The Trump Card...


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Retired Expediter
For the constitutional “scholars”.
Instead of wishful-thinking social media memes, I suggest you get your information from the indictments issued by two grand juries in two states, Michigan and Georgia, in which probable cause was found and fake electors were charged with crimes. You can be sure a fair amount of constitutional scholarship was used by the prosecutors and judges who saw this process through.

While MAGA meme-land remains popular with some, real-world documents rule the day.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Instead of wishful-thinking social media memes, I suggest you get your information from the indictments issued by two grand juries in two states, Michigan and Georgia, in which probable cause was found and fake electors were charged with crimes. You can be sure a fair amount of constitutional scholarship was used by the prosecutors and judges who saw this process through.

While MAGA meme-land remains popular with some, real-world documents rule the day.
It wasn’t a meme. It was verbatim from the constitution, which I highlighted. :JC-hysterical:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Prosecutors know this. They will carefully screen. Notice the many Jan 6. jury trials already completed. Many convictions. No secret MAGA operatives on the jury. Notice other trials where known Trump supporters were on the jury but they voted to convict because they took their oath seriously and they came to believe the witnesses and evidence presented against the defendants.
Do you have a number on how many, if any, “Trump
Supporters” were on those J6 juries?


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Do you have a number on how many, if any, “Trump
Supporters” were on those J6 juries?
No, I do not have a number. My information comes from a commentator who mentioned it on TV and I do not remember the person's name. She did cite the Manafort case as a specific example where one or more known Trump supporters were on the jury.

Your question prompted me to look deeper. What I found enhanced my faith in the jury selection process and system.
Per Google Bard:

"Yes, there were Trump supporters on the juries for the Manafort trials. One of the jurors in the first trial, Paula Duncan, has spoken publicly about her experience. She said that she is a Trump supporter and that she drove to the courthouse every day with her "Make America Great Again" hat in the back seat. She also said that she planned to vote for Trump again in 2020.

"Duncan said that she didn't want Manafort to be guilty, but she voted to convict him because the evidence of his guilt was "overwhelming." She also said that she was "very disappointed" in Trump's comments about the trial, which she called 'unpresidential.'

"It is important to note that Duncan was not the only Trump supporter on the jury. Other jurors have also said that they were Trump supporters, but they have not spoken publicly about their experiences."

When I asked Bard about the Jan 6 trials, it answered:

"It is possible that there were Trump supporters on the juries for the January 6 riot trials, but it is difficult to say for sure. Jurors are not required to disclose their political affiliations, and they are instructed to set aside their personal beliefs and biases when deliberating.

"However, some of the jurors in these trials have spoken publicly about their experiences, and some of them have revealed that they are Trump supporters. For example, one juror in the trial of Guy Reffitt said,"I was able to set aside my personal beliefs and vote based on the evidence presented in court," the juror said. "The evidence was overwhelming."

When I asked Bard for more, Bard said:

'Yes, there are other cases where Trump supporters have spoken publicly about their jury experience.

"For example, in the trial of Roger Stone, a longtime associate of former President Trump, one of the jurors, Tomeka Hart, spoke publicly after the trial about her experience as a Trump supporter on the jury. She said that she was initially skeptical of the evidence against Stone, but that she ultimately voted to convict him because she felt that the evidence was overwhelming. She also said that she was not pressured by the other jurors to vote to convict.

"In another case, in the trial of Michael Cohen, Trump's former personal lawyer, one of the jurors, Joanna Hendon, spoke publicly after the trial about her experience as a Trump supporter on the jury. She said that she was initially hesitant to believe the evidence against Cohen, but that she ultimately voted to convict him because she felt that the evidence was credible.

Above, when I said prosecutors will "carefully screen," I did not mean they will screen Trump supporters out. The examples above clearly show prosecutors do not do that. If they did, there would be no Trump supporters on the juries, but, obviously, there are indeed Trump supporters on these juries. I meant prosecutors will carefully screen for jurors who can set aside their political believes and sit in judgement of the facts in evidence.

