The Trump Card...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This is not gaslighting. Gaslighting is "1. the use of psychological manipulation to undermine a person’s faith in their own judgment, memory, or sanity. 2.the practice of deceiving people through the repetition of a constructed false narrative." (

It was a surprising error made by several of the legal experts I regularly listen to. One of my favorites is Neal Katyal. He made the error too. I listen to him because he is almost always right. When he says an appellate court will rule in a certain way, that turns out to be true. When he says a certain argument made in court is flawed, that too turns out to be how the judge rules. I have been listening to him for years and this is the first time I have seen him make a mistake like this.

That was a surprise. But I'm not going to dismiss the man because of a single error. He knows the law better than me, and I will continue to weigh his views above most others who are talking on TV. As a practicing attorney, he has argued 41 cases before the US Supreme Court in the last decade. People would hire him to do that if they did not deem him competent.

If he makes another error, I'll acknowledge that, just as I'm acknowledging this one. He is to me not an idol, and I am not his fan boy. Katyal is a competent attorney who, almost always, explains things well.
Gaslighting has taken on a new meaning in the past few years. Especially with those in the “news” media that repetitively tell a lie to their audience. Like Russia collusion and the fine people on both sides Trump press conference. They say the lie over and over again that their audience believes it’s true.
Many “experts” got the story wrong because they didn’t do their due diligence to find out the nuance in the statute, which could have easily found out.
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Retired Expediter
Gaslighting has taken on a new meaning in the past few years. Especially with those in the “news” media that repetitively tell a lie to their audience. Like Russia collusion and the fine people on both sides Trump press conference. They say the lie over and over again that their audience believes it’s true.
Many “experts” got the story wrong because they didn’t do their due diligence to find out the nuance in the statute, which could have easily found out.
I'm telling you what the dictionary says "gaslighting" means. If you want to believe it means something else, suit yourself.
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What Did Trump Accomplish at Trial This Week?

After 2.5 days at his NY fraud trial, Trump has returned home to Florida. His attendance at trial was not required. It was voluntary and Trump chose to attend. He returned to FL with something he did not have before he left; a partial gag order issued by a federal judge. What else did Trump gain or lose on this trip?

We have not heard a dollar amount, but he likely gained campaign contributions. He send out a number of fundraising messages that referenced the trial, and his presence there enhanced those messages.

He fully succeeded in keeping the spotlight off his Republican primary rivals. The cameras were on Trump the whole time, except when the US House Republican civil war came into full view as the House ousted McCarthy.

Trump gained air time to spew his usual vitriol about being a victim of a rigged system and people who have power over him that are, according to Trump, deficient and unworthy in many ways.

But I'm also wondering about an unintended consequence of cry-baby Trump coming to trial to spew his usual crap. Trump did not affect the trial in any way. The trial went on as scheduled. The judge was not afraid to slap him with a gag order. The DA was unphazed. Trump behaved himself in court. The witnesses freely and fearlessly testified with Trump looking on. Most important, the trial itself proceeded apace. It is not going away.

By attending as he did, and not impacting the trial in any way, Trump did not undermine the trial. He added credibility to it. People who watched saw first hand that this is the real deal, and Trump is in real trouble. It does not matter if Trump attends or not. His presence is irrelevant. The trial will go on.
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Veteran Expediter
Gaslighting has taken on a new meaning in the past few years. Especially with those in the “news” media that repetitively tell a lie to their audience.

And particularly for consumers of Faux News, NewsMax, OAN, Bannon's War Room ...


Like Russia collusion

For all those blind squirrels ... who seen to be totally incapable of finding the occasional nut:

Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”

and the fine people on both sides Trump press conference.

Full context:

In Context: Donald Trump’s ‘very fine people on both sides’ remarks (transcript)

They say the lie over and over again that their audience believes it’s true.

Projection ?

Many “experts” got the story wrong because they didn’t do their due diligence to find out the nuance in the statute, which could have easily found out.

Yeah ... hey it was so easy that you linked to the text of the statute so everyone could see for themselves ... right ?

Oh ... wait ...


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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Some have the clown argument that a couple Russian troll farms( that weren’t prosecuted) is evidence of Russia collusion and people that protested the removal of a statue before the knotsies showed up can’t be very fine people.


Veteran Expediter
For those with the clownish argument that it’s against the rules for Trump to be Speaker, that’s some funnychit right there.

Not funny at all, it's a fact: under the current rules he would be required to step aside.

Having “rules” never stopped the Dems from ignoring them when they wanted to. See Harry Reid filibuster change

They didn't ignore them - with regard to the filibuster, they voted to change them.


House R's haven't done that ... at least not yet.

Which shows the idiocy of the Texas Representative in question.

But hey ... Texas !!! ...


or J6 show trial without Republican leadership on it.

My, my, my ... how far we have come from condemning the violence that was perpetrated by The Orange Man's violent domestic terrorist horde ...

