Tiger gets mauled by mate


Veteran Expediter

I have tremendous respect for you - you are an extremely well-read individual - nevertheless, in spite of that knowledge and education there are times that you just get it flat-out wrong. I'm not gonna beat on that aspect too much, but as Turtle points out - you are incorrect (at least partially) on both the 5th Amendment and the matter of some traffic violations.

Sometimes, when one is possessed of too many details (or too much knowledge), it clouds their understanding of what is basic or fundamental.

1. The 5th Amendment does not only apply to appearing in court - otherwise why would the Supreme Court have required Miranada ?

2. Traffic offenses (at least some of them) are indeed criminal matters - not civil - in the State of Ohio, if not elsewhere.

OMG, what a cluster****
Not really, it's just a story - an experience of one individual.

this is too funny.
Funny ? You think it's funny ?

The only thing I can wish for you my friend it that you never find your self in the position of being accused of a crime you didn't commit, and having the power of the state arrayed against you ...... even on something so minor as a traffic offense.

What was the ticket for?
Assured Clear Distance - which, in the State of Ohio, is a criminal misdemeanor.

Let that charge conjure up in your mind what type of accident it might have been ..... what might have occurred ....

Now let me tell you where the point of contact was between the two vehicles:

The right front corner of her vehicle contacted the left front corner of the car I was driving - at roughly a 90 degree angle.

At the time where the vehicle contact occurred, I had already steered right (had I steered left I would have crossed left of center, across double-yellow lines, into the path of any oncoming traffic .... in a blind S curve) and I was completely off the roadway (because she had just turned left into my lane, directly into my path of travel), in an effort to avoid her reckless operation of her vehicle. I was traveling across her mother's lawn, and was crossing their driveway (one of two) heading toward the horse pasture.

My vehicle ended up roughly 60' off the roadway, and maybe 30' from the point where the impact occurred. The contact between the two vehicles was a glancing blow at best (so it didn't serve to slow my vehicle much) and I was traveling across a wet, muddy unfrozen yard (in early March) ...... keep the above distances in mind for later :rolleyes:

The FHP wanted to do their job and make sure that Woods got a fair shake.
Oh my goodness .... you really are a true-believer, aren't you ?: "We're from the government ..... and we're here to help you ....."

Such a viewpoint in my opinion borders on delusion .....

There is a need to produce a police report for many insurance companies, especially over $2500 worth the damage - which means a scratch on the plastic bumper of his Cadillac.
Up to the LEO - Woods isn't required to participate - the FHP admitted as much - so it's irelevant and moot.

Not to sound like an a** but did you at the time of the accident document and photograph the situation?
I did not really have a decent camera at the time of the accident - I was driving my wife's car, and the cell phone that I had at the time had an extremely poor camera and any pictures I could have taken with it would have so small (320 x 240 resolution) and so artifacted from JPEG compression as to be unusable.

I did almost immediately begin to write up what had happened - even before I contacted the police department or an attorney - within hours of the accident. I did this on the advice of my insurance company (USAA) - who, to their credit, fought against paying any claim to the other party - even after I had been tried and convicted. They did this partly due to my explanation, and the fact that I was adamant about what had happened and who was actually at fault. Obviously that was a position that it was in their best interest to take.

And I did go back to the scene of the accident (within a couple of days) and take photos (probably 20 or 30 of them): one of the things that Officer Dount-eater asserted on the stand that I was I must have been moving at a high rate of speed and that he had personally measured over 90' of skid marks (theoretically from my vehicle)

Of course, that was utterly false and an outright lie - the photos I had showed that there were no skidmarks whatsoever on the roadway and the only marks on the yard were light impressions or indentations from the weight of my vehicle rolling over wet, unfrozen ground - my vehicle traveled in a straight line once I left the road and there was no skid or loss of control on my part. This is likely the reason why Donut never brought his photos to show and tell :rolleyes:

At no point, had I been going greater than 35 or 40 mph (the speed limit on the road was 45) while following the other party. I was on my way home from Cross Truck in Canton after having purchased some e-track and was in no particular hurry.

