It's a Team's Life

2012 Cascadias First Load

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Apr 29th 2011 1:58PM


Cars left in long term parking that look as if the are in a junk yard

We had the Cascadia loaded and ready to go when we received our first load opportunity.   The airport is about 55 miles from our house and the reports we had been hearing was to stay away from the area unless you had business there.   The airport is back up and running with an only a few areas still closed.


This building looked as  if the tornado went through the middle

As we neared the area the first thing we noticed was all of the downed trees.   Massive trees lying on the ground everywhere with cleanup crews working on getting the area cleared.   Next came the blue tarps on the roofs of houses.   As we neared the airport we started seeing parts of buildings missing.   Whole buildings collapsed and what used to be inventory scattered all over the ground.


I wonder how long the blue tarps will be in evidence?

As we turned into the airport area we saw what was left of cars in long-term parking.   People have wrapped the windows in plastic to keep the rain out and their belongings in.   The cars appeared as if they had been in a demolition derby and I feel for their owners when they flew back to Saint Louis.  

We picked up our load at the National Guard and those buildings were also destroyed.   Some of the men and women working their discussed looking for shelter as the storm approached.   One man was not able to get into a building; he hunkered down and grabbed hold of a fence.   He said it felt as if the tornado was lifting and trying to pull him away.   I am sure this is an experience he will not soon forget.


This store could not handle the pressure and collapsed

As we drove through the base I was reminded of what the scenery was like when we took a few loads to New Orleans after Katrina hit.   I am sure in no time the area will be cleaned up and there will be little evidence except for the tree damage of a night the people involved will not soon forget.

I drove in a lot of rain getting to the airport and leaving the area and the Cascadia drove like a dream.   The dash readout still says we are over 11 mpg and I am now running at a cruise speed of 60 mph.

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


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