Tiger gets mauled by mate


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Tiger and his Wife should Both be arrested, Jailed and Charged with Hindering an Investigation! Or for the Lack of a Better word: Obstructing Justice!!
Whoa. Obstruction of justice? Hindering an investigation? Are you kidding me? There is no law that says you have to let the police into your home without a warrant, no law that says you have to cooperate with the police in any way, and absolutely no law that compels you to talk to the police if you don't want to.

The First Amendment gives you the right to say whatever you want, and the Fifth Amendment gives you the right to shut up.

Even in a casual conversation with the police, it's very likely that you'll admit to any number of the 50,000 laws that are on the books. Better just to employ the Shut Up rule, especially if you are under any kind of suspicion... that goes double if you aren't.

"Making a living hitting a little white ball across grass fields is about as silly as one hitting a white ball with a piece of wood and which all produces nothing but entertainment for the public to enjoy."

Why is it silly for the public to want to enjoy entertainment? Is it silly for an author to write books that the public enjoys? Is it silly for people to enjoy the opera, the symphony, the ballet, Aerosmith? Is it silly for people to enjoy movies, video games, gambling casinos, recreational oil changes, television, the theater, books on tape, lap dances, beauty pageants, cycling monkeys and water skiing squirrels? Red Skelton, Expediters Online, World Net Daily? Look at what entertains you, and see if you want to inform the providers of your entertainment that it is silly that they do so.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You are 100% correct Turtle. Geez, all you have to do is watch Law and Order and you would know to just SHUT UP!!! It is NOT the job of the individual to assist the police in convicting them. Just shut up, get a lawyer. While in theroy the law is stacked on YOUR side, quite often in practice, it does not always work that way. ALWAYS use EVERY tool to protect yourself.


Expert Expediter
Whoa. Obstruction of justice? Hindering an investigation? Are you kidding me? There is no law that says you have to let the police into your home without a warrant, no law that says you have to cooperate with the police in any way, and absolutely no law that compels you to talk to the police if you don't want to.

The First Amendment gives you the right to say whatever you want, and the Fifth Amendment gives you the right to shut up.

Even in a casual conversation with the police, it's very likely that you'll admit to any number of the 50,000 laws that are on the books. Better just to employ the Shut Up rule, especially if you are under any kind of suspicion... that goes double if you aren't.

"Making a living hitting a little white ball across grass fields is about as silly as one hitting a white ball with a piece of wood and which all produces nothing but entertainment for the public to enjoy."

Why is it silly for the public to want to enjoy entertainment? Is it silly for an author to write books that the public enjoys? Is it silly for people to enjoy the opera, the symphony, the ballet, Aerosmith? Is it silly for people to enjoy movies, video games, gambling casinos, recreational oil changes, television, the theater, books on tape, lap dances, beauty pageants, cycling monkeys and water skiing squirrels? Red Skelton, Expediters Online, World Net Daily? Look at what entertains you, and see if you want to inform the providers of your entertainment that it is silly that they do so.

Your right about One of those and that's You don't have to let the Police Into your Home without a Warrant! But you are Wrong about the Other! If you are Involved in a Auto Accident and the Police are Called Then There Has to be a Report Made when There is Damage! By Him Not even be willing to Finish the Accident Report as Required then it's Either Hindering Or Obstruction! IF and I Say IF it were me trying to Finish this Report and He Refused to even Talk to me or at Least Lawyer Up and Let his Lawyer do his Talking for him Then I would get a Warrant for His Arrest for one of the Mentioned Charges! Then he can choose to Lawyer Up and Or Cooperate! If he chooses to Not Cooperate then he will see a Judge! I Have done this on a Few Occasions and it was Never Thrown Out or Overturned! All The Investigating Officer wants to Know is "What Caused the Accident" I Believe that It's way Too late to go for a D.U.I so it's No Big Deal! Who Knows, Maybe his Gas Pedal Stuck, so why not Clear it up? By him Doing what He's doing Everything is Being Blown Way Out of Proportion, Just Look at The Television and or Listen to the Radio! He could even Pull a Ted Kennedy and Report the Accident Much Later!
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Veteran Expediter
I really hate getting involved with this celebrity media crap .... but I got sucked in (unknowingly in another thread) and I can't resist this one:

Your right about One of those and that's You don't have to let the Police Into your Home without a Warrant! But you are Wrong about the Other!
Not quite there sport (it always cracks me up when those charged with enforcing the law are so ignorant of what the law actually is)

If you are Involved in a Auto Accident and the Police are Called Then There Has to be a Report Made when There is Damage!
Yup - that's true in most places - but it is up to the cop to make the report.