At the point where the other party slowed down, and went completely left of center, crossing the double yellow lines, completely vacating the lane, I had slowed to around to 15 or 20 mph and was approaching cautiously in my lane, which was now entirely clear.

All the mailboxes on this section of road were on the opposite of the road - the one that the other party had moved over to - and it appeared that she was attempting to pull up to her mailbox to retrieve her mail. The only possible way for her to do that while remaining in her vehicle, was to do exactly what she did.

Well Duh, of course he is going to get that in his hands, he has access to all paper work to do with his case, even if it is about his actions or performance in this case.
Hindsight is 20/20 ain't it bud ?

It was one of those instances where I let emotion dictate my actions rather reason. I was so upset that Donut was charging me - and not citing her at all - despite the fact that she had committed multiple violations of traffic law (driving left of center, failure to signal, failure to yield, and reckless operation)

Before this incident I generally had the view that most cops are probably decent, honest individuals ..... in spite of the fact that I had some personal experience, and additionally was well-aware of many, many instances generally where that was not true.

Now, I wouldn't trust any of them as far as I could spit.

Was it used against you in court?
Like I said, there was really nothing specific in it that could be used against me - because I wrote down and recorded what exactly had happened. It was used against me in the sense that it alerted the prosecutions key witness to what the probable strategy of my attorney would be. It allowed Donut to prepare for potential lines of questioning and challenges to his credibility.

Did you ask your lawyer if that was the right move to talk to the Lt. or write up a separate statement with details of his behavior before the fact?
No Greg, I didn't - I didn't have to: he commented on it (that it probably wasn't a good move) when I explained to him what I had done: I contacted the police before him - thinking that it was so clear-cut that any reasonable person would see it - and that they would actually be concerned about seeing that justice was done. Guess what ? The police are often not at all reasonable, nor do they much care about justice. Often it's just about covering their own butts.

Lesson: Under similar circumstances (investigation of a crime) never, ever say anything to law enforcement - even if it doesn't appear that they would be or are looking at you - and if you are stupid enough not to follow that maxim, then always contact an attorney before you do - maybe he will be able to talk some sense into you.

Did you ask your lawyer to contact the police chief to tell him/her what is going on?
Lemme tell about my lawyer: at the time I was limited to who I could retain to represent me (finances) - so I choose a guy whose racket was to "represent" defendants by showing up in court for an hour or two and then charging them $250. No real prep for the trial, no real interest in winning the case. Do 3 or 4 of them a day, and well ..... it's a pretty good racket.

In fact, this guy couldn't understand why I was so worked up about it - afterall (to paraphrase him): "It's just a traffic ticket ......"

No, actually what it was, was being unjustly accused of a crime I did not commit. That, and that alone, was why it was a big deal. Had I been at fault, I wouldn't have uttered a word - I just would have went to court and plead no contest.

Rlent, sorry for your problems but I would have filed a complaint with the state of Ohio's AG's office and asked for the Ohio state police to get involved to properly investigate the accident to determine if it was done properly.
Yeah, well like I said - hindsight is alway 20/20. I know a lot more now than I did then - hopefully I will never again be in position where I have to use that knowledge.

After I was convicted, I very seriously considered appealing the verdict - I contacted several lawyers, including what had been up to that time, my law firm I used previously (you now - the high priced spread: they are one of the top law firms in Akron, had entire floor of the Key Building in downtown, real cherry paneling, and leather furniture, the whole enchilada ....)

I was looking at a minimum of $5K just to research and file the appeal (I had already done some research and there was case law on the books that would have supported my case) - and, like I said, I very seriously considered going down that road - but in good conscience I couldn't do that (incur the expense) to my family.

I also considered going to the media - the reporter who did the pieces on Officer Donut (one doesn't always have to go thru the criminal justice system to obtain justice :D)

My normal attorney's rather cryptic advice (probably based on much experience with dealing with law enforcement): "Don't even think about it - they are the police - and they have ways to make you regret that you ever even considered it."

