Where's that Republican pride?


Veteran Expediter
I'd prefer they not feel that they have to move...

Its amazing how the conceived BIG problems are minimized when the economy is moving and everyone is working and making money.....

It's not the stability of the economy I'm talking about. It's more a stability of the government. For one example, my chirlins will never be forced to join a government 'youth division' or brown shirts, as I like to call them. Obama can talk all he wants. He's not getting my kids to do his propaganda. That's the MSM's job.


Veteran Expediter
If you would have read the whole thing I did point out that we are too socialist for my liking. But “free” health care for everyone was just one thing I was pointing out there is a list that is too long to go through. Canada cannot support it and our idiots think we can


Retired Expediter
If you would have read the whole thing I did point out that we are too socialist for my liking. But “free” health care for everyone was just one thing I was pointing out there is a list that is too long to go through. Canada cannot support it and our idiots think we can

Scuba.....we are getting closer....One thing these American have to keep in mind....it is NOT free health care...it is an illusion. Nothing is FREE...there is a price to be paid for everything in this life....


Veteran Expediter
Hmm ok i was gone for 3-4 days so i didn't get on this up front, so here goes.....I am a registered independent (you can do that in ohio, you do not need to declare a party) I voted both times for bush because i have no problem with goin to war, whenever, where ever and against anyone we feel the need to for whatever reason....his economic policy was a joke...he might as well have been a dem in that situation....I voted for clinton both times also, i don't give a **** what he did in the oval office, some hotel room or even his own bedroom, and i don't care who he did it with, him bein a liar, thats what any of you guys including myself would have done if caught in the same situation as he was with the "blue dress" girlie, besides, if you think that any of them )politicians) aren't lying when their lips are moving, well i have a nice piece of "wetlands" property in the saharra desert I'll make you a deal on....

As for voting as the sheeple and the acorn escorted ignorant did and vote for barry, not a chance in , well you know where..as I said i hope he and his ideals all fail...the nation will recover from his failures, i am not sure we can if he impliments his socialist facist policies and welfare class warfare programs that he has already started...

Now my listening habits, witness kind of brought this up the other day...Yea I listen to rush, but not daily or exclusively. Also listen to Glen in the am ...but for the last month or so i have been listening and i do off and on to Brain and judge napolatono, and Andrew wilkow and they are on the same time as glen and rush..Now before glen, I have my local talk radio channel on the computer and i do the same thing after 3 pm until 7 pm...Now the thing i told witness and that i have posted here more then a few times, having the same conservative opinions with others is not the same as letting others form your opinions...they talk shows on the radio are entertainers, they are there to hold listeneers and to sell products for their sponsors...and to give their opinions...if you let them form your thinking, then, well you ain't dpin much thinkin on your own about too much.....Oh Mark levin is also on the XM and i listen to him alot....

So yea i am a conservative, and i voted for bush for the reason i stated and there was not chance i was voting for gore or kerry and i didn't vote for mc cain either....i tend to vote for the person I think best reflexs my ideals....if that gets to be too much to ask, then it gets down to the lesser of the evils and voting more against someone then for someone.....

LOL, and both doug and Cal swear they don't go to moveon.org, but they parrot the organizations ideas and wants and are in step with them...but it has nothing to do with being "in" with moveon.org.....kind of like those they feel have to be republicans because they have the same conservative ideals............lol......:D
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Not a Member
I don't visit any political sites, In fact I don't really talk or think about politics much, other than here. I am drawn into this soapbox due mainly to the overloaded, one sided right wing drivel being spewed here.


Veteran Expediter
Sure doug... you just feel the need for balance.....right...say hi to the others members at moveon and thank them for forming your ideals...........you know as those that are conservative must have had their ideals formed by the republicans and they have to be members of that party...

Oh and you might want to check you membership card to amke sure it doesn't expire soon, but then again, you can renew, just send them the small "fee".....:D


Not a Member
sure doug... You just feel the need for balance.....right...say hi to the others members at moveon and thank them for forming your ideals...........you know as those that are conservative must have had their ideals formed by the republicans and they have to be members of that party...

Oh and you might want to check you membership card to amke sure it doesn't expire soon, but then again, you can renew, just send them the small "fee".....:d

i am not a liar you pos find me and say that to my face!


