The Trump Card...


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Retired Expediter
Yes, Donald Trump is an Insurrectionist

In the Colorado 14th Amendment case, in which a group of voters sued to keep Trump off the Colorado ballot on 14th Amendment grounds, Judge Wallace ruled that because of the way she interprets the word "officer," Trump is eligible to be on the ballot.

On that point, Trump won in court. He will be placed on the Colorado ballot. The plaintiffs have said they will appeal. This case is on a fast track of some sort so we should see additional action very soon.

Of great interest to the people who believe Trump should be excluded from the presidential ballot on 14th Amendment grounds, are the other points made by the plantiffs. On those, the judge ruled for the plantiffs each time.

One example is paragraph 128 of the order. "The Court finds that prior to the January 6, 2021 rally, Trump knew that his supporters were angry and prepared to use violence to “stop the steal” including physically preventing Vice President Pence from certifying the election. In fact, Trump did everything in his power to fuel that anger with claims he knew were false about having won the election and with claims he knew were false that Vice President Pence could hand him the election."

Other such findings are stated in paragraphs 144, 241, and 293 of the order, in which the judge said,

The Court finds that Trump’s Ellipse speech incited imminent lawless violence."

"The Court further concludes that the events on and around January 6, 2021, easily satisfy this definition of “insurrection.” and

"The Court concludes that Trump acted with the specific intent to incite political violence and direct it at the Capitol with the purpose of disrupting the electoral certification."

The finding drawing the greatest attention is stated in paragraph 298. After a lengthy discussion of the evidence and the law pertaining to the question, the judge said,

"Consequently, the Court finds that Petitioners have established that Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 through incitement, and that the First Amendment does not protect Trump’s speech."

Thus, it is a finding of the Court, and it is now a matter of fact and law, that Trump is an insurrectionist. Specifically, "... Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 through incitement, ... ."

That will be an item of profound significance as these cases work their way up to the US Supreme Court where they will be ultimately resolved.

Short Story: Trump knew he lost. Trump intended to thwart the Constitution to stay in power. To that end, Trump incited the violent Jan 6 insurrection. And yes, it actually was an insurrection. All of these are now items of fact and law.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes, Donald Trump is an Insurrectionist ......

Thus, it is a finding of the Court, and it is now a matter of fact and law, that Trump is an insurrectionist. Specifically, "... Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 through incitement, ... ."

That will be an item of profound significance as these cases work their way up to the US Supreme Court where they will be ultimately resolved.
Whatever the final outcome of the current situation is, Trump has put a black stain on The United States which will forever be remembered.

I hope MAGA is proud.
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Whatever the final outcome of the current situation is, Trump has put a black stain on The United States which will forever be remembered.
Trump put a black stain on himself and those who supported him in insurrection. When this is cleared up through the courts, Trump is in jail, and democracy is again safe; this will be viewed as a golden moment in the history of the US and the Constitution.

The story will be, American democracy was threatened by a would-be authoritarian. Democracy fought back, won, and now stands stronger than ever.
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Sedition Hunters Thrilled With MAGA Mike

There is a group of people known as the "Sedition Hunters." The group is informally organized. There are no leaders. They simply interact with each other online around their common interest; which is, to identify individuals who took part in the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol. They examine publicly available photos and videos from social media sites like Twitter and Parler, video platforms, and other sources to identify suspects. They then submit their findings to the FBI in the form of a tip.

When US House Speaker "MAGA Mike" Johnson pledged to release 44,000 hours of Jan. 6 tapes, the Sedition Hunters reacted with joy. MAGA Mike is gifting these people thousands of hours of footage they did not have access to before.

Seemingly aware of the prosecution risk releasing these tapes pose to the people who are shown committing crimes, "Johnson said Friday that the committee is processing the footage to blur the faces of individuals 'to avoid any persons from being targeted for retaliation of any kind.'” (Source)

That in no way diminishes the Sedition Hunters' enthusiasm. They are remarkably effective. These internet sleuths scrutinize every pixel of every photo or video for clues. They have identified hundreds of suspects and shared that info with the FBI. A name patch on a jacket, a symbol on a hat, a distinctive item of clothing, a unique gait or mannerism, an unknown person seemingly there with a known person ... the Sedition Hunters will latch onto and cross-reference all such things in their ongoing work to identify and help bring suspects to justice.

While many are praising MAGA Mike for releasing these tapes, people who committed Jan 6 crimes at the Capitol but have not yet been charged may not welcome this news.
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Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Nov 6 bunch vs the new PLO crowd , no arrest for the PLO crowd yet, hmmmm, rules for Nov 6 and no rules for the recent PLO bunch,aka students...oh yes, and the Bidens are still free....from charges.....
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Sedition Hunters Setting the Record Straight

View attachment 23326
Even though liberals love vigilante groups like this who doxx people they don't like, something didn't seem right about the idea of the DOJ colluding with an anonymous group of pajama boys feeding feds the names of citizens these "sleuths" deemed to be insurrectionists. It took some digging to find info not provided by some liberal source like Axios or Politico, but there's always two sides to these stories. Sure enough, they're not as loosely organized as one might think. Too bad there's no comparable conservative group that identifies BLM rioters; but even if there was, the FBI wouldn't give them the time of day.

