The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Ruling coming today in the Colorado case. It’s on a Friday of course. Just a reminder what a Michigan judge said about the 14th Amendment eligibility issue a week ago. Wise words too:
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Retired Expediter
Ruling coming today in the Colorado case. It’s on a Friday of course. Just a reminder what a Michigan judge said about the 14th Amendment eligibility issue a week ago. Wise words too:
The people bringing these cases are doing so for one reason. Get the question before the US Supreme Court where the case will be argued by constitutional experts and the real ruling will be made. The briefs there presented and the ruling there made is what matters. The court cases leading to the Supreme Court are of secondary importance at best.
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Or the Supreme Court will decide to halt all trials until after the election.
Since you're open to groundless speculation, how about this? The justices on the Supreme Court decide they are tired of Trump. As justices and as a court, they have the judicial branch of government to protect. They hit their limit with Trump's abuse of the process and his vicious attacks of judges and the judicial system itself. Instead of concerning themselves with the merits of the case, they decide to use this case as the opportunity to end Trump once and for all. They rule that Trump is ineligible to hold public office on 14th Amendment grounds.

At that instant, it becomes clear to the world that Trump will never again be president. At that instant his base collapses, his fundraising ends, his loans are all called in, the fear Republicans have of him evaporates, most Republicans turn on him, his criminal cases proceed, and Trump dies broke in prison.

Regarding the Supreme Court itself, since he was elected in 2016, Trump has brought a few cases to the Supreme Court, or he was a defendant in cases that went to the Supreme Court. I do not know of a single time where Trump won one of those cases. In every case, the US Supreme Court ruled against Trump.

If you are counting on conservative bias or Trump-appointee bias, to carry the day for Trump in the Supreme Court, the evidence suggests it would be better to count on the Court to rule against Trump.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The people bringing these cases are doing so for one reason. Get the question before the US Supreme Court where the case will be argued by constitutional experts and the real ruling will be made. The briefs there presented and the ruling there made is what matters. The court cases leading to the Supreme Court are of secondary importance at best.
Why hasn’t Trump been charged with that specific crime then?
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Retired Expediter
Why hasn’t Trump been charged with that specific crime then?
I'm not going to argue the particulars of these cases with you. What you and I think about it is irrelevant. I'm interested in seeing these cases make their way to the Supreme Court. That is the the most appropriate forum. That is where people more qualified than us will argue their cases and make their ruling.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'm not going to argue the particulars of these cases with you. What you and I think about it is irrelevant. I'm interested in seeing these cases make their way to the Supreme Court. That is the the most appropriate forum. That is where people more qualified than us will argue their cases and make their ruling.
It’s relevant. Trump wasn’t convicted in the Senate after the impeachment. And almost 3 years later Trump hasn’t been charged with it by a highly partisan DOJ.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Trump prevails in the Colorado 14th Amendment case. One by one, these lame attempts to disqualify Trump from state ballots are being shot down, with CO being the 4th state to do so.

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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Trump prevails in the Colorado 14th Amendment case. One by one, these lame attempts to disqualify Trump from state ballots are being shot down, with CO being the 4th state to do so.
Next step: Appeal to higher court.
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Retired Expediter
One by one, these lame attempts to disqualify Trump from state ballots are being shot down, with CO being the 4th state to do so.
There is an obscure candidate for president named John Anthony Castro. He has filed at least 27 lawsuits across the country challenging Trump's eligibility on 14th Amendment grounds. While some courts have taken various actions with these Castro suits, it seems to me (and the courts) these Castro suits are without merit. I view them as non-serious suits brought by a non-credible candidate, and have paid virtually no attention to them for that reason.

Three serious suits brought by credible parties have been filed in Minnesota, Michigan, and Colorado.

The Minnesota suit was not heard. It was dismissed. No rulings were made regarding the merits of the case.

The Michigan suit was not heard. It was dismissed. No rulings were made regarding the merits of the case.

The Colorado suit was not dismissed. It was heard and Judge Wallace, issued her findings and order Friday night. You can read her 102-page order here.

In its action, the Minnesota Supreme Court "... said in its ruling the decision applied only to the state’s primary and left open the possibility that plaintiffs could try again to knock Trump off the general election ballot in November." (Source) I commented on this ruling when it was made, and agreed with that Court's reasoning. The Court left the door wide open for the suit to be refiled at a later date.

In the Michigan case, Court of Claims Judge James Robert Redford’s decided "...that the political nature of the issues involved were outside the jurisdiction of the court and could only be decided by Congress." The plaintiffs "filed an appeal with the Michigan Court of Appeals, as well as an emergency bypass application seeking immediate review by the Michigan Supreme Court." (Source) Those appeals are pending.

In Colorado, Judge Wallace denied the petition to keep Trump off the Colorado ballot. The plaintiffs said they will appeal to the Colorado Supreme Court.