One would think that someone truly concerned about such a stain on our nation's history, would be interested in getting to the bottom of what happened there ... like having a Congressional investigation into it, composed of Serious People™.

Members of The Flying Butt Monkey Squad™ probably need not apply ...


Also, the great state of Ohio wants Trump to be the Speaker too. (Jim Jordan)

Yeah ... Gym Jordan ain't The Great State of Ohio ...

At best, he's a clown and an embarrassment ...

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Veteran Expediter
Some have the clown argument that a couple Russian troll farms (that weren’t prosecuted)

Did you bother reading the link I provided ?

Read Mueller’s full indictment against 12 Russian officers for election interference

In the United States, trial in absentia, isn't a thing.


All of Robert Mueller’s indictments and plea deals in the Russia investigation

is evidence of Russia collusion

Only part of the evidence.


and people that protested the removal of a statue before the knotsies showed up can’t be very fine people.


Maybe acquainting oneself with the actual timeline of events and who actually organized the ongoing disasters - preceding and ultimately culminating in the "United The Right" Rally - would lend some better insights as to what actually happened ... and who was there from the very beginning.

This Neo-Nazi organized the Aug 11-12 "Unite The Right" rally:


That's the MAGAt version of "very fine people":

Jason Kessler


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This definition fits MSNBC and their "experts" like a glove, especially when it comes to Trump.
I was thinking definition 2. fit Trump like a glove: "2. the practice of deceiving people through the repetition of a constructed false narrative."

Which of us is correct? That depends on what one perceives as the "false narrative." It seems to me Trump is a master of the false narrative. He knows he lost the election but promotes the big lie that he won, and he got millions of people to believe him. That's a false narrative and the gaslighting of others.

What would you say MSNBC's false narrative is?
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Trump Disqualified

A theme is developing.

Trump is disqualified from doing business in New York because his business certificates have been revoked.

Trump is disqualified from being nominated for House Speaker because he is indicted on 91 criminal felony counts.

Trump may be disqualified from being on the ballot because of his insurrection activity.

The last item is being heard and awaits rulings in two state courts. We'll learn later about that disqualification when the 14th Amendment cases are appealed and taken up by the US Supreme court.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
What would you say MSNBC's false narrative is?
Muttly already covered the Russia Collusion hoax, so there's that. There's so much subject matter it would take more time than I'm willing to give to stating the obvious. However there are a couple that jump out, the first being Trump's incitement of the Jan 6 "insurrection" which has yet to be proven in a court of law and probably never will be. But a more important false narrative is their continuing promotion of the notion that Joe Biden is mentally competent and completely capable of the expectations of his job as POTUS. The tone of the following article is typical MSNBC narrative: Biden is doing great and Trump is the devil incarnate. Of course this is meant to be red meat for liberals in spite of recent polls that show a vast majority of Democrats would rather see someone else as their nominee in 2024.

"The truth is that if this was actually about Biden’s ability to fulfill his duties as president, you don’t have to sit around and play doctor; all you have to do is look at how he’s been fulfilling his duties as president...

Again, we don’t have to guess whether Biden is capable of doing the job, because he’s quite literally already doing it — and I’d argue doing it more effectively than any other president in modern American history...

And I have every ounce of faith in the world that Americans — who, yes, may certainly recognize that Biden is old — won’t make that a higher priority than the fact that his opponent is a dangerous, anti-democratic authoritarian currently contending with four indictments and 91 criminal charges and whose most recent act as president was to incite an insurrection against our own government."

"Among those voters, 18% specified another candidate but the overwhelming majority – 82% – said they “just want to see someone besides” the current president."

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Judge's Order Brings the Dissolution of Trump's NY Businesses Closer

Judge Engoron issued an order yesterday, the effect of which is to bring all of Trump's New York businesses into focus so they can be easily identified and handed over to a court-appointed receiver and dissolved. The order also keeps the defendants from doing anything with these businesses that is not first reported to the court-appointed Monitor. In effect, these business assets are frozen pending their transfer to a receiver.

See the order here.

The order to dissolve these businesses was issued last week and Trump has appealed. But that order has not been stayed by the issuing judge or the higher court. Accordingly, the dissolution steps are proceeding. If the order is not stayed or reversed by the higher court, Trump will lose control of his New York businesses in the very near future.
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More #ETTD

Mike Lindell's lawyers want off the case. They are defending him in the Dominion lawsuit but he is not paying them.

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Be Careful What You Ask For

Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Florida) has formally asked Palm Beach County to tax Mar-a-Lago at rate Trump claims it's worth. Trump has claimed it's worth 50-100 times its appraisal value, up to $1.5 billion.

Copy of Letter
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Be Careful What You Ask For

Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Florida) has formally asked Palm Beach County to tax Mar-a-Lago at rate Trump claims it's worth. Trump has claimed it's worth 50-100 times its appraisal value, up to $1.5 billion.

Copy of Letter
Oh no, can't do that! How dare we ask
Him to pay his fair share.

It's so mean, it's a conspiracy against him, blah, blah, blah,....
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