Criminal justice system ? ....... yeah, it's criminal alright .....
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Veteran Expediter
Sorry you had those problems, I asked the questions so others may understand what to do or not to do. Not trying to beat you up.

As for my opener, it is about the entire tiger woods/banter between Poorboy and others - not to do with your problem. That was the OMG thing, it seemed to be getting too much over a nobody like woods.

I won't reply to anything else except to say this. I was faced with a similar situation where the idiot turned into her driveway from the center lane without warning - understand what you are saying. But what you were faced with was nothing compared to what I had to go through when I had to go to court.

Again, I am asking for others to know.


Veteran Expediter
Rlent, Sorry you had those problems, I asked the questions so others may understand what to do or not to do. Again, I am asking for others to know.
Thanks - and fair enough - that's a very good reason to ask - hopefully others will learn from my mistakes.

Not trying to beat you up.
I didn't get that you were - which is why I tried to reply in at least a somewhat civil manner.

As for my opener, it is about the entire tiger woods/banter between Poorboy and others - not to do with your problem. That was the OMG thing, it seemed to be getting too much over a nobody like woods.
Got it.

As I've mentioned before I look at the fascination with celebrity as a fairly unhealthy thing as far as our society is concerned - and I really just don't get it. I could describe my views on it in far stronger terms - but I'd imagine that some would find it highly offensive, so I'll refrain. Tiger's been all over the TV today, which I have had on while I've been online - I just tune it out and don't even really hear it.

I won't reply to anything else except to say this. I was faced with a similar situation where the idiot turned into her driveway from the center lane without warning - understand what you are saying.
Got it - I'd rather imagine that you might well understand it, given you've been thru something similar.

But what you were faced with was nothing compared to what I had to go through when I had to go to court.
Yeah - in the big scheme of things, what I went thru wasn't really a big deal, in terms of damage done - it could have been far, far worse - considering the individual that was involved.

Nevertheless, being falsely accused of anything (to say nothing of being tried and convicted), no matter how insignificant is not "no big deal" (not that you were saying that)

On the 5th Amendment: in terms of settled case law regarding traffic offenses, you may well be right - I don't know for certain - but I can tell you this: if I found myself in a position (court) where I was being told that I had to testify against myself or face contempt charges and jail, I'd be asking "Which way is the cell ?"

I'm in similar position as far as health care goes (depending on what if anything eventually passes), due to my beliefs and views on insurance and whether the government has a right to force me to spend money on something: I will be paying the fine .... and if necessary I would go to jail.

There are some things worth fighting for - and even to be willing to give up one's immediate physical life for ...
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Veteran Expediter

I will reply - at some point, either privately or publicly - to the remainder of your post that the quotes below were culled from - I feel that I owe you at least that.

..... you slam LDB and other conservatives at every opportunity.
I slam what I perceive to be illogical, misguided, utter retardedness (seems like I remember someone calling for censorship on that phrase :rolleyes:)

I try to keep it about the positions people take, and not about the specific personalities involved - although being human, I'm quite sure that at times I fail.

That much of this stuff happens to come from self-described conservatives (so-called) is irrelevant and immaterial to me for the most part. That it appears to be conservatives I'm targeting is really just an apparency - and results as a consequence of who the majority of local population is.

I have, in fact, argued against liberal positions on occasions, when I have deemed them to be similarly misguided (gun control is one that comes immediately to mind - and my positions on that subject probably place me politically on the extreme far right)

Someone's characterization of a position as "liberal" or "conservative", "left" or "right", makes very little difference to me - I try to be concerned with the sanity involved with the particular position taken. (BTW, I'm using sanity in far, far different sense than a legal one - just so you or anyone else doesn't get confused)

The fact is, I suspect that the preponderance of people that post here (on EO) are what could be characterized (either by themselves or others) as conservative.