And there's nothing that says that an individual has to assist a cop in doing so - particularly when the eventual outcome could potentially be that the officer decides to charge that individual with a crime.

I know that many in the law enforcement community aren't real keen on letting what the law actually sez get in the way of lockin' folks up, but there's this little thing called the 5th Ammendment to the Constitution:

"No person ..... nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself ...."

That is the Supreme Law of the Land.

By Him Not even be willing to Finish the Accident Report as Required
It ain't the citizen's job to fill out the accident report - it's the LEO's - at least here in Ohio:

4501-31-01 Reports of motor vehicle accidents

5502.11 Written report of motor vehicle accident

I suspect that is true in all jurisdictions in the United States (otherwise the law could potentially be compelling a person to testify against themselves - which is in violation of the 5th Ammendment)

then it's Either Hindering Or Obstruction!
....... un-freakin'-believable .....

IF and I Say IF it were me trying to Finish this Report and He Refused to even Talk to me or at Least Lawyer Up and Let his Lawyer do his Talking for him Then I would get a Warrant for His Arrest for one of the Mentioned Charges!
Yeah - if it would be me you'd be thinking of arresting, at some point (probably before you decided that you would be getting a warrant), I'd have informed you that I had nothing to say and I'd be asking you if I were free to leave - and at the point where you were feeling all frisky and such and told me no, you would be required to Mirandize me and read my rights:

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law. ..."

Of course, if you continued to proceed with this foolishness (just over my refusal to participate), I'd probably sue you and your employer for false arrest, with an eye towards suing you in Federal Court for attempting to violate my civil rights.

Then he can choose to Lawyer Up and Or Cooperate! If he chooses to Not Cooperate then he will see a Judge!
And you may well get the same opportunity yourself.

I Have done this on a Few Occasions and it was Never Thrown Out or Overturned!
Yeah, so ? ..... people get away with murder all the time - that doesn't make it right. The criminal justice system is full of all sorts of corrupt people - police, prosecutors, judges ..... you name it.

BTW - congrats on subverting the rights of your fellow citizens - I'm sure it was a proud moment in your career.

All The Investigating Officer wants to Know is "What Caused the Accident"
LOL, shyeah right ...... that ain't always the case - often there is another agenda altogether.

I could tell ya a little personal story about the agenda of an investigating officer on a traffic accident I was involved in a few years ago ...... Aristotle knows it, as I told him - at least partly ..... didn't have anything to do with "What Caused the Accident" ...

It had more to do with the fascination that (divorced) Officer Donut-eater had with the other party (a beautiful, but slightly ditzy, 17 year-old young lady)

BTW, just in case you would like to reconsider your former ill-informed and ill-advised comments (from the Orlando Sentinel):

"Sgt. Kim Montes, a spokeswoman for FHP, said troopers went out to the house anyway in an attempt to find out what happened in the pre-dawn hours Friday, when Woods crashed his 2009 Cadillac Escalade into a fire hydrant and a neighbor's tree while leaving his mansion in Isleworth.

But troopers were met at the driveway by NeJame, who said Woods was unavailable. Under Florida law, Woods is not obligated to speak to investigators; he only has to provide his drivers license, registration and proof of insurance, which NeJame gave to investigators. FHP did not reschedule the interview. NeJame did not comment Sunday.

"We want to give him [Woods] the opportunity to tell his side of the story," Montes said. "It's unusual that we wouldn't get a statement in a minor crash, but that is his right if he chooses to do so."
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
Not talking to a police officer about an investigation is not hindering or obstruction. If you talk to them and tell lies, that's hindering. If the officer has a warrant to enter the house and you refuse to let him in, that's hindering. If the officer has a warrant for an arrest and you say the person named on the warrant isn't there, when he really is, that's hindering. If you give the suspect money so he can go on the lamb, that's hindering. If the person is at the house and you look out the window as 17 cop cars pull up out front and you then turn and yell at him and tell him to run out the back door, that's hindering. If the police officer is trying to fill out the accident report and you keep grabbing the pen out of his hand to prevent him from performing his duties, that's hindering.