While Trump has scored three wins in these three cases in the lower courts, I would not characterize these cases "shot down." All three cases remain very much alive. Legal experts expect all of these cases, and any other similar cases that emerge, to be ultimately resolved by the US Supreme Court.
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Questions Answered in Court; 11/3/2020 to 11/10/23


This EO forum has a character limit for posts. This growing list of Trump-related court actions has reached that limit. To make the full list available, I am creating this reference post. It covers the Trump-related court actions from November 3, 2020, to November, 10, 2023. Going forward, I will list the new actions each week, as I did before, and include a link to this post.

Yes, Trump’s motion to delay the May 20 start of the FL documents trial is denied. Cannon, 11/10/23
Yes, Trump must tell the government if he intends to use the “advice of counsel” defense, and if used, he must provide the relevant documents. Chutkan, 11/8/23
*Yes, the lawsuit seeking to bar Trump from the 2024 Minnesota primary ballot is dismissed. MN Supreme Court, 11/8/23.
*Yes, Trump is granted an administrative stay of the gag order issued by Judge Chutkan. DC Court of Appeals, 11/3/23
Yes, the jury in the Carroll case will be anonymous. Kaplan, 11/3/23
Yes, Judge Engoron’s gag order is extended to include Trump’s attorneys. Engoron, 11/3/23
Yes, Ivanka Trump’s appeal of Judge Engoron’s order requiring her to testify is denied. New York Supreme Court Appellate Division, 11/3/23
Yes, Trump’s motion to dismiss the Colorado suit seeking to ban him from Colorado’s presidential ballot is denied. Wallace, 11/1/23
Yes, DOJ’s motion to allow prosecutors to withhold "certain classified information" from Trump, and instead provide an unclassified summary of the same is granted. Chutkan 11/1/23
Yes, the Trump gag order issued by Judge Chutkan shall be reinstated. Chutkan, 10/29/23
Yes, Trump's request for an emergency stay is moot and denied, and the Colorado trial will proceed as scheduled. Colorado Supreme Court, 10/27/23.
Yes, Ivanka Trump is required to testify in Trump’s NY fraud trial. Engoron, 10/27/23
No, Trump’s testimony under oath is not credible, and yes, Trump will pay a $10,000 fine for violating Engoron’s gag order. Engoron, 10/26/23
No, Trump’s argument that Congress, not courts, should handle questions related to his ballot eligibility is not valid, and the case will not be dismissed. Wallace, 10/25/23
No, the lawsuit that seeks to keep Trump off the Michigan presidential ballot will not be dismissed. Redford, 10/25/23
Yes, a limited gag order is ordered for Trump. 10/16/23, Chutkan
*Yes, classified discovery materials will be kept in a secure facility in Florida’s Southern District. 10/17/23, Cannon
No, a stay will not be granted in the Trump v. Garza trial. 10/18/23, Mehta
*Yes, a short administrative stay of Chutkan’s gag order is granted. 10/20/23, Chutkan
Yes, Trump will pay a $5,000 fine for his gag order violation and is warned against future violations, sanctions for which may include imprisonment. 10/20/23, Engoron
*Yes, the conflict-of-interest hearing in the Mar-a-Lago documents case will be postponed. 10/12/23, Cannon
No, The Colorado 14th Amendment disqualification lawsuit will not be dismissed. 10/11/23, Wallace
Yes, the non-disclosure and non-disparagement agreements signed by all Trump 2016 campaign employees, contractors and volunteers are invalid and unenforceable, and Trump will pay the plaintiff’s legal fees. 10/11/23, Gardephe
*Yes, Trump is granted an interim stay of the cancellation of Trump’s NY business certificates. 10/6/23, Appeals Court Judge Moulton
No, Trump’s New York fraud trial will not be paused while a Trump appeal is considered. 10/6/23, Appeals Court Judge Moulton
*Yes, certain pretrial deadlines in the FL documents case will be paused while the judge considers Trump’s motion to delay the trial until after the Nov. 2024 election. 10/6/23, Cannon
Yes, Trump et al must disclose all New York business entities, and all people having beneficial ownership in them, to a court monitor, and the defendants are enjoined from moving, transferring, renaming, or otherwise changing ownership of those assets without first notifying the monitor. Applications for new NY business entities must also be reported to the monitor. 10/4/23, Engoron
Yes, a gag order is issued forbidding any posts, emails or public remarks about members of Judge Engoron’s staff. 10/3/23, Engoron
Yes, the DOJ motion to Ensure that Extrajudicial Statements will not Prejudice will be heard. Chutkan, 9/29/23
No, Judge Chutkan will not recuse herself from the federal election subversion case. Chutkan, 9/27/23
Yes, Trump’s New York business certificates shall be canceled and the businesses shall be placed in receivership and dissolved. Engoron, 9/26/23
Yes, Trump repeatedly committed massive fraud for many years. Engoron, 9/26/23
Yes, Trump’s request for a summary judgement is denied. Engoron, 9/26/23
Yes, a protective order opposed by Trump shall be issued that prohibits threats and intimidation in the Colorado 14th Amendment lawsuit. 9/22/23, Wallace
Yes, the DOJ motion requesting limits on Trump’s speech will be redacted and unsealed. 9/15/23, Chutkan
Yes, Trump’s motion for relief from a previous ruling (sanctions imposed for frivolous lawsuit) is denied. 9/15/23, Middlebrooks
*Yes, Trump’s GA RICO case (and those of 16 others) will be severed from the two co-defendants who are demanding a speedy Trial. 9/14/23, McAfee
No, the second Carroll trial will not be delayed. 9/13/23, US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals.
No, Trump may not speak about classified information with defense counsel outside of a SCIF. 9/13/23, Cannon
Yes, the 14th Amendment lawsuit filed in Colorado was improperly removed by Trump to federal court, and will be sent back to state court. 9/12/23, Brimmer
Yes, a state lawsuit (Colorado) will be filed seeking to keep Trump’s name off the presidential ballot on 14th Amendment grounds. 9/6/23
Yes, Trump’s request to stay the NY state $250 million civil fraud trial is completely without merit. The trial will proceed as scheduled. 9/6/23, Engoron
Yes, a partial summary judgement is granted. Trump is liable for defamatory statements against E. Jean Carroll. The Jan. 2024 trial is needed only to set the monetary damages. 9/6/23, Kaplan