At times, the manner in which some such self-described conservatives have responded to individuals which they merely perceive to liberal (not that they necessarily are) has to some degree shutdown thoughtful, open debate - by the use of labels such as "liberal", "PC", "politcally-correct", "left-wing", etc. directly at specific individuals - as well as all other matter of name calling and derisive labeling.

It is certainly true that those on "the right" have no exclusivity on it as a tactic - those on "the left" have certainly done it as well (although it ought to be fairly clear which way the deck is stacked, in terms of numbers) I rather suspect that were I to review my own posts I would likely find that I have engaged in it, a time or two .....

A good example of this type of behavior would be something like the following :rolleyes::

"I'm not hearing a peep about this gunman having "snapped" as the excusemakers fell all over themselves covering for Major Nidal Hasan who killed 13 soldiers. Why the double standard???"

The above, if it refers to the positions taken by two people in that thread (Turtle and myself), is clearly a perversion of our positions - it's hard to consider that it is anything other than an intentional, knowing twisting of the positions taken, merely to make them fit within one's desire for how they want them to be. It's propaganda at best. Sorry - but sometimes it ain't that black and white.

And obviously, the reason why one might "not hear a peep" is that some folks might be otherwise occupied - again, sorry that we were not at your immediate beck and call ....... I'll send you my cell number so that you might inform me when it is necessary for me to weigh in on a matter to avoid the appearance of "having a double standard" ......

If you were merely referring to the talking heads and pundits, then nevermind ..... but only you will really know, in your own heart and mind, what you actually intended .... and I won't ask.

There are a number of EO members who, although they may not consider themselves liberal (as well as some who might), no longer frequent the Soapbox - indeed, some of these folks no longer even participate on EO nearly as much as they used to.

Ever wonder why that is ? Any guesses ?

The Soapbox has largely devolved into some sort of right-wing, neo-con koffee-klatch (at times appearing to be something possibly akin to a klaven ...) whereby some of the resident denizens do nothing more than sit around and agree with like-minded individuals on how bad it all is, bashing wholesale, various individuals and groups that one thing in common - they (the groups) aren't them (the people doing the bashing)

And it is regularly frequented by at least one individual who has openly admitted that he will knowingly engage in propaganda, misrepresentation, and the forwarding of lies and falsehoods - anything to further the cause (ends justify the means - which is clearly a morally bankrupt position, at least in my opinion - and quite possibly in the opinion of others as well)

Now there's an elevation of civil debate to a higher plane .....

Indeed, it would appear that the specific individual I'm referring to has no interest in any real discourse with others, who might have a somewhat differing take on things, on matters of the day - simply given the sheer amount of threads started and posted. Pretty funny - considering that the purpose of the forum is discussion (and not some sort of slobbering agreement, only with those who think like you do)

To some degree I have to take my share of responsibility for the tone in here - as the manner in which I respond to many could easily be often described as incendiary :D

But hey, on the otherhand, the majority here largely defines - by their conduct alone - the rules for the way the game is played - and I'm quite happy to play. I might even be halfway decent at it (although certainly not in the opinion of some), considering the odds/numbers and how the deck is stacked (attempted rationality vs. knee-jerk insanity)

You play the censor here at EO by attempting to shut down free speech.
That this comment comes immediately after the sentence of yours that I quoted first above in this reply - mentioning the particular individual that it did specifically - is the epitome of irony. :rolleyes:

You figure that with the positions I take, I have the odds (numbers) in my favor ?

You accuse me of attempting to shut down free speech - exactly what power have I to do that ?

Am I moving or deleting peoples posts or threads ? Altering their words ?

..... too funny .....

What's that monkey on your back?
One never knows, until one has walked a mile in another's shoes ....

Lighten up.
Always good advice - thanks.
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Veteran Expediter
RLENT, sometimes I am too strident in my remarks. Often, I use exaggeration or absurdity to make a point. It is my wish to be on friendly terms with those who participate on EO. Obviously, I enjoy your contributions here. You always bring a forceful point of view as do I. Our differences are mostly stylistic. I will take my own advice to "lighten up." I respect your contributions here and apologize for offenses. Please continue to crack my skull as needed. *L*


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I am one that does NOT believe in the political labels either. Most who post in here are either centerists or just slightly left of center IF you use the CLASSIC political chart. With anarchy on the VERY far right and Monarchy on the very far left.