When you refuse to talk to the police the only thing you are hindering is the officer's desire to have his job made easier.

Of course, an ex-LEO should know all this. <snort>


Expert Expediter
I Love it when You Monday Morning Quarterbacks Minimize things to meet your Agenda! When I Get a Chance I'm going to go up into My Attic and Try and Find the O.R.C. and Type it to you Word For You so Even You Might Understand It! <Snort :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Woods is no doubt keeping mum on the advice of his lawyers and agents. Considering the attention span of the American public, this whole thing will soon be forgotten when the sports junkies turn their passions toward bowl season and the NFL playoffs. For example, look how many times John Daly has been forgiven for his domestic sins. The only thing that could throw a monkey wrench in the works is if the bimbo hostess with whom he's supposedly been keeping company starts giving interviews and/or turns up pregnant - and I'm sure Woods has enough $$ to cut a suitable deal that will keep her and her high-profile lawyer quiet.


Veteran Expediter
I Love it when You Monday Morning Quarterbacks Minimize things to meet your Agenda!
Hey - it's the duty of a citizen to know the law, isn't it ? :D

It's also something that those in the criminal justice system just absolutely hate: an informed citizen.

When I Get a Chance I'm going to go up into My Attic and Try and Find the O.R.C. and Type it to you Word For You so Even You Might Understand It!
Awwww - you don't have to do that - just use the links for the Lawriter database I provided - it contains both Ohio Revised Code and the Ohio Administrative Code ..... and is searchable.

You could probably find whatever it is you are looking for in under an hour ....... although I don't think that anything you will find will be superseding the 5th Amendment of Constitution of the United States anytime soon ...... :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
just heard it on the radio, he got a traffic ticket for "unsafe driving" if he pleads guilty, i think they said the fine was $167 and 4 points on his licence...its all over and done....

oh and there isn't and never was a "domestic violence" complaint......by either party....

and fla law does not requirer anyone to even speak to the police after a traffic accident, if the person can and does leave the accident before the police arrive....if that happens, all that is then required is for the officer to issue a citation or not, based on the info he can gather, then everyone appears in court at some later date, or simply pay the ticket....


Veteran Expediter
Your right about One of those and that's You don't have to let the Police Into your Home without a Warrant! But you are Wrong about the Other! If you are Involved in a Auto Accident and the Police are Called Then There Has to be a Report Made when There is Damage! By Him Not even be willing to Finish the Accident Report as Required then it's Either Hindering Or Obstruction! IF and I Say IF it were me trying to Finish this Report and He Refused to even Talk to me or at Least Lawyer Up and Let his Lawyer do his Talking for him Then I would get a Warrant for His Arrest for one of the Mentioned Charges! Then he can choose to Lawyer Up and Or Cooperate! If he chooses to Not Cooperate then he will see a Judge! I Have done this on a Few Occasions and it was Never Thrown Out or Overturned! All The Investigating Officer wants to Know is "What Caused the Accident" I Believe that It's way Too late to go for a D.U.I so it's No Big Deal! Who Knows, Maybe his Gas Pedal Stuck, so why not Clear it up? By him Doing what He's doing Everything is Being Blown Way Out of Proportion, Just Look at The Television and or Listen to the Radio! He could even Pull a Ted Kennedy and Report the Accident Much Later!

"Don't Talk to the Police" by Professor James Duane

Worth listening to.


Expert Expediter
Hey - it's the duty of a citizen to know the law, isn't it ? :D

It's also something that those in the criminal justice system just absolutely hate: an informed citizen.

Awwww - you don't have to do that - just use the links for the Lawriter database I provided - it contains both Ohio Revised Code and the Ohio Administrative Code ..... and is searchable.