Yes, the DOJ request to bar Trump from being deposed in lawsuits brought by former FBI agents Strzok and Page (because he was president) is denied. 9/1/23, DC Appeals Court
Yes, the motion to intervene submitted by the Trump legal team is denied. 8/29/23, Chutkan
Yes, the petition for a writ of habeas corpus filed by the Trump legal team is denied. 8/29/23, Chutkan
No, the Trump legal team may not file amicus briefs in this criminal case. 8/29/23, Chutkan
Yes, Trump’s federal election interference trial date is set for March 4, 2024. 8/29/23, Chutkan
No, the GA RICO case will not be delayed while Trump aids seek its removal to federal court. 8/23/23, Jones
Yes, Trump will have bail conditions and a $200,000 bond in GA. 8/21/23, McAfee
No, the May, 2024 Mar-a-Lago documents trial date will not be changed to a later date. 8/21/23, Cannon
No, the second Carroll defamation trial scheduled for 1/15/24 will not be delayed. 8/18/23, Kaplan
Yes, the appeal Trump filed RE Carroll is frivolous and is denied for that reason. 8/18/23, Kaplan
Yes, Trump (and 18 co-defendants) will be indicted by a Fulton County grand jury on RICO and other charges. 8/15/23
No, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Merchan will not recuse himself from the Manhattan falsified business records case. 8/14/23
*No, the protective order will not be as broad as DOJ requests. 8/11/23, Chutkan
Yes, Trump is prohibited from making inflammatory statements about the election interference case. 8/11/23, Chutkan
No, the protective order hearing date will not be delayed. 8/8/23, Chutkan
Yes, the DOJ can have its requested Garcia hearing regarding Woodward conflicts. 8/7/23, Cannon
*No, the Special Counsel may not file under seal evidence of conflicts RE attorney Woodward. 8/7/23, Cannon
Yes, Trump’s counter-defamation suit against E. Jean Carroll is without merit and is dismissed 8/7/23, Kaplan
No, Trump's request for a delayed response to DOJ's protective order motion will not be granted. 8/5/23
Yes, the Trump deposition transcript from the Carroll trial will be given to DA Bragg. 8/3/23
Yes, Trump will be indicted on charges concerning the 2020 election. 8/3/23
Yes, the Miami grand jury will continue its investigation and produce additional indictments, even after it first indicted Trump. 8/1/23
*Yes, Trump is protected by presidential immunity regarding two defamatory statements he made against a PA voting machine supervisor when Trump was president. 7/31/23, Erdos
No, Trump is not protected by presidential immunity regarding one defamatory statement he made against a PA voting machine supervisor after Trump left office. 7/31/23
Yes, the GA Special Grand Jury report can be used against Trump. 7/31
No, Fani Willis will not be disqualified from prosecuting Trump. 7/31
Yes, Trump will be deposed under oath regarding the $500 million lawsuit he filed against Cohen. 7/31/23
Yes, the defamation lawsuit Trump filed against CNN is dismissed because the judge rules it is "not actionable." 7/28/23, Singhal
No, the documents trial will not be postponed until after the election. 7/21/23, Cannon
Yes, Cohen and Trump will settle Cohen's lawsuit claiming millions in unpaid legal fees. 7/21/23
No, the falsified records case will not be moved to federal court. 7/19/23, Hellerstein
Yes, Trump is a rapist. 7/19/23, Kaplan
Yes, the $5 million in damages the jury said Trump must pay Carroll is reasonable. 7/19/23, Kaplan
No, Fani Willis will not be disqualified from working on the GA election interference case. GA Supreme Court, 7/17/23
No, the GA Special Grand Jury report will not be thrown out. 7/17/23, GA Supreme Court
No, Trump is not immune from defamation charges because he was president. 6/29/23, Kaplan
*Yes, the scope of the lawsuit brought by NY AG James is limited by the statute of limitations, and Ivanka Trump is thereby dismissed from the suit. 6/27/23, New York Appellate Division
Yes, the 2019 Carroll lawsuit can be amended to include Trump's CNN remarks. 6/13/23, Kaplan
No, John Eastman does not have executive privilege to withhold documents from the Jan. 6 Committee3/28/23, Carter
No, the NY AG lawsuit against Trump et al will not be delayed. 3/21/23 Engoron
Yes, Trump attorney Corcoran must testify because attorney client privilege does not apply (furtherance of a crime). 3/17/23,Howell
Yes, Trump is ordered to pay $938,000 in legal fees to Hillary and others, because Trump abused the legal system. 1/19/23, Middlebrooks
No, the NY AG lawsuit will not be dismissed. 1/6/23, Engoron
Yes, the Trump Organization is guilty of 17 counts of tax fraud. 12/6/22, Jury
Yes, Trump's lawsuit challenging the Mar-a-Lago search will be dismissed due to a lack of jurisdiction. 12/12/22, Cannon No, special rules cannot be written by Judge Cannon for Trump because he is a former president. 12/1/22, 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
No, Judge Cannon does not have jurisdiction to appoint a special master. Cannon's ruling is reversed. 12/1/22, 11th Circuit Court of Appeals
Yes, an independent monitor is appointed to thwart Trump's attempt to move his business legal structure out of New York jurisdiction. 11/14/22
Yes, NY AG James will sue the Trump Organization claiming $250 million in fraud. 9/21/22
No, former White House Counsel Cipollone cannot claim executive privilege to avoid testifying before the grand jury. 7/1/22, Chutkan.
No, former national security advisor Robert O’Brien cannot assert executive privilege to avoid testifying before the Jan. 6 Committee. 4/21/22, Jackson
*No, NYC Mayor de Blasio does not have the right to cancel Trump’s contract to run the Ferry Point Golf Course. 4/8/22, James
No, Mike Pence does not have executive privilege to avoid testifying before the Jan. 6 Committee. 3/8/22, Boasberg
Yes. Trump’s defamation lawsuit against the New York Times is dismissed. 3/9/21, d’Auguste
No, Meadows and other Trump aids cannot assert executive privilege to avoid testifying before the Jan. 6 Committee. 3/8/22, Chutkan
Yes, the Trump defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post is dismissed, 2/10/22, Contreras
Yes. Trump’s defamation lawsuit against CNN is dismissed. 11/23/20, Singhal
No, 62 lawsuits filed by Trump making various 2020 election claims are not valid. 11/20 - 1/21,
Judges in 62 courts

