It's a Team's Life

Be Prepared

By Kelly Plumb
Posted Dec 4th 2024 8:00AM

Be Prepared

This time of year is one of getting ready. Getting ready for a change in seasons. Getting ready for the holidays. Getting ready for a new year. What do you do to get ready? 

In our chosen profession changing seasons are always a challenge. We never know what to expect; however, we always try to be prepared for anything. In the past couple of weeks temperatures have changed rapidly. Within a week we went from 40-50 degree temperatures to temperatures in the teens with wind chills making it feel below zero. Snow is piling up in certain parts of the country so we need to plan our routes to avoid bad weather as much as possible. We prepare the truck by carrying anti-gel additives, snow chains and snow scrapers just to name a few. We prepare ourselves by bringing along extra blankets and warmer clothes.

This past week the Christmas season started with Black Friday shopping. Do you have any family or personal traditions on Black Friday? We personally avoid Black Friday as much as possible. Do you do gift shopping throughout the year or do you do most of your shopping on Black Friday? Do you prefer to mingle with the crowds or would you rather do your shopping online? As truck drivers we need to prepare for the extra holiday traffic on top of adverse driving conditions. This time of year drivers are learning once again how to drive in snow which adds to the challenge of getting to our pick up or delivery locations.

Finally, how do you prepare yourself and your business for the new year? Are you a goal setter? Do you have a vision for your business? I am very analytical so I look at the past to plan for the future. I go over the current year’s income and expenses spreadsheet to set goals for the year ahead. I already know that this year will go down as being one of our most difficult years in business. Dave and I have been having conversations about what we can do next year to make it better.

The holidays can be stressful for all of us. I think it is even more stressful for truck drivers who run their own business. Between difficult weather conditions and stressed out people it is very easy to lose the holiday spirit. However you prepare for this time of year, my hope is that you find enjoyment in your family traditions and in your business.

Wishing you millions of safe, profitable and PREPARED miles.