You could probably find whatever it is you are looking for in under an hour ....... although I don't think that anything you will find will be superseding the 5th Amendment of Constitution of the United States anytime soon ...... :rolleyes:

No Thank You on The Web site you so Kindly Provided, I will Use the Original O.R.C. That was Issued to me....Not saying that Your Web site Would be Misleading and Or Mistaken But I believe that the One I Have is the Original and would not Have any Misleading or Mistaken Information!! Im Going to Try and Get Home in the Next 3-4 Weeks and Hopefully I will be able to Find it Somewhere in One of the Many Boxes in My Attic!
A-Lot of People Rely on Different Web Sites for Many Things with about a 99% Exact Rating (My Estimate), But The Original Book is the Best to go back into as it is Not a Web Site Re-Print or a ReType!! And as far as The Informed Citizen goes, I Really Don't believe that Garbage Flies Either because There Isn't anything wrong with an Informed Citizen as Long as he gets His Information Correct and not by some Wanna be who Only "Thinks" That they Know it All!! :rolleyes: Earlier a Statement was Made about a Donut Eating Cop with a 17 Year Old Female Right? I don't know all the Details or what this Donut Eating Cop was doing with Her! Guess that would be The Same or is it Different of a Diesel Breath Truck Driver with a 17 Year Old Lot Lizard?? Happens a-lot In all Occupations Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists and Factory Workers Don't You Think? Don't get me Wrong, I Have Never and Will Never Condone anything that Involves a Juvenile, But It's People like you that for some Reason Forget About all of that and Try and Slam the Cop Every Chance they Get! I Don't believe that If Everything Ever Comes out about all the Crimes That Truck Drivers do That you would be too Happy About it at all! Now don't take it like I'm Picking on Truck Drivers because I'm Not, (It is used as an Example) I am Sure that the Majority of Truck Drivers are Fine Law Abiding People (Atleast the One's I have Come in Contact with are) But There are "Some" That Make it Look Bad On The Good One's and That Goes for Cops Too!! We are Not All The Same, But It's People Like You That Keep the Stereotyping going for whatever Reason that fits whatever Agenda you Have Going!! Oh, I Only Used The Term Diesel Breath Truck Driver because Of the Donut Eating Cop name, and Not Calling any Particular Driver One of those, And I Don't even Like Donuts :D
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
No Thank You on The Web site you so Kindly Provided, I will Use the Original O.R.C. That was Issued to me....Not saying that Your Web site Would be Misleading and Or Mistaken But I believe that the One I Have is the Original and would not Have any Misleading or Mistaken Information!!
Not that RLENT can't speak for himself, but the Web site he provided (Lawriter database) isn't some hack Web site. It's a link from the Web site of the State of Ohio, and is linked directly from the home page of Ohio.gov ([noparse]http://ohio.gov/[/noparse]), under Resources, State Laws (Ohio Revised Code) which links you to [noparse]http://codes.ohio.gov/orc[/noparse].

Lawriter is the company that administers the Codes site for the State of Ohio, and is also the same Cincinnati-based company that prints the hardcopy of the ORC (you know, the one in your attic), as well as administers Casemaker, a legal research application used by law enforcement personnel like cops, lawyers, judges and legislators.

Nothing more aggravating than an educated and informed citizenry, huh. <snort>


Veteran Expediter
No Thank You on The Web site you so Kindly Provided, I will Use the Original O.R.C. That was Issued to me....
The one I pointed you to was current (updated) as of July 2009

Not saying that Your Web site Would be Misleading and Or Mistaken But I believe that the One I Have is the Original and would not Have any Misleading or Mistaken Information!!
Well, the one I pointed you to is put out by a company that also does the CaseWriter website (a resource for attorneys) - which was developed in conjunction with 27 or 28 state Bar Associations.

Im Going to Try and Get Home in the Next 3-4 Weeks and Hopefully I will be able to Find it Somewhere in One of the Many Boxes in My Attic!
By all means, have at it - but like I said: nothing in the ORC or any other state's law is going to set aside the 5th Amendment and the right of an individual not to incriminate himself.

A-Lot of People Rely on Different Web Sites for Many Things with about a 99% Exact Rating (My Estimate), But The Original Book is the Best to go back into as it is Not a Web Site Re-Print or a ReType!!
...... other than the fact it may not be current and up to date ......

And as far as The Informed Citizen goes, I Really Don't believe that Garbage Flies Either because There Isn't anything wrong with an Informed Citizen as Long as he gets His Information Correct and not by some Wanna be who Only "Thinks" That they Know it All!!
Well ..... I certainly don't "know it all" - not even close ..... but I do know what I know ...