"Sedition Hunters, a network of anti-conservative Antifa activists, are crowdsourcing an online investigation of Americans who protested on January 6 following the Capitol riot."

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Unfortunately, as evidenced by posts right here on EO, the Trump supporters don't care.
I'd like to believe they have the decency to not speak with a foul mouth in front of children. I'd like to believe they are teaching their kids to not lie. What parent wants their children to lie to them? This isn't about politics. It's about decency, family success and social success.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'd like to believe they have the decency to not speak with a foul mouth in front of children. I'd like to believe they are teaching their kids to not lie. What parent wants their children to lie to them? This isn't about politics. It's about decency.
Was it a decent thing to do to concoct a phony dossier alleging a pee tape about a golden shower and then plaster it all over the media to embarrass and undermine a presidency? No, so spare the virtue signaling.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Even though liberals love vigilante groups like this who doxx people they don't like, something didn't seem right about the idea of the DOJ colluding with an anonymous group of pajama boys feeding feds the names of citizens these "sleuths" deemed to be insurrectionists. It took some digging to find info not provided by some liberal source like Axios or Politico, but there's always two sides to these stories. Sure enough, they're not as loosely organized as one might think. Too bad there's no comparable conservative group that identifies BLM rioters; but even if there was, the FBI wouldn't give them the time of day.

"Sedition Hunters, a network of anti-conservative Antifa activists, are crowdsourcing an online investigation of Americans who protested on January 6 following the Capitol riot."

It’s interesting that the “remarkably effective” pajama sleuths haven’t yet identified the fellow who was on the scaffold yelling in the bullhorn to go into the capitol, or the group of people that constructed the gallow. As well as the person that planted the pipes at the RNC and the DNC. Seems like identifying them would be easy low hanging fruit. But nada, crickets.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes, Donald Trump is an Insurrectionist

In the Colorado 14th Amendment case, in which a group of voters sued to keep Trump off the Colorado ballot on 14th Amendment grounds, Judge Wallace ruled that because of the way she interprets the word "officer," Trump is eligible to be on the ballot.

On that point, Trump won in court. He will be placed on the Colorado ballot. The plaintiffs have said they will appeal. This case is on a fast track of some sort so we should see additional action very soon.

Of great interest to the people who believe Trump should be excluded from the presidential ballot on 14th Amendment grounds, are the other points made by the plantiffs. On those, the judge ruled for the plantiffs each time.

One example is paragraph 128 of the order. "The Court finds that prior to the January 6, 2021 rally, Trump knew that his supporters were angry and prepared to use violence to “stop the steal” including physically preventing Vice President Pence from certifying the election. In fact, Trump did everything in his power to fuel that anger with claims he knew were false about having won the election and with claims he knew were false that Vice President Pence could hand him the election."

Other such findings are stated in paragraphs 144, 241, and 293 of the order, in which the judge said,

The Court finds that Trump’s Ellipse speech incited imminent lawless violence."

"The Court further concludes that the events on and around January 6, 2021, easily satisfy this definition of “insurrection.” and

"The Court concludes that Trump acted with the specific intent to incite political violence and direct it at the Capitol with the purpose of disrupting the electoral certification."

The finding drawing the greatest attention is stated in paragraph 298. After a lengthy discussion of the evidence and the law pertaining to the question, the judge said,

"Consequently, the Court finds that Petitioners have established that Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 through incitement, and that the First Amendment does not protect Trump’s speech."

Thus, it is a finding of the Court, and it is now a matter of fact and law, that Trump is an insurrectionist. Specifically, "... Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 through incitement, ... ."

That will be an item of profound significance as these cases work their way up to the US Supreme Court where they will be ultimately resolved.

Short Story: Trump knew he lost. Trump intended to thwart the Constitution to stay in power. To that end, Trump incited the violent Jan 6 insurrection. And yes, it actually was an insurrection. All of these are now items of fact and law.
Short story: The presiding judge didn't recuse herself after making a donation to an anti -Trump operation. Then allowed her bias to ignore the overwhelmingly exculpatory testimony.
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Retired Expediter
It can't be helped.
I'm sure they have given plenty of exposure to Trump on television.
If I had kids to raise, I'd encourage them to pick role models to emulate. Sadly, I can't think of more than a tiny few modern-day politicians to recommend. Actually, only one comes to mind; John McCain.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Was it a decent thing to do to concoct a phony dossier alleging a pee tape about a golden shower and then plaster it all over the media to embarrass and undermine a presidency? No, so spare the virtue signaling.
I don't know what you mean by virtue signaling. I have never said anything positive about that dossier. What I have said about it you can read here.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Short story: The presiding judge didn't recuse herself after making a donation to an anti -Trump operation. Then allowed her bias to ignore the overwhelmingly exculpatory testimony.
Judge Cannon has contributed money to a pro-Trump organization. Should she recuse herself for that reason?
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