The Trump Card...


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Trump's 40 Wall Street Building is in Trouble

"Special servicers are assigned to manage CMBS loans that are in default or at potential risk of default."

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The Prosecution Rests

Today's testimony by Ivanka Trump was the final witness for the prosecution and the prosecution rests. Next, Trump's attorney's will present their defense. That will last about a month. Closing arguments will be made. Then Judge Engoron will rule, and the trial will be over.
That was the prosecution’s case? Between their witness Cohen admitting that he is a liar and Trump schooling them on real estate, it didn’t go well for them.
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Retired Expediter
That was the prosecution’s case? Between their witness Cohen admitting that he is a liar and Trump schooling them on real estate, it didn’t go well for them.
That comment works perfectly if you ignore everything else that happened. We'll see how well it went after the judge rules.
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Questions Answered in Court; Week of 11/05/23

Running Total

*Trump-Favorable Answers: 13
Trump-Adverse Answers: 150
Trump Win Rate: 8.67%

Answered This Week:

Yes, Trump’s motion to delay the May 20 start of the FL documents trial is denied. Cannon, 11/10/23

Yes, Trump must tell the government if he intends to use the “advice of counsel” defense, and if used, he must provide the relevant documents. Chutkan, 11/8/23

*Yes, the lawsuit seeking to bar Trump from the 2024 Minnesota primary ballot is dismissed. MN Supreme Court, 11/8/23.

160 Questions Answered in Previous Weeks: See previous post
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Retired Expediter
The merger was delayed. But now it’s settled. And there should be one within the year.
There was once a big pot of investor money waiting for that merger to happen. Those investors have left and that money is gone. Those who did not leave got their money refunded. There may yet be a merger of the two entities. One is an empty bucket. The other is a bucket with a money losing hole in it. The merger would be two bad buckets into one.

Another consideration is Trump's presence on Truth Social. When you are in prison, you are not allowed to access the internet and the social media accounts that reside thereon. Trump is a defendant in four criminal indictments. For an investor considering an investment in DWAC or its successor entity, the prospect of Truth Social's star draw being cut off from Truth Social is not very appealing.

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Retired Expediter
The merger was delayed. But now it’s settled. And there should be one within the year.
Do you know something Trump's managers and accountants do not know? In their SEC filing, they say this:

"Digital World has until September 8, 2024 to consummate a business combination. It is uncertain that Digital World will be able to consummate a business combination by this time. If a business combination is not consummated by this date, there will be a mandatory liquidation and subsequent dissolution of Digital World. Additionally, Digital World has incurred and expects to incur significant costs in pursuit of its acquisition plans. Digital World lacks the financial resources it needs to sustain operations for a reasonable period of time, which is considered to be one year from the date of the issuance of the financial statements. As a result, these factors raise substantial doubt about Digital World’s ability to continue as a going concern." (Source)

Healthy companies do not issue statements like this. Successful companies do not issue statements like this. DWAC is issuing a statement like this.

This endeavor has lost money the entire time it has been in business and the company itself says, there is "substantial doubt about Digital World's ability to continue as a going concern."
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