Disclaimer: This ongoing compilation is done on a best-efforts basis. If I miss or get something wrong, kindly advise me and I'll correct the list. Where a ruling has been appealed to a higher court, the higher court's ruling is shown when made. The lower court's ruling remains on the list, as it was a question answered at the time.
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Retired Expediter
Questions Answered in Court; Week of 11/12/23

Running Total

*Trump-Favorable Answers: 16
Trump-Adverse Answers: 153
Trump Win Rate: 10.46%

Answered This Week:

No, references to Jan 6 will not be struck from Trump’s DC criminal case. 11/17/23, Chutkan

Yes, Trump’s motion for a mistrial in his NY civil fraud trial is denied. 11/17/23, Engoron

*No, Trump will not be kept off the Colorado ballot on 14th Amendment grounds. 11/17/23, Wallace

*Yes, the Special Counsel’s request to set a deadline for Trump’s defense team to provide notice of the classified information it seeks to use at trial is denied. 11/16/23, Cannon

Yes, the deadline has passed and it is too late for Trump to add an additional expert witness in the upcoming Carroll case. 11/16/23, Kaplan

*Yes, Judge Engoron’s gag order on Trump shall be stayed. 11/16/23, Friedman

Answered in Recent Weeks:

Answered in Previous Weeks:

: This ongoing compilation is done on a best-efforts basis. If I miss or get something wrong, kindly advise me and I'll correct the list. Where a ruling has been appealed to a higher court, the higher court's ruling is shown when made. The lower court's ruling remains on the list, as it was a question answered at the time.
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