The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
What did Mark Twain say about attorneys?

Lawyers are like other people--fools on the average; but it is easier for an ass to succeed in that trade than any other.
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Retired Expediter
I don't know what the Trump lawyers are advising their clients to do. To me, pleading the 5th seems like a wise thing for the Trumps to do.
Donald Trump, Jr. and Eric Trump have completed their testimony. Neither pleaded the 5th Amendment. Both answered the questions asked. Next up is Donald J. Trump on Monday. Ivanka will follow later in the week. Her appeal to be excused from testifying was denied by the appeals court.

There were no fireworks or bombshells coming out of the Trump sons' testimony. Prosecutors used the opportunity to further paint the Trumps into a corner, and further demonstrate the fraud the Trump family committed.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

You had your chance to pardon them, but I get why you didnt, they failed, you whipped them up into a frenzy so you could remain president after you lost the election and they did not prevent the transition of power.

By the way, I think most of them should be pardoned, Biden should do the right thing and make it happen.
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Retired Expediter
It will be appealed to the SCOTUS at some point.
You keep saying that, and I keep saying they will lose on appeal (Just like Ivanka recently lost her appeal to delay her testimony). In the meantime, the Trumps keep digging themselves in deeper and deeper.

"“Eric done for the day, and leaves the stand having been beat up badly,' tweeted former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman. 'He signed document after document, [including] for bank loans, that were inaccurate. He tries a combo of ‘I relied on the accountants’ and ‘I don't recall,’ but often flounders.'

"Litman added that a 'trial is a series of standout memorable moments — maybe 10 or so — surrounded by a lot of uneventful testimony. And so far the moments in the fraud trial have all broken for the NY AG & against the Trumps.'”
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Retired Expediter
Three Democratic-Appointed Appeals Court Judges Rule for Trump

Explain that, mutly. If the courts are as partisan as you claim, how is it possible two Obama and one Biden appointee rule in favor of Trump?

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You keep saying that, and I keep saying they will lose on appeal (Just like Ivanka recently lost her appeal to delay her testimony). In the meantime, the Trumps keep digging themselves in deeper and deeper.

"“Eric done for the day, and leaves the stand having been beat up badly,' tweeted former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman. 'He signed document after document, [including] for bank loans, that were inaccurate. He tries a combo of ‘I relied on the accountants’ and ‘I don't recall,’ but often flounders.'

"Litman added that a 'trial is a series of standout memorable moments — maybe 10 or so — surrounded by a lot of uneventful testimony. And so far the moments in the fraud trial have all broken for the NY AG & against the Trumps.'”
This kangaroo court case will be appealed to the SCOTUS.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Three Democratic-Appointed Appeals Court Judges Rule for Trump

Explain that, mutly. If the courts are as partisan as you claim, how is it possible two Obama and one Biden appointee rule in favor of Trump?

This fellow your go-to source?
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
RINO Trump

What does being a Republican mean to Donald Trump? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

He does not follow the Republican Party platform because there is no Republican Party platform. They have said their platform is whatever Trump's platform is.

He does not participate in the Republican Party primary debates, thereby giving voters a chance to compare and contrast all debate-eligible candidates on equal footing. He boycotts the debates and hosts media-competing events instead. And the Republican Party leadership has no problem with that.

He shows zero respect for the Republican Party affiliation and efforts of others. In his own words, referring to DeSantis, Trump said, "My people said, 'Sir, don't hit him, he's a Republican.' I said, 'I don't care if he's a Republican.' And we hit him hard and now he's like a wounded falling bird from the skies." (Source)

The Republican Party is not a party at all. Beyond a few Trump critics who still call themselves Republicans, the Republican Party is an organization largely dedicated to following the dictates of Trump.