Earlier a Statement was Made about a Donut Eating Cop with a 17 Year Old Female Right?

I don't know all the Details or what this Donut Eating Cop was doing with Her!
He was trolling ..... like a guy I went to school with - he ended up becoming a local cop here where I live .... and roped in wives no. 2 and no. 3 .... in the line of duty ... while he was already married, of course .....:rolleyes:

I can tell ya some of the things Officer Donut-eater did do though:

1. Failed to use the dashcam in his patrol car when arriving on the scene so that the accident scene was recorded.

2. Failed to use his handheld digital camera to take any photos of the accident scene. Oh - he did go back out there a couple of weeks later and take some pictures - but only after I met with and complained to a Lt. .... Of course, these were never used at trial - since they didn't support the prosecution's case.

3. Failed to use the audio recording device in his patrol car while myself and the other party were in his patrol car and he was completing the accident report and interviewing us.

In other words, he covered his tracks by failing to document anything with the audio/video tools at his disposal (because it didn't fit his agenda) - BTW, that is obstruction of justice. (because he lied about much of it later, and it would have been exculpatory evidence)

Here's some other cute stuff he did:

4. Failed to indicate that I told him that I was not wearing a seat belt (which is a violation of Ohio law) on the accident report - a fact I raised when I met with the Lt. (I was prefectly willing to be cited for this - since it was true)

5. Stated to me that under Ohio law it was not illegal to drive completely left of center, into oncoming traffic, on a section of two-lane road which had double yellow lines (... oh yeah ? :rolleyes: ...... look that one up in the ORC ....)

This was what the other party was doing, just before she came over into my lane, cutting across it, while executing around a 135 degree turn to get to her driveway ...... just prior to the accident. (BTW - she failed to use her turn-signals too)

6. Donut repeatedly perjured himself while under oath on the witness stand (I wouldn't plead - and took it to trial) My attorney did a fairly decent job of making Donut look like the moron that he, in fact, was - that alone was worth the price of admission (the fine and the points) - but my attorney didn't adequately prepare for the case, and was fairly unwilling to listen (..... talk about a know-it-all) ..... had he asked all the right questions (I had prepared several pages worth - which he promptly ignored), and pursued all avenues as vigorously as he should have, it would have likely been a slam-dunk (my attorney didn't want to upset the judge by raising any issues of police misconduct ..... great ......)

Couple of other interesting tidbits:

The other party was chatting on her cell phone at the time of the accident - a fact that she more or less admitted to on the stand (she claimed she had been on it just prior ..... her open flip phone was still in her left hand when I got to her vehicle to check her condition, less than 7 seconds from the time of the impact .... she was in a state of shock and wasn't able to do anything for several minutes, other than sit there in her vehicle - not even able to talk. She had been so busy chatting on the phone that she was entirely unaware that I was following behind her - and had been, for better than 3 miles.)

Local prosecutor had to contact a neighboring community and bring a special prosecutor to try the case - because he also had a private practice (in addition to holding office as the Prosecutor of the City of Massillon) ..... and he had been retained by the other party to represent them in a possible civil case (no conflict there :rolleyes: ... retained by her father most likely - he was real piece of work - showed up for court in shorts and sandals with white socks .... looked really spiffy, along with that 12" grey ponytail)

Don't get me Wrong,
Oh - I don't get you wrong at all - I understand it completely: you are trying to excuse unethical conduct on the part of one of the brethren (by minimizing it - comparing it to similar unethical conduct on the part of people in other professions - in order to make less of it) - it's something that many cops (and others) often do .... probably almost instinctively.

I Have Never and Will Never Condone anything that Involves a Juvenile, But It's People like you that for some Reason Forget About all of that and Try and Slam the Cop Every Chance they Get!
Well, the real problem with you boys is failure to police your own: I contacted the duty Sgt. that had been on duty during my accident - he admitted to me:

7. Officer Donut-eater had a been a problem child for some time (repeatedly failing to use A/V equipment, follow SOP, among other things) and had a disciplinary history - IOW, he was a total screwup. As a professional who really cared about his profession it pretty much made him (the Sgt.) sick to see guys like Dount-eater on the force. He seemed pretty sincere - and beings how he came clean with me about Officer Donut-eater's history, I took him at his word - but there wasn't anything he could do about it either (politics you know)

