The straw man was created when a post totally irrelevant to the OP was put up as yet another lame attempt to trash Fox News.
That's not a straw man. The trashing on Fox News was not done in an attempt to refute the OP, but rather was s separate standalone issue.
(On a personal side note, for someone who uses so many logical fallacies in their arguments, you really should do some serious and thorough research on logical fallacies to learn what they are, when and why they are used, the mistake in using them, and how to recognize when you are about to use one so you can stop yourself from doing it. If you could remove logical fallacies from your arguments you'd be one helluva debater, because with your intelligence, people will have no choice but to take you and your arguments seriously, even and especially when they disagree with you. As it is currently, you are doing yourself a great disservice.)
The content of the post was proven to be false.
No it wasn't.
I guessed you missed this sentence: " It doesn't mention Fox News or any other cable networks in particular, but does offer some interesting stats about the networks in general, especially in the spreadsheets provided". I simply thought the information was interesting considering the racial and sexual makeup of television personalities at stations and networks all over the country. Where do you think the big network stars come from? They work their way up from stations in Kansas City, Charlotte and Grand Rapids.
I didn't miss that sentence at all. And while it is interesting, it still doesn't have anything to do with Fox News. Also, while the network stars do work their way up from the local stations, it is clear, particularly from the article you posted, that they do not work teir way up in the same racial percentages.
You're addressing that to the wrong person.
You do realize that that sentence is an attempt to change the context of my post, right?
Here's one last attempt to get back to the subject of the Burneko article, upon which you've shoveled so much praise along with untold quantities of BS. Of course that's what one does when he's at odds with the facts and losing traction, along with the telltale signals of personal cheap shots and ridicule - he starts acting like a Dick (your term, not mine).
Again, unsubstantiated allegations to create a straw man, in order to change the context to enable you to level an ad hominem. That's three logical fallacies in two sentences. Impressive.
None of this changes the absurd primary assertion of the article: America is by design a serial brutalizer of black and brown people; to repeat, this is patently false and nothing you or anyone else can say changes that fact.
America was built on slavery, which was kinda brutal as blacks were property that could be beaten and killed at their owner's will, and when slavery ended Jim Crow laws were put in place to ensure the brutality continued legally, enforcing and reinforcing a culture of racial discrimination that continues to this very day.
The core problem is the culture among a segment of the black community as pointed out in this excellent article by Jason Riley (a member of the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board who happens to be black).
And there's this:
What you describe as the core problem, and what the articles focuses on, is a symptom and not the cause. The core problem, as I have noted elsewhere, is the institutionalized bias in favor of blacks specifically as a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which created a sense of entitlement for blacks and a sense of resentment of blacks by whites. Blacks aren't getting what they feel they are entitled to, so out of frustration and anger they tend to do as they please, which sets up the situation where those in power have the opportunity to punish the for it. And those in power just so happen to be the whites who resent the ones they are punishing. Even in situations where blacks are in positions of power, the institutional machine and the bias is still there and in place.
Thus we have the situation today where blacks are more readily suspected and arrested for crimes where whites are given the benefit of the doubt or even given a second chance. Blacks get arrested and are given harsher sentences while whites are given a pass, which of course pushes the statistics to show that more blacks commit crimes. Whites who resent the blacks are not going to see a cause and effect chicken and egg thing, but rather will only look at the numbers from the perspective of what reinforces their bias. And before you even bring it up by pointing out the exceptions, no, I'm not talking in absolutes here. When I say whites and blacks, I'm not talking about every single one of them in all situations with no exceptions. I'm talking the typical, the broad generalizations of the majority within that institutional cultural bias mindset.