Given how little the Republican Party name means to Trump, I would not be surprised to see him suggest it should be named the Trump party instead.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Trump doesn’t need to debate. We know his positions and those of his Republican opponents. His lead is insurmountable. We also don’t see the Left clamoring for Biden to participate in debates either. That’s one of the reasons RFK changed his party affiliation in running for President.
The party doesn’t have much choice not to follow the “dictates of Trump”. The base is overwhelmingly for Trump.
MAGA is synonymous with Trump, so there’s that.
Regarding DeSantis, he made his bed. Many people told him to merely wait until 2028 and he would have full support from MAGA, but instead was disloyal to someone that very likely got him elected as Governor.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
The party doesn’t have much choice not to follow the “dictates of Trump”. The base is overwhelmingly for Trump.
MAGA is synonymous with Trump, so there’s that.
Regarding DeSantis, he made his bed. Many people told him to merely wait until 2028 and he would have full support from MAGA, but instead was disloyal to someone that very likely got him elected as Governor.
Correct. The Republican Party is no longer a party. It is a Trump loyalty cult.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Many in MAGA are against more billions to Ukraine for their border dispute. They want money kept in our country for our citizens. They want our borders secure and to stop the influx of illegal aliens and to return them to their countries. Our country can’t handle the extra people and is overwhelming our infrastructure. MAGA is also against out of control spending that is skyrocketing our debt, and causing massive inflation. MAGA is for unleashing our natural gas and oil once again to lower energy prices. MAGA is for keeping our good paying jobs here and wants a leader that will defend those interests.
MAGA is supporting the candidate that believes in that the most.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This is what political persecution looks like. The Republican base may not be aware of the exact numbers , but they're aware of the extreme disparity between the Trump indictments - all made by biased prosecutors in Democrat venues. The result is the runaway situation described in the post below. The base thinks Trump is getting shafted and the sympathy vote is going his way in the polls.
Trump doesn’t need to debate. We know his positions and those of his Republican opponents. His lead is insurmountable.... The base is overwhelmingly for Trump.
As things stand right now Trump is going to be the nominee. However, what happens when he gets convicted for something serious in DC? We're going to have a GOP candidate that's been found guilty of criminal charges which will bring about an appeals process that will drag on for years. Will the Republican Convention nominate a convicted felon? Hopefully not, but since we don't know, we need to continue the primary debates and have somebody in the on deck circle in case Trump isn't the GOP nominee after all.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This is what political persecution looks like. The Republican base may not be aware of the exact numbers , but they're aware of the extreme disparity between the Trump indictments - all made by biased prosecutors in Democrat venues. The result is the runaway situation described in the post below. The base thinks Trump is getting shafted and the sympathy vote is going his way in the polls.

As things stand right now Trump is going to be the nominee. However, what happens when he gets convicted for something serious in DC? We're going to have a GOP candidate that's been found guilty of criminal charges which will bring about an appeals process that will drag on for years. Will the Republican Convention nominate a convicted felon? Hopefully not, but since we don't know, we need to continue the primary debates and have somebody in the on deck circle in case Trump isn't the GOP nominee after all.
MAGA won’t support Republicans nominating someone else because of a felony conviction that is politically motivated. They’ll see those Republicans as capitulating to the Dems dirty tactics and not fighting back politically. I know the Left hearing this will get them all giddy, but if the Republicans want to nominate someone else after what the Left has done, MAGA will just sit the election out. Who would they nominate anyway? An imploded DeSantis? Newcomer Vivek that most don’t know? Neo Nikki? Nope

It’s bad enough that the Left connives to circumvent the will of voters by removing Trump from the ballot and to politically persecute/prosecute him in very partisan blue areas, but then factions of the Republican Party try to do it as well at the convention? That’s stupid copying stupid.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It’s bad enough that the Left connives to circumvent the will of voters by removing Trump from the ballot and to politically persecute/prosecute him in very partisan blue areas, but then factions of the Republican Party try to do it as well at the convention? That’s stupid copying stupid.
Intra-party squabbling has been around since the beginning of the Republic, and it's a definite possibility that there will be GOP factions that want to take Trump out. This will be especially likely when - not if - he gets convicted of a felony in the highly biased DC court. The way things are shaping up, the GOP convention could be highly contentious unless some deals are made in the back rooms ahead of time. If the party decides they want to Trump to be the candidate regardless of his criminal status, then they better be sure Middle America is on board.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The SCOTUS very likely will shut the cases down until after the election. And may dismiss some of them outright per the immunity and impeachment clause. The records case will likely be after the election. Judge Cannon will be postponing that shortly.
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