8. About a year or two before, Officer Donut-eater had been covered in one of the local papers after he had a little incident with a young man. The young man alleged that Donut-eater had violated his civil rights (beat him up unnecessarily, apparently) It was elevated to the point that Donut-eater was eventually investigated by the US Department of Justice (Civil Rights Division) and the FBI. (That don't happen if there's nothing there) Of course, they weren't able to get the goods on Donut-eater (he's good) and he skated. His ex-wife had talked to the paper and alleged that Donut had repeatedly terrorized his family (immediate and extended)

But the boys in blue were standin' behind him, all the way.

Donut-eater is still on the force ..... and has a little group at the local highschool where he gets together with young boys and girls (wonder if the parents know his history ?) and they go fishin' ..... it's police outreach thing. I'd imagine that Donut is right where he wants to be .... caring for the spiritual welfare of the local young ladies and all ....

I Don't believe that If Everything Ever Comes out about all the Crimes That Truck Drivers do That you would be too Happy About it at all!
Uhhhh ... why would I even care - beyond just being a citizen who is concerned about crime ?

Of course I wouldn't be happy about it - but only from the perspective of crime generally isn't a good thing and all that - I don't consider that it reflects on me personally in any way whatsoever.

But There are "Some" That Make it Look Bad On The Good One's and That Goes for Cops Too!! We are Not All The Same,
I'm quite sure that's true - but understand: you were part of a profession which has made it routine to condone immoral and unethical conduct (lying for one, protecting and overlooking the crimes of some real scumbags for two), in order to accomplish it's goals - and when ya lie down with a dog, you're probably gonna get fleas.

But It's People Like You That Keep the Stereotyping going for whatever Reason that fits whatever Agenda you Have Going!!
No real agenda here - I'm just a fan of freedom ..... and full well understand that there's a reason that it's called a police-state .....
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Veteran Expediter

Thanks - I thought I remembered that I had originally gotten to Lawriter off the State website a couple years back ..... but it's not apparent if you go directly to the Lawriter site (and I was too lazy to chase it down thru the State website, just to make a point)
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Veteran Expediter
BTW, one other quick thing: When I went into the police department to discuss the problems in the accident report, and Officer Donut-eater's conduct, the Lt. I met with seemed genuinely interested and concerned (it was all lie - a facade) - he sat and patiently listened to me for between 45 minutes to an hour.

I was completely polite, respectful, and not at all demanding (probably hard to believe I know - but that is what happened) Lt. Donut-eater like I said, was very concerned and said that they would investigate what had happened, with a view to rescinding the ticket, and taking whatever corrective action with Officer Donut .... he asked me to write it all up and email it to him - which I did, in detail (it probably went to 8 pages - very precise - exactly what happened) ...... and that he would get back with me in a couple of days.

Well, here's what actually happened: Lt. Donut-eater basically did nothing that he told me he was going to do (in other words: he lied - and eventually as much as told me so) - no investigation, no corrective action, never even called me back.

I finally got thru to him (after about two weeks I had started calling the department - but he kept dodging my calls) and found out the above - and that he had sent Officer Donut back out to the scene (a week after the accident) to take photos (only to try and cover their butts - so Donut, when asked while on the witness stand, would be able to say: "Yes, I took photos of the accident scene ....." ..... Uhhh, yeah - when exactly did you take them ? :rolleyes:)

Lt. Donut did one other thing - I found out about it on the day I went to court, when Officer Donut came strolling in, holding in his hand some pieces of paper ..... those papers were my 8 eight page write-up, which Lt. Donut had given to Officer Donut-eater, so that he could prepare for trial.

Just remember:

"Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law."

In my case, there wasn't anything in what I wrote that could be used against me - because I wrote exactly what had happened and I had done nothing wrong - other than the fact that I what I provided to the police was given to a key witness (Officer Donut) against me - so he knew the issues as I saw them, and how my attorney would probably go at him at trial.

Even in spite of having that benefit, he was such a dimwitted doofus, that it was fairly easy for my (ill-prepared) attorney to trip him up on the stand and make him look like an idiot.