Veteran Expediter
LOL, tough guy huh.... I believe that "pos" comes across as a personal attack, and the threat, well I believe you have done that before also, to another poster when he referred to you as dougie.....hmmmm

Its ok doug, you can infer all you want as to others, but your true colors show when it comes back around ....lol :D

Make a few more visits to moveon, you will feel better and coll down....:D


Not a Member
LOL, tough guy huh.... I believe that "pos" comes across as a personal attack, and the threat, well I believe you have done that before also, to another poster when he referred to you as dougie.....hmmmm

Its ok doug, you can infer all you want as to others, but your true colors show when it comes back around ....lol :D

Make a few more visits to moveon, you will feel better and coll down....:D
You keep calling me a liar so I guess name calling is ok. Like I said say it to my face if you have the guts son. As far as I know I have never visited moveon.org, In fact I really know nothing about them.

And since you want to start the name calling I say you are a wimpy azz nutlezz POS


Veteran Expediter
LOL Doug!! You are turning this hilarious!! :D As far as "Son", LOL, I am probably old enough to be dad....LOL....And would you please cut and paste where i called you as name and please show the name that i typed....And i am more then happy to meet you ...if you kickin an old guys but makes you feel like a man...well i guess you might leave feelin better about yourself lol :D and you might want to add that i am also a perfect "azzhole", I had it fixed a few yrs back, so its "perfect now....lol....


Not a Member
LOL Doug!! You are turning this hilarious!! :D As far as "Son", LOL, I am probably old enough to be dad....LOL....And would you please cut and paste where i called you as name and please show the name that i typed....And i am more then happy to meet you ...if you kickin an old guys but makes you feel like a man...well i guess you might leave feelin better about yourself lol :D and you might want to add that i am also a perfect "azzhole", I had it fixed a few yrs back, so its "perfect now....lol....

I don't like being called a liar- I am not a member of or a frequenter of moveon.org you called me a liar and I reply say it to my face. We can disagree all day politically thats fine. You make it personal and thats another story.


Veteran Expediter
Oh so when you call out people that have said they aren't republicans as being republicans simply because their ideals are much the same and because of who they listen to, no one should think you are calling those people liars huh!?!? LOL, get over yourself doug...you are a typical liberal...get caught and squeal like a pig and make it about personal attcks because you can't handle what you want to put out....

Again, please cut and paste where i used any name and cut and paste the name i used.............oh dang, i did use "tough guy", after you inferred that i might be in harms way if i said that you must be a member and go to moveon.org to your face....lol
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Not a Member
Ok Chef- I don't want to make a huge thing out of this. I over reacted to your assertion, It is understandable for you to think that, but it is not the case.

I am one of those people who rarely get angry, then every once in a while I snap, you just witnessed it.


Veteran Expediter
Hey Doug....we are entitled to snap from time to time...but **** it was funny to watch!! Its done on my end...:)


Veteran Expediter
dougie dougie dougie you have made several personal attacks but as a democrat i guess the rules of the eo board do not apply to you


Not a Member
I have mocked beliefs and maybe even implied that some were not truthful, I don't remember any personal attacks except with Chef earlier after I believe i was called a liar, not implied but called.

I don't want to start this up again and if I did personally attack someone it was either unintentional or in a moment of stupidity on my part.


Veteran Expediter
If I were to chronicle all the innuendos,childish name calling, and insults about where I'm from, I would have a short story of misbehavior and forum no No's a mile long.

Recently,on another post ,Layout made reference to my apparent lucidity deficit. Right now I'm sitting in a recently refurbished air conditioned office,watching the sunset over the Bay,speaking to Brisbane Australia about a shipment going Lubumbashi (the Congo) for one of my accounts headquartered in London.Not sure where Layout is (maybe West Memphis,lovely place) waiting on a load to East Rutherford. My friend,my lucidity is well in tact and challenged on a daily basis..

I don't bother with spell check on this forum ,as I generally participate here on the fly.I have far more important matters to deal with then bickering with the likes of you over my intelligence. It's a fun distraction ,thats all. My day today you ask?

I appeared in court this morning as a plaintiff's expert witness in a $750,000.00 freight claim for a piece of equipment that was be stowed below deck and was not. My lucidity was once again put to the test.I apparently was coherent and well understood by all present.The maritime commissioner hearing the case was impressed enough by my testimony to read the riot act to the defense attorney for his lack of preparedness.

Once again,when all else fails with the big belt buckle bunch,aim high with a scatter shot and hope to get impact results. It's why your in West Memphis Layout and I'm not.
By the way,no offense meant to drivers and friends,as I have been there,as a driver,many times. Just trying to make a point about a very personal insult from a big mouth truck diver and former (?) intel (?) expert.Keep your insults to yourself you jerk.
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Just reading this thread explains why a lot of nothing ever gets done by the government.