arizona for Thanksgiving, and the week will be PACKED with activities. Our granddaughter turned two, and we are attending her birthday party, where she does gymnastics. Bob and I took her once to gymnastics, and we left exhausted from trying to keep up with her. Next, our youngest daughter, Brandy, is getting a promotion in the Air Force, and then we are all going to my best friend from high school’s house along with her family for Thanksgiving. We will spend all day Wednesday helping her to prepare the meal as she does everything from scratch, and she feeds about thirty people. Last year I was able to help her and her sister's prep, and it was an enjoyable day.Â
We will park our truck at the Lazy Day KOA, so no worries about anything happening to it while we are gone all day. Texas will go with us to help prep for Thanksgiving and also help keep the floor clean on Thanksgiving Day. Squeaky will stay peacefully in the truck and chirp at all of the birds that seem to hang out at the campground.Â
Overall, we expect an exhausting and exhilarating week of family and creating great memories.
Something that I started last year was a family cookbook that combines family recipes that will be lost if they are not written down. It was a lot of work to get a few pictures and make sure each recipe was correct. This year family will be getting the cookbook for Christmas. I hope that the book will become a family heirloom of family pictures of us cooking as well as our recipes.
The following picture is a reminder that the holidays are about family and not overextending ourselves. Set limits and learn to say, NO, without excuses and make the holidays enjoyable. Our home time is limited and we choose to make the time as enjoyable as possible.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.