It is quite interesting, isn't it? We see Trump supporters being selected as jurors who then take their juror duties seriously and act accordingly.

I have expressed faith in the jury selection process and jury system before here on EO. That's because I have been twice called for jury duty and am personally familiar with the process. Having seen what I've seen, and now reading the confirming info above, I have great faith that Trump's attorneys, prosecutors and the judges can together assemble juries that will fairly hear and decide on the matters at hand.

I believe that will be equally true in the trials in Washington, DC, Atlanta Ga, and Fort Pierce FL.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So Two documemented cases with Trump supporters on J6 juries out of hundreds of cases and one Trump lawyer that Bard called a juror. Ok good.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
So Two documemented cases with Trump supporters on J6 juries out of hundreds of cases and one Trump lawyer that Bard called a juror. Ok good.

Read my edited post. Correctons made and Additional info.

Also note that jurors are not required to talk publicly about their jury experience. There is no way for us to know how many Trump supporters are on juries where Trump is relevant in the trial. But clearly, there are some; and clearly, they will vote to convict where the facts and evidence indicates guilt. And it's also clear that prosecutors do not disqualify Trump supporters as jurors for the sole reason they are Trump supporters.

I think it is safe to assume Trump supporters will be on juries in at least some of the upcoming trials if not all of them, and I remain fully confident that they will do their part to provide fair trials for Trump.
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Retired Expediter
Trump: "It Was My Decision."

Trump made news on one of the Sunday shows this weekend, saying it was his decision to act to overturn the 2020 election. He had previously voiced a defense that he relied on his attorneys who gave him bad advice. His comments made this weekend are admissible as evidence, and they totally undermine his "blame my attorneys" defense.

To the extent his intent is an issue, Trump made it crystal clear he intended to overturn the election.

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Veteran Expediter
Trump: "It Was My Decision."

Trump made news on one of the Sunday shows this weekend, saying it was his decision to act to overturn the 2020 election. He had previously voiced a defense that he relied on his attorneys who gave him bad advice. His comments made this weekend are admissible as evidence, and they totally undermine his "blame my attorneys" defense.

To the extent his intent is an issue, Trump made it crystal clear he intended to overturn the election.

Yeah, the video of that will likely be played for a jury ...


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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Both things can be true at the same time:
1. On election night he stated that he won the election. Here are two of his quotes:

2. He listened to what his lawyers said and what could be done constitutionally in challenging the election. The clause below is the CONTEXT that was used. The Legislature has the final say in the Electors.

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No, I do not have a number. My information comes from a commentator who mentioned it on TV and I do not remember the person's name. She did cite the Manafort case as a specific example where one or more known Trump supporters were on the jury.

Your question prompted me to look deeper. What I found enhanced my faith in the jury selection process and system.
Per Google Bard:

"Yes, there were Trump supporters on the juries for the Manafort trials. One of the jurors in the first trial, Paula Duncan, has spoken publicly about her experience. She said that she is a Trump supporter and that she drove to the courthouse every day with her "Make America Great Again" hat in the back seat. She also said that she planned to vote for Trump again in 2020.

"Duncan said that she didn't want Manafort to be guilty, but she voted to convict him because the evidence of his guilt was "overwhelming." She also said that she was "very disappointed" in Trump's comments about the trial, which she called 'unpresidential.'

"It is important to note that Duncan was not the only Trump supporter on the jury. Other jurors have also said that they were Trump supporters, but they have not spoken publicly about their experiences."

When I asked Bard about the Jan 6 trials, it answered:

"It is possible that there were Trump supporters on the juries for the January 6 riot trials, but it is difficult to say for sure. Jurors are not required to disclose their political affiliations, and they are instructed to set aside their personal beliefs and biases when deliberating.