Never again.
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Expert Expediter
My Question to you is Why didn't you Take all this to the IAB (Internal Affairs Bureau) Even after you Talked to the Lt.? I Don't know anything About the Dept.You are Talking about Or the Amount of Police Officers They Have, and Usually the Smaller Depts.with only a Few Officers Doesn't Have one, But one would think that they would Have had one (IAB).. They Would Have or should I say "Should" Have Investigated this Officer a long time ago, and Hopefully Found him in Violation if it is Proven that he is Guilty and After the Hearing, Maybe give him a Suspension or Something More Drastic! Sounds Like He's a Problem Child if what you say is True,(And or Protected by Politics) And YES There are a-lot of Politics Involved in Law Enforcement and Mine Included! It seemed that "Some" Of the Officers that I Had Investigated were Guilty as Hell But For some reason or another They didn't get what the Charges Dictated By The Administration as well as the Union! (That's One of the Many Reasons As to Why I Don't Care for Unions) They Could have/Should Have Found Out, If The Officer in Question is Guilty of any Or All Infractions of Dept. Regulations and Or Criminal!! IAB Has Numerous tools to work with at least My Dept. Did, We were even Subjected to a Polygraph if IAB Couldn't prove that we were not being Truthful, And Yeah I Know That the Polygraph Isn't 100% But that was Just One of Many Tools that they used and Have Available! I Worked IAB for over 3-1/2 Years so I do Know the Tools that they Have available! And to set the Record Straight I Never Layed down with the Dogs as you Put it, I Did my 8 Hours and Usually went home or Other Places after and Before work! True, I Associated with "Some" of the Guys But Not with the One's that I Thought were going to get me in Trouble! I didn't Need or Want the Headaches That some of the Guys Could have/Would Have Given me if I "Hung" With Them! Like I Said We aren't All the Same! There are a LOT Of Good Honest People on these Depts. But it Only Takes One to make Everyone Look Bad, And that's where the Stereotyping Comes in which is Too Bad! Just like the "Example" That I Used Earlier with Truck Drivers, Doctors, Lawyers, Factory Workers and So On! Let me ask you this, I'll Use a Carpenter this Time, If a Carpenter was Stealing "Whatever" from a Job Site, Does that Make ALL Carpenters Thieves? I Don't Think So! Or IF a Factory Worker Steals from His Place of Employment, Does That Make ALL Factory Workers Thieves? I Don't Think So! OR If a Doctor Steals or Misuses Drugs from the Hospital he works at, Are All Doctors Thieves and or Dope Heads? I Don't Think So! The point I am Getting at is True, Most Police Depts if not all of them Have Their Problems and Problem Children Just Like the Examples I just Gave, Every Profession has Their Problem Children so Why does Everyone on a Police Dept. Have to be the Only Dogs as You Put it??

And I Still Don't Like Donuts, Couldn't eat them if I wanted to as I Have Diabetes! :D


Veteran Expediter
OMG, what a cluster**** - this is too funny.

The First amendment is there to LIMIT the government's ability to restrict free speech, it does not grant rights to individuals - BIG DIFFERENCE.

The Fifth amendment is there to limit the government ability to punish you for making statements in court on criminal matters (self-incrimination)- driving infractions are not criminal issues unless there is a homicide or a negligent death is NOT a criminal matter.

If it is a Civil issue, there are limits to anyone's ability to invoke the fifth. AND it is not an absolute right either, in tax and some contract matters, it can't be invoked at all. In some courts, the fifth is not allowed if there is drinking involved in a traffic accident with no fatalities. In other words it is not a broad right that covers everything under every condition.

The FHP wanted to do their job and make sure that Woods got a fair shake. By posting on the web-site and having your publicist send out press releases is quintessential Brittany style response to a minor issue. There is a need to produce a police report for many insurance companies, especially over $2500 worth the damage - which means a scratch on the plastic bumper of his Cadillac.

Rlent, sorry for your problems but I would have filed a complaint with the state of Ohio's AG's office and asked for the Ohio state police to get involved to properly investigate the accident to determine if it was done properly.

Not to sound like an a** but did you at the time of the accident document and photograph the situation?

What was the ticket for?

"Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law."
... other than the fact that I what I provided to the police was given to a key witness (Officer Donut) against me - so he knew the issues as I saw them, and how my attorney would probably go at him at trial.

