The Trump Card...


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Retired Expediter
The Rats Are Fleeing the Sinking Ship

At the moment, Trump Media stock, market symbol DJT, is trading at $17.91 a share. As you can see from the chart, that's a new low since it began publicly trading. This downtrend is due to the upcoming Sept. 20 date. That's when the lockout period ends, which means the company insiders, including Trump, will be permitted to sell a vast quantity of shares if they choose to do so.

That's a great deal for them as they got their shares for free as they constructed this sham company. The money that funds the share value today came from dupes who were conned by this scam. For them, the declining share price is bad news.

We don't know if majority shareholder Trump will sell his stock on Sept. 20 to cash in at the expense of the dupes. We do know, from public filings, that a number of other insiders intend to exactly that. Either way, the fact that Trump can sell his shares on or after Sept. 20 is having the effect shown on the chart.

Also driving the price down are the smarter investors who are getting out before the price goes lower. For the last few weeks, there have been more sellers than buyers, which drives the price down. Those who are keeping the faith have only their faith to justify the poor decision to stay with this stock. The smart ones are cutting their losses. No one is taking profits at the present price. Everyone who is in this stock since the NASDAQ debut is in at a loss.

Some have suggested that this stock price is a good indicator for MAGA sentiment on Trump. I'm not so sure about that. This looks more like a classic pump and dump scheme, masterfully done in this case by Donald Trump. Once again, he conned a bunch of people into investing in one of his money losing companies, only to see him cash out with millions of their dollars for himself (maybe billions in this case) and leave them holding the bag.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
He can’t sell it if nobody wants to buy it…. But then again there are plenty of MAGA morons….. can’t wait to see what happens on the 20th.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
He can’t sell it if nobody wants to buy it…. But then again there are plenty of MAGA morons….. can’t wait to see what happens on the 20th.
Buyers will emerge if the price drops low enough. How low that has to be remains to be seen. On the way further down, you can count on the highly dedicated dupes to encourage their colleagues to invest more at these bargain prices to show their support for Donald Trump.

It is not guaranteed that the stock will continue it's downtrend. It is entirely possible that a news event or some Trump or insider back room market manipulation may spike the stock up. The insiders may attempt such moves several times so they can unload their shares at higher prices and more dupes jump in on fake news or other such thing.

"Show the libs who's boss! Buy Trump stock! Make America great again! Keep sending money to Trump!
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90 million followers on X too:
Harris has 20 million followers on X. She also has more campaign money than Trump, more volunteers, more enthusiastic supporters, more people attending a greater number of campaign events, more newly registered voters, etc. What good is 90 million X followers if they give you little? Per X follower, Harris's numbers in any important election indicator are higher by an order of magnitude.

By the way, how did X work out for Tucker Carlson? It seems we've heard little from or about him lately. Also, how is X working out for Elon Musk? By any traditional business measure, Musk's purchase of X is hardly a success. Even he realized this early on. He tried to get out of the deal he made.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Harris has 20 million followers on X. She also has more campaign money than Trump, more volunteers, more enthusiastic supporters, more people attending a greater number of campaign events, more newly registered voters, etc. What good is 90 million X followers if they give you little? Per X follower, Harris's numbers in any important election indicator are higher by an order of magnitude.

By the way, how did X work out for Tucker Carlson? It seems we've heard little from or about him lately. Also, how is X working out for Elon Musk? By any traditional business measure, Musk's purchase of X is hardly a success. Even he realized this early on. He tried to get out of the deal he made.
More enthusiastic supporters?Where are you getting your alternative “facts”?


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Retired Expediter
Where is Trump?

We know Trump did no public campaign events on Monday, Labor Day, while Harris and Walz did three. I did not see anything of Trump on the campaign trail yesterday (Tues.) either. Today, Harris will do a public event in New Hampshire. Walz will do two stops in PA. Does Trump have anything scheduled today?

Usually, Labor Day marks the beginning of the final, intense phase for presidential campaigns. Not so much for Trump, it seems. This is odd candidate behavior. Where is Trump and what is he doing? How is his physical and mental health? Does he need the rest? Is his staff keeping off the trail to minimize his blunders? If he's not out on the trail campaigning, what is he doing to win the hearts and minds of the voters he needs?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Trump: interviews( something Harris doesn’t do) on media yesterday, townhall today,speech Friday, rally on Saturday.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Trump: interviews( something Harris doesn’t do) on media yesterday, townhall today,speech Friday, rally on Saturday.
Low energy. The old addled man cannot keep pace with his younger rivals. They're pulling ahead. He's falling behind.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Trump: interviews( something Harris doesn’t do)
A strategy that's working quite well, don't you think? She did no interviews. Her strength grew. She did one interview. Her strength grew. Going forward, it won't matter how many interviews she does or does not do. voters are not keeping count. They're looking for a candidate they can believe in. The upcoming debate will settle that question for millions.

Trump's buttons are easily pushed. Prosecutor Harris will play convicted felon Trump like a fiddle.
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