It's a Team's Life

20 mph 3000 miles RAAM Day 3

By Linda Caffee
Posted Jun 16th 2012 7:20AM


Down to the line…..

Today was a very busy day with inspections, team pictures, and crew meetings.   We started the day with vehicle inspections and bike inspections.   The inspectors checked over the follow, chase and RV vehicles, which reminded Bob and I of a Level 1 DOT inspection.   They checked over the vehicle carefully; lights, flashers working, amber lights on top of the vehicle and we had all of the signs where they are required. The bikes and riders also had to pass their level 1 DOT inspection; reflectors, numbers, taillights and paperwork.


Next came team pictures and the guys looked awesome.   We then spent the afternoon each taking care of our last minute needs.   Bob and I were able to do a little laundry and get our last minute items packed.   With 17 people and limited space we are all packing as lightly as possible.   Bob and I have one sleeping bag between us to use while sleeping in the RV.  

We are in the vehicle following the riders and this vehicle will be full most of the time with riders and crew.   Bob and I and one of the doctors are the main drivers of this vehicle and we will have two riders who will relieve the riders on the course.   We will rotate from this vehicle to the RV for scheduled sleep time.

On Saturday June 16th we will start this adventure at approximately noon with a parade route for a few miles.   We will have two riders we will follow for the cameras and then they will peel off and we will meet back up with them in 23 miles.   This gives the teams a little room to spread out and for the media to get plenty of pictures.

Scott Garcher’s Blog:

It’s late Friday night and I am fried. We have spent the last 48 hours prepping for what will be one heck of a grueling week. Registering the team, passing inspection, participating in crew and rider briefings, getting support vehicles in order, picking up teammates and crew members from the airport, grocery shopping, etc. Just the logistics alone needed to pull off the up-coming week has been a huge under-taking. There have been times where I think everyone stepped back and had to say, “Now what was I doing?”


Of course, not everything has gone smoothly either. Flights have been delayed, re-routed and cancelled. The rental car experience on more than one occasion reminded us of a famous Seinfeld episode. “So you can MAKE the reservation, you just can’t KEEP the reservation.” But alas, we are down to the wire and by all accounts are ready to go. Our last crew member just arrived and the 17 person team is finally together!


Just as a snapshot, here is what we have put together in order to get us across the United States and raise needed funding for Akron Children’s Hospital:


·          Two doctors

·          One mechanic

·          One crew-chief

·          One assistant crew-chief

·          Four crew members

·          Eight racers

·          Eight SenseAware devices

·          Ten bikes

·          Two SUV’s

·          One RV

·          Countless additional volunteers along the route to prep food and cheer us on

·          An insane amount of Gatorade, water, gu’s, gels, medicine, Chamois Butter and sun block. Plus a whole bunch of stuff I am forgetting because I am tired.

***Note*** The folks on the crew are volunteers. How cool is that? Give up vacation time to cross the United States at 20 mph, all in the efforts to raise money for others. I am humbled! ***


There were definitely two things that stood out for me today. First was a conversation with our dear friend and father of Jake, the young boy who had the ten hour surgery at Akron Children’s Hospital on Wednesday. He is doing well and actually took his first steps today. The surgery was long, but he is making remarkable progress today. Keep them in your thoughts! The race is on for us to be in Annapolis before he gets to go home. Friday is the forecasted date for Jake’s departure, and would be one heck of a stretch goal for us make the 3,000 mile trek.


The second part of the day that will forever remain in my mind was during the team introductions at the kick-off meeting. We got to meet the two man, four man and eight man teams all in one setting. Think of a huge gymnasium full of probably 500+ athletes and crew – all jazzed about the quest at hand. After we were called up, there was a team from the United Kingdom titled “Team Battle Back.” Talk about inspiring. Almost all were single or double amputees. No matter how hard I have trained, or how hard this has been, I can’t begin to imagine what it was like for those on that team. The amount of heart and soul needed just too simply bring a team that large over here is amazing. They received a standing ovation that seemed to last for five minutes – and they deserved every second and more. I was tear-filled. Many were.


Well, I need to get some rest as sleep for the next six days will be a limited quantity item.


Don’t forget to check into the site ( so you can track us as we start.


More to come…next time with wheels in motion!

To donate to the Charity

Ohio Cycle Works Charity

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.