Most Americans if given a blind test, no parties mentioned would score right around the center of the spectrum, where Republic lies.

I tend to get passionate because of a LOT of very personal experience. Some of that in my prior employment and some do to family experience with the "Left". (so called Communism and Communists).

I have seen the damage that these things can cause. Not so much economic but more to the human spirit. I KNOW that throughout the world the "Left" most often uses terror, murder and mass detention to control their populations. Like building walls to keep their subjects IN and gunning down anyone, IN COLD BLOOD, who had the audacity to try to escape to FREEDOM.

As bad and unfair as our system can sometimes be, EVERYONE has a CHANCE. You cannot say that under a Soviet or WWII German style system. You cannot even say that under MOST of the European benign socialist governments. Where, for the most part, the OLD money in the hands of the OLD aristocrasy STILL control most everything and there is ALMOST no chance of ever being upwardly mobile.

I would rather be BROKE with a chance than KEPT sort of comfortable by a benevolent master. I will be no man's pet.


Retired Expediter
Canada and the US are about as identical as twins..both have the same social programs and repressive tax systems...
Outside of the healthcare systems I've never felt the government on my back...nor felt repressed....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That is ONLY because you did NOT participate in certain activities while you lived in Canada. Like gun ownership.

Oppressive taxes IS the government on your back. So using FORCE to insure a National Un-Healthy System.

The MORE the government does FOR you the more they are on your back.

Our Constitution DEMANDS LIMITED government, and control of that government BY the PEOPLE. We no longer have that.

That is what BEING on my back means.


Retired Expediter
That is ONLY because you did NOT participate in certain activities while you lived in Canada. Like gun ownership.

Oppressive taxes IS the government on your back. So using FORCE to insure a National Un-Healthy System.

The MORE the government does FOR you the more they are on your back.

Our Constitution DEMANDS LIMITED government, and control of that government BY the PEOPLE. We no longer have that.

That is what BEING on my back means.

I never was into guns anyhow...If I was I would have gone out and bought a rifle had the background check and that would be it....
The HUGE difference is the handgun laws...

I never felt forced into Health care because it was the norm ...accepted thing..it just was...It is NOT forced if the people want it Joe...there IS a difference.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It IS forced!! The Constitution does NOT allow for it. Try to understand. What gives OUR government the authority to STEAL money from one person and give it to another? IF it were NOT forced there would NOT be FINES!! VERY hefty fines. THAT is FORCE. IF it were sooo good they would not NEED to use FORCE!!

The ONLY LEGAL way to have a National Un-Healthy System in the United States is to amend our Constitution. Everything else is illegal.

Answer this, just how much FORCE to you think this government is going to use against those of us who REFUSE to participate or pay the fines? Do you REALLY think that they will just forget it?

As a FREE American I have the RIGHT to NOT follow a law that is Un-Constitutional and I will do so. THAT is the essence of freedom. It is called "Self-Determination" ONLY I decide what is right or wrong for me and only I will decide what insurance I will or will NOT buy.

That is the difference between a freeman and a slave, OR, a Man or a Pet.

I CHOOSE to live as I please. I bother no man, I force no man to do things that they don't wish too and I ask only the same in return. Use FORCE against me I and I will use FORCE in return. IF they leave me alone then I will leave them alone.

I have a MUCH better idea of what I need than Obama and Co. do. They can just "go suck an egg".

I am able to live up to my responsibilities, charity is a gift and should NOT be FORCED by law. I don't cotton well to being forced.


Retired Expediter
It IS forced!! The Constitution does NOT allow for it. Try to understand. What gives OUR government the authority to STEAL money from one person and give it to another? IF it were NOT forced there would NOT be FINES!! VERY hefty fines. THAT is FORCE. IF it were sooo good they would not NEED to use FORCE!!