Well Duh, of course he is going to get that in his hands, he has access to all paper work to do with his case, even if it is about his actions or performance in this case.

Was it used against you in court?

Did you ask your lawyer if that was the right move to talk to the Lt. or write up a separate statement with details of his behavior before the fact?

Did you ask your lawyer to contact the police chief to tell him/her what is going on?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
OMG, what a cluster**** - this is too funny.

The First amendment is there to LIMIT the government's ability to restrict free speech, it does not grant rights to individuals - BIG DIFFERENCE.
No, not really. While it doesn't specifically grant permissions, it does reinforce the plainly evident, that the government cannot restrict the speech of individuals. While it may be technically incorrect to state "the First Amendment gives you that right", it is not incorrect as a matter of practicality. Just like it's technically incorrect to say that we live in a democracy, in all practicality it is a true statement nonetheless.

The Fifth amendment is there to limit the government ability to punish you for making statements in court on criminal matters (self-incrimination)- driving infractions are not criminal issues unless there is a homicide or a negligent death is NOT a criminal matter.
You might want to reconsider that one, man. Felonies are not the only types of criminal issues. A parking ticket, speeding, any kind of traffic violation, while generally a misdemeanor, is still a criminal issue, not a civil issue. Criminal charges are initiated and prosecuted by government, and involve the possibility of paying a fine or a loss of freedom (going to jail). Civil charges are initiated by an individual and except in rare circumstances (failure to pay child support) cannot result in jail time.

Traffic violations are considered criminal matters, and are handled as criminal cases by the justice system. As a result, the sentence imposed is an obligation that the offender has towards the state for violation of law. This means that the offender can be ordered to forfeit his/her personal freedom, rather than just being ordered to pay a money judgment, which is the typical civil law outcome. The state could be a local township, municipality, city, county, state, or even the federal government. However, unless you've committed a major violation (felony) or the violation is otherwise dangerous or life-threatening to other motorists, the officer will simply issue you a traffic ticket. But the ticket is for a criminal offense just the same.


Veteran Expediter
Zoo officials in Florida are scratching their heads over the bizarre Thanksgiving Day incident in which their highly prized African male was assaulted by a previously docile mate. Animal behaviorists from as far away as Kentucky offered commentary and advice to fretful zookeepers who insist the male must be protected at all costs.

A grievous error had been made in mate selection for the alpha male. Zoo administrators had hoped to match the African male with an African tigress of pure pedigree, but the male rebuffed all attempts at such rendezvous offerings. Rumors began to circulate the alpha male might not have natural longings for female companionship. Then came a breakthrough. Wildlife biologists introduced an albino cat from Scandinavia to the alpha male and reproduction commenced immediately. The Scandinavian cat was an exquisite beauty and everyone hoped many offspring would result from this pairing.

Herein lies the error: Scandinavian cats are tempermental and high maintenance. Moreover, they demand exclusive breeding rights with their mate. Now, zoo officials face a terrible quandry. Worried the hostile Scandinavian tigress might yet again attack her "sleeping" African alpha male( producing a Phil Hartman-like nightmare) ... this celebrity couple must be separated.

After all, female albino cats are plentiful and easily replaced. This pairing had fostered greater social acceptance and enhanced self-esteem for the alpha male. Mission accomplished. So, a decision was made to protect the highly prized African male. Let him have a harem of albino cats as his playthings. The liberal zookeepers felt very good about this decision and about themselves.
Spot on. The lid is about to come off this animal house.


Veteran Expediter
You might want to reconsider that one, man.

Turtle, I can't.

To say other wise seems to go against a few judges and appellate courts and what I know from being in court. I've seen it happen a few times and got a long lecture on the fifth when I was in court in 2005, so please don't tell me to reconsider.

The fifth can't be used in traffic court, it can't be used in a lot of different cases because of the what the supreme court and lower courts have set as the rules and boundaries for it.

As much as one may think you can use the fifth in this case, tax evasion where evading taxes is a crime, you can't invoke the fifth because of the nature of the crime and the previous rulings. It is not that big of a deal to think that you can be protected, even in conspiracy cases but that's not the case.

What would you think the judge would do if you said "I invoke my fifth amendment rights" in traffic court?

I can tell you would be told to answer the questions or face contempt charges.