Ok Layout, I'll take a stab - although part of what I was going to say has been somewhat covered a couple of posts above.
At the time I read the original post in this thread I was completely unaware of the Tiger Woods thing - no real surprise there ..... I really don't pay much attention to that kinda
crap (some do, no accounting for taste I guess) - so what I saw in the post, was without the benefit of that data - and the (rather sad) attempt at satire was lost on me.
However what I certainly did see was the following, at the end:
"After all, female albino cats are plentiful and easily replaced. This pairing had fostered greater social acceptance and enhanced self-esteem for the alpha male."
Black men can easily find white women who wish to be with them for sex, and that this somehow makes them (black men)
more socially acceptable, and enhances their self-esteem. (All of the above premises - save maybe the first - are dubious at best)
"So, a decision was made to protect the highly prized African male. Let him have a harem of albino cats as his playthings. The liberal zookeepers felt very good about this decision and about themselves."
Society (thru liberals, of course - the cause of all things evil

protects (promiscuous)
black men, and fostering this degraded conduct (promiscuous sex between races)
by sacrificing white women to them somehow makes those (the liberals - because of course, the flip side, conservatives, somehow can't be responsible for it and do anything about it)
who allow or promote it feel better about themselves.
What is racist about it
is what is implied.
The above is pretty much exactly where it went off the rails and became
rather ugly for me ..... can't speak for others, but the two parts quoted above were immediately evident to me. Red flag city.
This is the kind of talk that you might hear around the campfire .... you know -
the one where they burn the cross.
I know of at least one person here on EO who I believe is in an interracial marriage - I do not know this person extremely well, having only spoken to him on one occasion (I lost your phone number), but from what I can gather from what I have read of his posts on here, he is a good and decent fellow. I also know of a couple of expediters who are male and are black.
I would think that as matter of common sense, taste, and civility, joking around in regards to such matters, would be avoided as a matter of courtesy ......... but like I said earlier:
there's no accounting for taste .....
I have no idea whether the above (as I translated) was the actual intent, I certainly hope it wasn't - but the above is what I see in it.
Regardless of the actual intent there is the practical matter
of what it appeared to be ..... it would serve one well to consider very carefully how one's comments might be construed .....
or the effect they might have, although not intended.
It's not at all unlike discussing possible potential security flaws in our nation's critical infrastructure (specific nuclear power plants, by name)
on a public forum, - one that is crawled and has it's posts cached and indexed by at least one search engine that I'm aware of (Google) -
and which is accessible to the entire world -
while it may be entirely innocent, it still ain't real freakin' bright ......
Aristotle - you didn't ask for my advice, but I'll provide it anyways:
don't quit the day job - stick to what you know and are good at. Satire, unfortunately, ain't it.
And BTW, just in case the obvious has escaped you: ignorance of specific data is not a sign of lack of intelligence -
just one of unawareness, and possibly, although not necessarily, a failure to observe.
At any rate, I fall well to the right of that hump in the Bell Curve - and anytime you wanna sit down and compare numbers, well, you just feel free to give me a whistle.