The ONLY LEGAL way to have a National Un-Healthy System in the United States is to amend our Constitution. Everything else is illegal.

Answer this, just how much FORCE to you think this government is going to use against those of us who REFUSE to participate or pay the fines? Do you REALLY think that they will just forget it?

As a FREE American I have the RIGHT to NOT follow a law that is Un-Constitutional and I will do so. THAT is the essence of freedom. It is called "Self-Determination" ONLY I decide what is right or wrong for me and only I will decide what insurance I will or will NOT buy.

That is the difference between a freeman and a slave, OR, a Man or a Pet.

I CHOOSE to live as I please. I bother no man, I force no man to do things that they don't wish too and I ask only the same in return. Use FORCE against me I and I will use FORCE in return. IF they leave me alone then I will leave them alone.

I have a MUCH better idea of what I need than Obama and Co. do. They can just "go suck an egg".

I am able to live up to my responsibilities, charity is a gift and should NOT be FORCED by law. I don't cotton well to being forced.

You've NEVER experienced anything you describe under any administration....

You've always had all the programs since you were born


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You lost me, since when have I been REQUIRED to buy health insurance or ANYTHING by the FEDERAL Government? Not in MY lifetime. This will be the FIRST time in the history of the United States that our Federal Government has presumed the legal authority to FORCE a free citizen to purchase ANYTHING!! The rest WILL follow. This is a blatant ATTACK on our freedom and our Constitution.


Retired Expediter
You lost me, since when have I been REQUIRED to buy health insurance or ANYTHING by the FEDERAL Government? Not in MY lifetime. This will be the FIRST time in the history of the United States that our Federal Government has presumed the legal authority to FORCE a free citizen to purchase ANYTHING!! The rest WILL follow. This is a blatant ATTACK on our freedom and our Constitution.

Excluding the Health care issue...you've been ruled by every other government program since your birth....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That's what YOU think!!! LOL!!! Just let 'em TRY and take away my guns OR TRY to use FORCE to make me get health insurance, I'll fix 'em, I'll take the public option and get REAL sick!!

It's a mindset OVM. The United States and Canada are NOT exactly twins, more like distant brothers raised by different sets of parents. In the beginning Canada did NOT reject the Crown and CHOOSE to remain SUBJECT to the offspring of an incestious family. We here in the U.S. CHOSE a DIFFERENT path, the path of self-determination. WE did NOT want the Crown, we did NOT want to be SUBJECT to anyone. I STILL chose that. We don't have pictures of someone else's queen on our money. Just dead guys.

It has now become CRUNCH time here. This health care take over is a take over of our LIVES. They will use it to dictate what we eat and how we MUST live. I choose to rebel against anymore control. It is that straw. Do NOT try to compare what Canada does with their health care to what is going to happen here. It will NOT be the same thing. Keep in mind, 6 pages is REFORM, 2078 is a take over.


Retired Expediter
we have pics of the Queen and Prime Ministers out of respect as you have dead guys as well...out of respect...

Obama is going to bend us over the barrel and that is that!*LOL* Get out the KY....

BTW what OTHER uses are there for KY? *LOL*


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
we have pics of the Queen and Prime Ministers out of respect as you have dead guys as well...out of respect...

Obama is going to bend us over the barrel and that is that!*LOL* Get out the KY....

BTW what OTHER uses are there for KY? *LOL*

At least ALL of OUR dead guys are American, not some woman of a foreign country, born out of an incestuous family and STILL ALIVE!!

Obama may bend YOU over a barrel, I DEFY they putz to try that with me.

And I use KY to lube my wheel bearings.


Retired Expediter
At least ALL of OUR dead guys are American, not some woman of a foreign country, born out of an incestuous family and STILL ALIVE!!

Obama may bend YOU over a barrel, I DEFY they putz to try that with me.

And I use KY to lube my wheel bearings.

I remember a JFK coin....speaking of incestuous figures...*LOL*