There are many on this site who take the GOP stance on most every issue. It is laughable to me that it seems none will ever say they are a Republican, and deny they listen to Limbaugh they deny they voted for W. Still they keep showing up here stating GOP platforms.
I guess if I had voted for W. and seen the results, I too would be ashamed. I just don't get how they keep posting that they are libertarian, or hate both parties but still they always tow the GOP koolade lines.
C'mon out of the closet boys, it is quite obvious what you are. I am a Democrat although I have voted both Republican and Independent, I am a Democrat.
Rumor has it that he had one on his little toe.
Well hell...I'm a sister is a representative for the house in a republican..We don't like big brother in our faces and we sure as hell don't want to pay for all of these new programs that are being pushed onto our children for many years to come and we believe that if we earn our money, we should be able to spend our money. Yes we are capitalists...
but if you ever need a're welcome to a good one at our table.
Anyway.. I'm not a fan of debate and however amusing I find Doug's worship, I'll defend his right to his opinion. However layoutshooter and Greg and Leo are far more worth the read!
Almost missed that. That was clever, quite clever.
Good luck Doug,I've been asking the same thing since 04.Watched and listened to these non Republicans vote for and defend w to the death. The war in Iraq? Oh my God,I could go on and on about the degrading name calling and insults that came my way.
Then,w went to hell in a hand basket,and all of a sudden their all independants that never liked w in the first place.Independants over night.
It's just laughable Doug. A bigger bunch of hypocrits cannot be found.
The biggest and loudest of the bunch is Greg,their anit Christ sooth sayer with the golden set of tweezers for picking apart the posts by detractors.It's cult like.His hysteria and bold face attempts to gain the praise and adulation of his minions and followeres is a classic farce.That a boy Greg,you really kicked Cals *** that time!!.It's called group mentality,kind of like sheep and their herder.Been going on for years Doug. A little sick,but just accept it for what it is.
No baby,no Republicans on this forum.
So we got 2 admited Republicans. Still many in the closet.
I hope you are counting me as one of the two!
I'm a republican.
I'm a democrat.
I'm a libertarian.
I'm a Marxist.
I'm a Socialist.
I'm a Fascist.
I'm a Communist.
I'm apolitical.
There. Is everyone happy now? Did I miss any? Sheesh, the narrow focus of some people that can't be satisfied. I'm reminded of the little boy who just had to have his dad eat fried worm with him.
Good luck Doug,I've been asking the same thing since 04.Watched and listened to these non Republicans vote for and defend w to the death. The war in Iraq? Oh my God,I could go on and on about the degrading name calling and insults that came my way.
Then,w went to hell in a hand basket,and all of a sudden their all independants that never liked w in the first place.Independants over night.
It's just laughable Doug. A bigger bunch of hypocrits cannot be found.
The biggest and loudest of the bunch is Greg,their anit Christ sooth sayer with the golden set of tweezers for picking apart the posts by detractors.It's cult like.His hysteria and bold face attempts to gain the praise and adulation of his minions and followeres is a classic farce.That a boy Greg,you really kicked Cals *** that time!!.It's called group mentality,kind of like sheep and their herder.Been going on for years Doug. A little sick,but just accept it for what it is.
No baby,no Republicans on this forum.