"However, some of the jurors in these trials have spoken publicly about their experiences, and some of them have revealed that they are Trump supporters. For example, one juror in the trial of Guy Reffitt said,"I was able to set aside my personal beliefs and vote based on the evidence presented in court," the juror said. "The evidence was overwhelming."

When I asked Bard for more, Bard said:

'Yes, there are other cases where Trump supporters have spoken publicly about their jury experience.

"For example, in the trial of Roger Stone, a longtime associate of former President Trump, one of the jurors, Tomeka Hart, spoke publicly after the trial about her experience as a Trump supporter on the jury. She said that she was initially skeptical of the evidence against Stone, but that she ultimately voted to convict him because she felt that the evidence was overwhelming. She also said that she was not pressured by the other jurors to vote to convict.

"In another case, in the trial of Michael Cohen, Trump's former personal lawyer, one of the jurors, Joanna Hendon, spoke publicly after the trial about her experience as a Trump supporter on the jury. She said that she was initially hesitant to believe the evidence against Cohen, but that she ultimately voted to convict him because she felt that the evidence was credible.

Above, when I said prosecutors will "carefully screen," I did not mean they will screen Trump supporters out. The examples above clearly show prosecutors do not do that. If they did, there would be no Trump supporters on the juries, but, obviously, there are indeed Trump supporters on these juries. I meant prosecutors will carefully screen for jurors who can set aside their political believes and sit in judgement of the facts in evidence.

It is quite interesting, isn't it? We see Trump supporters being selected as jurors who then take their juror duties seriously and act accordingly.

I have expressed faith in the jury selection process and jury system before here on EO. That's because I have been twice called for jury duty and am personally familiar with the process. Having seen what I've seen, and now reading the confirming info above, I have great faith that Trump's attorneys, prosecutors and the judges can together assemble juries that will fairly hear and decide on the matters at hand.

I believe that will be equally true in the trials in Washington, DC, Atlanta Ga, and Fort Pierce FL.
And there is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Trump worshipper, the supporter will go into the jury room with an open mind and will do what they think is right, the worshipper will go into the jury room and ignore the evidence and will say not guilty.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So making it easier for people to vote means the election is rigged? Well when the GOP takes over next year they will do their best to disqualify as many voters that do not agree with their ideals. I will say it again, if Trump wins next year, we will never vote for another president.
Yes, IMG_4590.jpegif you’re ok with this?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes, View attachment 22969if you’re ok with this?
How old do you think those lists are? Correct me if im wrong but those lists are checked over every so often and updated, could a few be wrong, absolutely, but enough to matter?

With all the mail in votes how to do you verify signatures? When I registered to vote online and requested my mail in ballot, there is no signature to even match to. But that in itself is irrelevant, technology has made the need to match signature obsolete.

Do you actually believe that observers were thrown out so they could rig the election? Or do you just believe the people who are telling you that?

To end, we have the technology that we dont even need to leave our homes to vote, but the GOP knows that they would never win another election if voting was that easy.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
And there is the difference between a Trump supporter and a Trump worshipper, the supporter will go into the jury room with an open mind and will do what they think is right, the worshipper will go into the jury room and ignore the evidence and will say not guilty.
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Veteran Expediter
Both things can be true at the same time:
1. On election night he stated that he won the election. Here are two of his quotes:
View attachment 22966View attachment 22967

Neither of which - unfortunately for Trump and his supporters - were true.

2. He listened to what his lawyers said

Not quite the complete picture:

1. He ignored advice from the attorneys in the WH Counsel's Office and attorneys and officials with his own campaign, and then

2. Sought out advice from a group of rag-tag crackpots ... who just happened to have law licenses.

and what could be done constitutionally in challenging the election.

Yeah ... no.

Declaring martial law and having the military seize voting machines and ballots isn't a thing under the Constitution.

I cite that not because Trump actually ordered it to be done (he didn't), but rather because it shows the degree of kookery of the people he ultimately settled on to advise him.

The. Very. Best. People.

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