The Trump Card...


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Midway Through Trump's Testimony

The NY fraud trial in which Trump is testifying today is on a lunch break. I don't want to say much about it at this point because the trial is not televised and we're getting only bits and pieces as the testimony unfolds.

In general, it seems that Trump is receiving questions of the type that are typical of those asked of a witness in a trial, and he is answering them in ways typical of his Truth social posts.

It may or may not be that Trump and his lawyers are following the strategy described above. If they are, the judge does not seem to be taking the bait. There have been a few heated moments in the trial today, but nothing that would suggest the judge has committed a reversible error or demonstrated bias such that it would give a higher court grounds to reverse the judge on appeal.

Someone connected with Trump was quoted on TV today saying the trial is going great for Trump and Trump's testimony is a huge win. Politically, he may be correct. But this is a court of law and the question is not, what effect will Trump's testimony have on the polls? They question before the Court is, how severe will Trump's punishment (disgorgement) be for the massive, systematic, and years-long fraud Trump committed?

This is a golden opportunity for Trump, under oath, to explain directly to the prosecutors and the judge how his financial statements were not at all falsified but were as accurate as any could be for an organization as large as Trump's. This is his time to prove to all concerned that no fraud was committed. This is his time to demonstrate for all to hear how the Trump Organization was fully committed to a culture of compliance with generally accepted accounting principals and New York law. This is Trump's time to show that the Trump Organization and the co-defendants on trial run an upstanding and pristine business that in no way deserves to be found liable for fraud.

Trump has not done so yet. Maybe he's saving that part for after lunch.

Update: Here's a (nearly) commentary free compilation of courtroom reports about Trump's full day in court:

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Testimony Tidbit

NY attorney: Did you get copies of statements in 2021?

Donald Trump: I was so busy in the White House with China, Russia, and keeping the country...

NY attorney: You were not the President in 2021.
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Veteran Expediter
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Testimony Tidbit

NY attorney: Did you get copies of statements in 2021?

Donald Trump: I was so busy in the White House with China, Russia, and keeping the country...

NY attorney: You were not the President in 2021.
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Appeal Case Undermined by Trump Himself

Translation: Trump's case is toast. Even on appeal, Trump is without a valid case to argue. Even if this goes to SCOTUS, Trump stands soiled by his own admissions and has nothing to offer to reverse Engoron's findings.

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Its' Nice to See ...

It's nice to see Trump's fraud come into full view as the evidence is presented and Trump himself admits to it under oath. Ivanka's testimony on Wednesday will be icing on the cake. Then the defense gets to present its case, a case indefensible before the law and the facts. Trump did it, and he's in deep, deep trouble because he did.

As the defense lawyers present their losing case, look for them, like Trump, play to his base instead of the judge. They know they have already lost. That summary judgement has already been made. They'll salvage what they can by playing to the base, and using the court as a platform to undermine the judicial system that is getting closer and closer to convicting and jailing Trump.

He's not going to beat the rap by getting elected as president. And he's been unable to undermine the system so far. The courts still function and Trump still appears when ordered. The judges still have their independence and their jobs. Their orders remain effective.

When the voting public sees Trump lose control of his New York-registered businesses, including Trump Tower, the myth of Trump's wealth and strength will fade. Not by a lot, but by enough to make it impossible for him to win the election. The criminal trials will proceed and Trump will be jailed long enough to likely die in prison.
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US Navy
Meanwhile, Did anyone in Washington solve the border crisis, the drugs over the border, the folks sleeping in the streets, and the shop lifting in mass....u know they never mentioned it. We all get it, no one is listening.............


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Trump ran circles around the prosecution and the judge.
In some ways he did. But in the ways that affect the dollar amount of disgorgement Trump will be required to pay, the prosecution pinned Trump to the ground, under the weight of the admissions he made.

Trump succeed in using the trial to score political points. But those points count for nothing in determining the amount of disgorgement Trump will pay. Disgorgement is the question now before this Court. If Trump wants to play populist politics in this legal arena, that's his call. But his disgorgement reckoning will come just the same.

When the trial is over and Engoron's order to liquidate Trump's New York businesses is implemented, Trump will find little comfort inside the circles he is said to have run around this judge. "Yes, the judge stripped me of my New York businesses and forced me to pay hundreds of millions of dollars of fines, but I sure ran circles around him on Nov. 6, 2023, didn't I? That makes the asset forfeitures and fines totally worth it. Yep, when I was forced to testify that day, I ran circles around that judge."
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This MN 14th Amendment Ruling Makes Sense

The Minnesota Supreme Court dismissed the lawsuit that seeks to bar Trump from the presidential ballot on 14th Amendment grounds. They said a party primary is an internal party matter and there is no law that prevents a party from placing a candidate on the ballot who is ineligible to hold office. They pointed out that the general election is a different matter and the lawsuit could be filed again if Trump's name is submitted for inclusion on the general election ballot. But for a party primary, the party can name anyone they wish.

That reasoning makes sense to me. A party primary is indeed an internal party matter. The state is involved only so far as it prints the ballots and conducts the primary elections. This ruling will be appealed and we'll see how that goes. But for now in MN, we'll have to wait for Trump to become the nominee and for his name to be submitted for the general election ballot. At that point, the lawsuit can be filed anew.

In the long run, this could put the Republican Party at an existential disadvantage. If the 14th Amendment question was more quickly answered and Trump ended up being excluded from the ballot, the party would have time to nominate a replacement nominee. But now, if we have to wait for the general election ballot to be prepared before the suit can be refiled, and if a Trump-adverse ruling is made, the Republican Party will have precious little time to name and field a candidate.

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The Prosecution Rests

Today's testimony by Ivanka Trump was the final witness for the prosecution and the prosecution rests. Next, Trump's attorney's will present their defense. That will last about a month. Closing arguments will be made. Then Judge Engoron will rule, and the trial will be over.
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