Taxes- The Bush Tax cuts saved me some money but took alot of revenue from the Gov't. I would rather have paid my fair share like under the Clinton years, it seemed to keep the economy running better than W's plan.
Actually, the tax cuts provided stimulation for economic activity that resulted in more revenue for the govt. Reason being, it didn't "save you money" - it allowed you to KEEP MORE OF YOUR MONEY to begin with. Remember - the income you earn is NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S MONEY. When we as citizens are allowed to keep more of our income to spend and invest as we see fit, the overall economy sees a greater benefit than when the govt. confiscates it and wastes it. How about the govt. doing with less for a change instead of telling us how much we have to sacrifice? What a quaint idea.
Just for the record, I did vote FOR Bush both times. Given the weakness of the democrat alternatives in those two elections, the choice was an easy one. Granted, Bush wasn't a perfect candidate, but presidential candidates seldom are. I also listen to Rush Limbaugh and Bill Bennett regularly, along with Glen Beck on occasion (I think he's better on TV than radio). I'm sure this will generate the usual hissing from our liberal friends, but you asked and I'm answering. The fact that the current White House has constructed a media Enemies List in their campaign to resurrect the Fairness Doctrine is evidence of their concern for the effectiveness of conservative talk radio's dominance in that field. Since they can't effectively compete in the game, they want to eliminate their opposition's players.
Unfortunately, the GOP simply doesn't have any effective political leaders right now. McCain was a joke, Michael Steele is incompetent, and the Senate and House minority leaders are just nice guys who want to get along with their peers. However - as is always the case - new leaders will emerge between now and 2010. A couple of possibilities might be Mark Sanford of SC and Tim Pawlenty of MN. Hopefully these or others like them will get back to the conservative basics that unite the party instead of trying to follow the new version of Rockefeller Republicans that are just trying to be Democrat light. The Democrats certainly didn't unite their party by moving to the center and trying to be all things to all Democrats and Moderates. When the GOP finds a candidate that will preach the gospel of smaller govt, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, peace through strength and greater opportunity for every individual without depending on the govt teat, the party's mojo will again be on the uptrend. This will probably conincide with the public's realization that the Obama-sponsored socialism currently being hatched will not work in this country.